
Cassiel Aurelfell's page

42 posts. Alias of The Rising Phoenix.


M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel quickly moves forward to engage the attack striking at Esirelle. After swinging, he extends his aura out across the battlefield.

Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24 Damage S: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (6) = 7

Cassiel will use FoG on Esirelle's attacker, 13 less damage. The attacker takes 4 persistent spirit damage and is off-guard. All enemies within 30' of Cassiel are subject to Revealing Light (dazzled).

↻ Reactions: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block:

Divine Grace
You call upon your deity’s grace, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to the save.

Flash of Grandeur
An enemy damages your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura; Effect Imperious divine light flashes out from you to surround your foe. The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. For 1 round, the attacker is affected by revealing light.

(1) Exalted Reaction: In addition to the enemy affected by Flash of Grandeur, each other enemy in your champion’s aura (30') is affected by the revealing light spell for 1 round.

(2) Relentless Reaction: The enemy also takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier (4), and it can’t recover from this persistent damage while affected by the revealing light from your Flash of Grandeur.

(3) Brilliant Flash: Your light cleanses souls of fear. When you use Flash of Grandeur, the attacker is also off-guard for 1 round.

(4) Revealing Light
Range 120 feet; Area 10-foot burst
Defense Reflex; Duration varies

A wave of magical light washes over the area. You choose the appearance of the light, such as colorful, heatless flames or sparkling motes. A creature affected by revealing light is dazzled. If the creature was invisible, it becomes concealed instead. If the creature was already concealed for any other reason, it is no longer concealed.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The light affects the creature for 2 rounds.
Failure The light affects the creature for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The light affects the creature for 10 minutes.

Reactive Shield
You can snap your shield into place just as you would take a blow, avoiding the hit at the last second. You immediately use the Raise a Shield action and gain your shield’s bonus to AC. The circumstance bonus from the shield applies to your AC when you’re determining the outcome of the triggering attack.

Shield Block
You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel continues to engage Kharya while the others talk over the items.

Kharya Niush wrote:
Kharya's laughter stills, and she replaces her helm with a "Your world's too tidy, Cass. Just because it fits together doesn't mean the world's a flawless masterpiece - sometimes a mechanism runs smoothly because it's already ground down everything out of place."

Cassiel meets Kharya’s gaze with a calm expression. "The world isn’t flawless, Kharya. On this, we agree. It’s full of rough edges and imperfections and things that don’t fit. But that’s exactly why we fight to bring light and beauty into it."

He steps closer the armored warrior, softening his tone. "A well-oiled mechanism may grind away at what’s different or out of place, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We can choose to make room for the unexpected, to see value in things that others might overlook. Even in the broken, the strange, and the flawed, there’s something worth preserving. It’s not about perfection, it’s about seeing beauty in the struggle to find meaning, even if the world seems like it’s trying to grind it away."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block
Kharya Niush wrote:
A rasping, grating noise works its way out of Kharya's helm, and she nearly doubles over, tearing her helmet off to breathe better as she wheezes with laughter. Tears stream down her brassy cheeks. "It's- it's a camel's foot jammed into a bird's beak. Truly, a face not even an upland mother could love."

Cassiel is caught off guard by Kharya's laughter and watches as she doubles over in tears. As usual, he needs a little time to gather his thoughts.

After a moment he responds in typical measured and calm voice "Even in the most unlikely of places, there can be beauty. Perhaps not in the obvious sense, but in what it represents. History, tradition, even humor. And laughter-" He pauses briefly to motion to Kharya herself, waiting for her to recover from her fit, "-laughter is a beauty in itself, wouldn’t you agree?"

Cerulean Skies wrote:
"Who knows what value it may hold to the giants of these lands though. I think there could be beauty in a story behind it at least. If we want to keep on that track that is."

Cassiel smiles, briefly touching his forehead and extending it to Cerulean as a gesture of affirmation. You’re right, Cerulean. There is always a story behind the things people hold dear, and in that story lies beauty, even if it’s not immediately clear to us."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel listens to Kharya’s remark about fighting for beauty, turning to face her as he contemplates the concept. After collecting his thoughts, he walks over and joins the conversation. Much to absolutely no ones surprise, the champion does not suggest money.

"There’s truth in what you say, Kharya. On this we are aligned, I believe." This a subject Cassiel is quite passionate about and has spoken (at length) many times before. "Beauty is worth fighting for, but not just the kind found in treasures or relics." He places a gauntleted hand over his chest and continues "True beauty is in the light we bring to the world, the hope we inspire, and the example we set. For we fight not for hollow promises, but for a world where beauty can thrive-where it shines as a reflection of what’s good, pure, and right."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Kharya takes 13 less damage. The attacker takes 4 persistent spirit damage and is off-guard. All enemies within 30' of Cassiel are subject to Revealing Light (dazzled).

Speaking to Tim without actually looking at him, Cassiel turns his head slightly and says "I won't let him hurt you, Timdok."

He engages by striking twice before raising his shield.

Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (1) + 21 = 22 Damage S: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (6) = 8
Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21 Damage S: 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (2) = 4

↻ Reactions: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block:

Divine Grace
You call upon your deity’s grace, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to the save.

Flash of Grandeur
An enemy damages your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura; Effect Imperious divine light flashes out from you to surround your foe. The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. For 1 round, the attacker is affected by revealing light.

(1) Exalted Reaction: In addition to the enemy affected by Flash of Grandeur, each other enemy in your champion’s aura (30') is affected by the revealing light spell for 1 round.

(2) Relentless Reaction: The enemy also takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier (4), and it can’t recover from this persistent damage while affected by the revealing light from your Flash of Grandeur.

(3) Brilliant Flash: Your light cleanses souls of fear. When you use Flash of Grandeur, the attacker is also off-guard for 1 round.

(4) Revealing Light
Range 120 feet; Area 10-foot burst
Defense Reflex; Duration varies

A wave of magical light washes over the area. You choose the appearance of the light, such as colorful, heatless flames or sparkling motes. A creature affected by revealing light is dazzled. If the creature was invisible, it becomes concealed instead. If the creature was already concealed for any other reason, it is no longer concealed.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The light affects the creature for 2 rounds.
Failure The light affects the creature for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The light affects the creature for 10 minutes.

Reactive Shield
You can snap your shield into place just as you would take a blow, avoiding the hit at the last second. You immediately use the Raise a Shield action and gain your shield’s bonus to AC. The circumstance bonus from the shield applies to your AC when you’re determining the outcome of the triggering attack.

Shield Block
You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Let's apply to Tim, he's squishier.

Cassiel grins when Kharya shrugs off the first hit, invites another attack and then is clawed in return. He slashes with his blade, expands his aura to 30' and then raises his shield again.

Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (9) + 21 = 30 Damage S: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (4) = 6

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block


Farrina the Fabulous wrote:
Farrina gives Cassiel a friendly shoulder shove. "Feel free to ignore her. You can stroke my ego all you want," she declares with smirk.

"I’ll keep that in mind, Farrina, but I think you’ve got plenty of confidence without my help." Cassiel responds, trying to get focused at the task at hand.


Trying his best to keep pace with Timdok as he flashes forward, Cassiel quickly gets winded from the sprint. Once they reach the point of striking, his blade flashes out ... and misses his target by a solid two feet. Breathing heavy and trying to catch his breath, he raises his shield.

Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (1) + 21 = 22 Damage S: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (2) = 3

Cassiel will use FoG on whoever gets attacked, 13 less damage. The attacker takes 4 persistent spirit damage and is off-guard. All enemies within 30' of Cassiel are subject to Revealing Light (dazzled).

↻ Reactions: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block:

Divine Grace
You call upon your deity’s grace, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to the save.

Flash of Grandeur
An enemy damages your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura; Effect Imperious divine light flashes out from you to surround your foe. The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. For 1 round, the attacker is affected by revealing light.

(1) Exalted Reaction: In addition to the enemy affected by Flash of Grandeur, each other enemy in your champion’s aura (30') is affected by the revealing light spell for 1 round.

(2) Relentless Reaction: The enemy also takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier (4), and it can’t recover from this persistent damage while affected by the revealing light from your Flash of Grandeur.

(3) Brilliant Flash: Your light cleanses souls of fear. When you use Flash of Grandeur, the attacker is also off-guard for 1 round.

(4) Revealing Light
Range 120 feet; Area 10-foot burst
Defense Reflex; Duration varies

A wave of magical light washes over the area. You choose the appearance of the light, such as colorful, heatless flames or sparkling motes. A creature affected by revealing light is dazzled. If the creature was invisible, it becomes concealed instead. If the creature was already concealed for any other reason, it is no longer concealed.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The light affects the creature for 2 rounds.
Failure The light affects the creature for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The light affects the creature for 10 minutes.

Reactive Shield
You can snap your shield into place just as you would take a blow, avoiding the hit at the last second. You immediately use the Raise a Shield action and gain your shield’s bonus to AC. The circumstance bonus from the shield applies to your AC when you’re determining the outcome of the triggering attack.

Shield Block
You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel slowly turns to face Kharya, his voice remaining calm. "Kharya, my friend, we are all here for the same purpose, and I don’t believe anyone’s ego is being stroked."

He starts striding towards her and is about to engage with her to ask what is bothering her when Timdok speaks up. Cassiel pivots, turning to face the halfling and offers "I could fly you up there, if there are no better options."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Before we move on.

Cassiel gives Cerulean a warm, understanding smile. "You give me too much credit, Cerulean. My shield may protect us, but it’s your skill and care that keep us all standing. The Dawnflower’s blessings may guide my hand, but it’s in the hands of my allies like you that truly lives are truly saved."

As they turn away, he releases his grip on their shoulder and gently pats their back twice and adds softly "Don't diminish your worth. We all have our roles to play, and yours is every bit as vital as mine." before returning to the group, rallying everyone to get moving again.


Cassiel stands at the edge of the ledge, peering down into the darkness abyss below. Turning back to the group he says "That crack above is where the sound’s coming from, but the opening to the east is likely where we need to go."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

"Forty for me, is it?" Cassiel chuckles softly, shaking his head. [b]"I’ll gladly take the lead when the time comes, but let’s not count our victories before they’re won."

As Cerulean finishes the healing, he places a hand on their shoulder. "Thank you again, Cerulean. Your skills are nothing short of miraculous. We are blessed to have you with us."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

As Cassiel steps into position, he can’t help but notice the constant chatter from his companions. Frowning, he thinks to himself I had forgotten that they always talk this much during battle.

His thoughts leave him briefly distracted by Ceruliean's commenatary, Farrina's sharp retorts and Timdok's quips. Shaking the thought away, he swinging his brilliant scimitar in two quick arcs, but neither is well-placed. Afterwards, he raises his shield quickly

Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (5) + 21 = 26 Damage S: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (3) = 7
Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (7) + 16 = 23 Damage S: 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + (4) = 7

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel extends Sarenrae's radiance to Tim, attempting to circumvent the majority of the damage to the halflight. He swings twice and then raises his shield.

Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (9) + 21 = 30 Damage S: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (5) = 7
Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (7) + 16 = 23 Damage S: 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (4) = 8

Cassiel will use FoG on Timdok's attacker, 13 less damage. The attacker takes 4 persistent spirit damage and is off-guard. All enemies within 30' of Cassiel are subject to Revealing Light (dazzled).

↻ Reactions: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block:

Divine Grace
You call upon your deity’s grace, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to the save.

Flash of Grandeur
An enemy damages your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura; Effect Imperious divine light flashes out from you to surround your foe. The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. For 1 round, the attacker is affected by revealing light.

(1) Exalted Reaction: In addition to the enemy affected by Flash of Grandeur, each other enemy in your champion’s aura (30') is affected by the revealing light spell for 1 round.

(2) Relentless Reaction: The enemy also takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier (4), and it can’t recover from this persistent damage while affected by the revealing light from your Flash of Grandeur.

(3) Brilliant Flash: Your light cleanses souls of fear. When you use Flash of Grandeur, the attacker is also off-guard for 1 round.

(4) Revealing Light
Range 120 feet; Area 10-foot burst
Defense Reflex; Duration varies

A wave of magical light washes over the area. You choose the appearance of the light, such as colorful, heatless flames or sparkling motes. A creature affected by revealing light is dazzled. If the creature was invisible, it becomes concealed instead. If the creature was already concealed for any other reason, it is no longer concealed.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The light affects the creature for 2 rounds.
Failure The light affects the creature for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The light affects the creature for 10 minutes.

Reactive Shield
You can snap your shield into place just as you would take a blow, avoiding the hit at the last second. You immediately use the Raise a Shield action and gain your shield’s bonus to AC. The circumstance bonus from the shield applies to your AC when you’re determining the outcome of the triggering attack.

Shield Block
You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel will use FoG on Kharya's attacker, 13 less damage. The attacker takes 4 persistent spirit damage and is off-guard. All enemies within 30' of Cassiel are subject to Revealing Light (dazzled).

When Kharya is struck, a pulse of divine light flashes out from Cassiel towards the attacker. He lashes out twice with his blade before raising his shield again.

Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (9) + 21 = 30 Damage S: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (4) = 6
Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28 Damage S: 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (3) = 4

↻ Reactions: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block:

Divine Grace
You call upon your deity’s grace, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to the save.

Flash of Grandeur
An enemy damages your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura; Effect Imperious divine light flashes out from you to surround your foe. The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. For 1 round, the attacker is affected by revealing light.

(1) Exalted Reaction: In addition to the enemy affected by Flash of Grandeur, each other enemy in your champion’s aura (30') is affected by the revealing light spell for 1 round.

(2) Relentless Reaction: The enemy also takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier (4), and it can’t recover from this persistent damage while affected by the revealing light from your Flash of Grandeur.

(3) Brilliant Flash: Your light cleanses souls of fear. When you use Flash of Grandeur, the attacker is also off-guard for 1 round.

(4) Revealing Light
Range 120 feet; Area 10-foot burst
Defense Reflex; Duration varies

A wave of magical light washes over the area. You choose the appearance of the light, such as colorful, heatless flames or sparkling motes. A creature affected by revealing light is dazzled. If the creature was invisible, it becomes concealed instead. If the creature was already concealed for any other reason, it is no longer concealed.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The light affects the creature for 2 rounds.
Failure The light affects the creature for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The light affects the creature for 10 minutes.

Reactive Shield
You can snap your shield into place just as you would take a blow, avoiding the hit at the last second. You immediately use the Raise a Shield action and gain your shield’s bonus to AC. The circumstance bonus from the shield applies to your AC when you’re determining the outcome of the triggering attack.

Shield Block
You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.


M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Use FOG on Esirelle before she leaves, 13 less damage.

Cassiel maintains the attention of two attackers the best that he can, trying to buy time for his allies to put these creatures down. He swings once, raises his shield and restores some of the damage done to him. +36HP, AC34.

Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (7) + 21 = 28 Damage S: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (5) = 6


M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

"We offered peace, but you have chosen a darker path. The Dawnflower’s light will cleanse your deception!" Cassiel shouts, shocked at the deception and unable to see it coming.

As Farrina rabbits, Cassiel positions himself to protect Cerulean, whose wounds are far more severe. He slashes once, raises his shield and extends the range of his aura to 30'.

Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (19) + 21 = 40 Damage S: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + (1) = 4

↻ Reactions: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block:

Divine Grace
You call upon your deity’s grace, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to the save.

Flash of Grandeur
An enemy damages your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura; Effect Imperious divine light flashes out from you to surround your foe. The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. For 1 round, the attacker is affected by revealing light.

(1) Exalted Reaction: In addition to the enemy affected by Flash of Grandeur, each other enemy in your champion’s aura (30') is affected by the revealing light spell for 1 round.

(2) Relentless Reaction: The enemy also takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier (4), and it can’t recover from this persistent damage while affected by the revealing light from your Flash of Grandeur.

(3) Brilliant Flash: Your light cleanses souls of fear. When you use Flash of Grandeur, the attacker is also off-guard for 1 round.

(4) Revealing Light
Range 120 feet; Area 10-foot burst
Defense Reflex; Duration varies

A wave of magical light washes over the area. You choose the appearance of the light, such as colorful, heatless flames or sparkling motes. A creature affected by revealing light is dazzled. If the creature was invisible, it becomes concealed instead. If the creature was already concealed for any other reason, it is no longer concealed.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The light affects the creature for 2 rounds.
Failure The light affects the creature for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The light affects the creature for 10 minutes.

Reactive Shield
You can snap your shield into place just as you would take a blow, avoiding the hit at the last second. You immediately use the Raise a Shield action and gain your shield’s bonus to AC. The circumstance bonus from the shield applies to your AC when you’re determining the outcome of the triggering attack.

Shield Block
You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel steps closer to Cerulean, offering a small smile. He places his large hand gently on their shoulder and says "You've outdone yourself once again, Cerulean. Truly remarkable."

Then, turning to the giants with a stern expression, he adds, "Remember, we’re here for a fair game. No tricks, no deceit. Timdok will represent us, and we will honor the outcome, just as you will. But know this-if this Slumbering King seeks to harm us or enslave others, we will not stand idly by."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel tries to recall something about the game of clatterbones before he makes a suggestion.

Society: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel nods at Timdok's words "You're probably right, Tim. The Slumbering King would have found a reason to manipulate them regardless of us. Fear and power often go hand in hand for tyrants like him."


M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel rattles of a series of questions (or feeds them to Esirelle to relay)

"How many are guarding this place? Are there any traps or hidden dangers ahead? What do you know of the Slumbering King? What lies deeper within this cave? Why have the giants been taking the kholos?"

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Athletics - Climb the wall!: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (15) + 24 = 39

Cass climbs up the to the platform with the party. After catching his breath, he asks Esirelle "What can you tell us?"

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel looks solemnly at the bodies of the kholos, his expression tightening with a mixture of sadness and resolve. ”These poor souls... We must make sure their deaths weren't in vain.”

When Timdok hands over the gloves, Cassiel takes them briefly, inspecting them before passing them to Cerulean. He then listens to Timdok's concerns about the elevator. "I agree, calling out might alert the giants-or worse, whoever else might be waiting for us up there."

Cassiel glances up at the cave entrance, considering the options. “Perhaps if we approach silently, we might surprise whoever is up there." He looks to the others. "Does anyone have a spell or a trick to make us harder to spot? Or perhaps a diversion we could use to draw their attention away while we ascend?"

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel catches Farrina's words and frowns slightly. She had to know he wasn't going to just let this pass without comment. He steps forward and places a comforting hand on Cerulean's shoulder. "Farrina these kholos are people, not savages. They deserve our help as much as anyone else. We are not just here for the glory or the gold, though those can be fine motivators. We are here because it's the right thing to do."

He glances at Timdok and Cerulean, then back to Farrina. "Every life we save, every soul we free from darkness, that is where true heroism lies. It's not always about the big battles or the grand victories. Sometimes, it's about the small, everyday choices to do good, even when no one is watching."

"Besides, you said it yourself. We are the Heralds of Heroism afterall."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel chuckles softly at Timdok's grumbling. "Rescue missions are part of our calling, Timdok." he says with a gentle smile. "It's what we do best—offering hope where there is none, bringing light into the darkest of places." He looks at the others, his expression serious. "If Akhenaten or whoever this Slumbering King truly is has captured these kholos, then we have a responsibility to help them. We can't leave anyone to suffer under tyranny or darkness, no matter the danger."

He takes a moment glance over the treasures offered by the Cactus Eaters. "These gifts will help us on our journey, but I'm sure you all agree that the real treasure is the chance to protect those in need and stand against evil once more."

He slaps Timdok on the back with a reassuring nod.

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel's eyes widen as Kharya speaks.


Slumbering King.

"Oh. OH!" he exclaims, her words striking him like a bolt of lightning, the inclination hitting him for the first time.

"The Slumbering King... could it truly be Akhenaten?" he whispers. The realization sends a chill down his spine.

The idea that Akhenaten could be using another guise, another title, to pursue their dark schemes was alarming to Cassiel. He slams a fist into his shield and turns to the kholos with determination. "If this Slumbering King is indeed who we believe him to be, your people are in greater danger than you realize. We must work together to stop him, to ensure he doesn't bring more suffering."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel is momentarily stunned as Farrina's arm wraps around his shoulders, her finger pressing against his lips to silence him. He wants to speak up, to clarify their intentions, but the wizard's words and the urgency in her tone give him pause.

The champion gives a small, reluctant nod to Farrina, allowing her to take the lead. He sighs quietly, his shoulders relaxing just a bit as he decides to trust in his companions judgment for now. "Very well." he murmurs. It seems Farrina and the others have a plan to help these creatures that he isn't fully aware of yet.

He looks to the kholos and picking up on Farrina’s lead says "Yes, all heroes face risks, but we face them together, and we protect each other. That's what makes us strong."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel listens intently to the conversation, his brows furrowing deeper with each passing moment. He glances between Cerulean and Timdok, confusion evident in his eyes. Their words don’t match what he knows to be true; they've never heard of this Slumbering King before, let alone have any plans involving him. He clears his throat, his instinct to speak the truth fighting against the need to maintain their advantage.

"Wait a moment." Cassiel begins, his voice firm and direct. He starts to step forward and clear up the confusion. "We never-"

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel raises an eyebrow at Farrina's declaration, confusion evident. He whispers "Heralds of Heroism? Since when did we start calling ourselves that? It's a bit presumptuous, isn't it?"

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel steps forward, attempting to calm the frustrated kholos with a reassuring smile. "We meant no harm. We sought only to free you from the giants' tyranny."he says, his voice steady but not quite hitting the mark.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (2) + 21 = 23

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

As the giant's blow connects with Timdok, Cassiel's divine power erupts in a brilliant flash of light, shielding Timdok from some of the force of the attack (resistance 13 to the attack) and inflicting a relentless spiritual pain on the giant. (4 persistent spirit damage). The battlefield is bathed in a radiant glow that dazzles and exposes the giants, rendering them vulnerable (Attacking giant is off-guard. That giant and the other are both affected by Revealing Light, Reflex DC29)

Cassiel raises his scimitar and brings the shimmering blade down towards the giant as he says "Feel the brilliance of Sarenrae's light, purging the darkness from your soul!"

Attack +1 Brilliant Scimitar (Flaming Star): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (14) + 21 = 35 Damage S: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 Damage Fire: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + (2) = 5

Flash of Grandeur on Timdok. Strike, Raise Shield. Assuming he's down, stride the other one.

↻ Reactions: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block:

Divine Grace
You call upon your deity’s grace, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to the save.

Flash of Grandeur
An enemy damages your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura; Effect Imperious divine light flashes out from you to surround your foe. The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. For 1 round, the attacker is affected by revealing light.

(1) Exalted Reaction: In addition to the enemy affected by Flash of Grandeur, each other enemy in your champion’s aura (30') is affected by the revealing light spell for 1 round.

(2) Relentless Reaction: The enemy also takes persistent spirit damage equal to your Charisma modifier (4), and it can’t recover from this persistent damage while affected by the revealing light from your Flash of Grandeur.

(3) Brilliant Flash: Your light cleanses souls of fear. When you use Flash of Grandeur, the attacker is also off-guard for 1 round.

(4) Revealing Light
Range 120 feet; Area 10-foot burst
Defense Reflex; Duration varies

A wave of magical light washes over the area. You choose the appearance of the light, such as colorful, heatless flames or sparkling motes. A creature affected by revealing light is dazzled. If the creature was invisible, it becomes concealed instead. If the creature was already concealed for any other reason, it is no longer concealed.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The light affects the creature for 2 rounds.
Failure The light affects the creature for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The light affects the creature for 10 minutes.

Reactive Shield
You can snap your shield into place just as you would take a blow, avoiding the hit at the last second. You immediately use the Raise a Shield action and gain your shield’s bonus to AC. The circumstance bonus from the shield applies to your AC when you’re determining the outcome of the triggering attack.

Shield Block
You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

With Cerulean nearby, Cassiel dashes forward to close the distance to the closest enemy and raises his shield, daring one of the giants to strike him.

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Will DC25: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (10) + 20 = 30

Cassiel manages to shake off the magical pull of Cerulean's cape, but not without a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Cerulean, you certainly know how to make an entrance." he comments as he strides forward, raising his shield, positioning himself between the giants who resisted the effect and his companion.

"The Dawnflower guides our path, and her light will protect us!" he declares loudly, amplifying his voice over the desert winds. "Lay down your arms or face the righteous judgment of Sarenrae."

Stride. Raise shield. Expand aura to 30'.

Cassiel has numerous reactions, and gets a second one just for shield block. The other will usually be used for flash of grandeur, but I have some other fancy tricks I may use as well.

lash of Grandeur:

Trigger: An enemy damages your ally, and both are in your champion’s aura; Effect Imperious divine light flashes out from you to surround your foe. The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. For 1 round, the attacker is affected by revealing light.

Brilliant Flash: Your light cleanses souls of fear. When you use Flash of Grandeur, the attacker is also off-guard for 1 round.

Revealing Light
Range 120 feet; Area 10-foot burst
Defense Reflex; Duration varies

A wave of magical light washes over the area. You choose the appearance of the light, such as colorful, heatless flames or sparkling motes. A creature affected by revealing light is dazzled. If the creature was invisible, it becomes concealed instead. If the creature was already concealed for any other reason, it is no longer concealed.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The light affects the creature for 2 rounds.
Failure The light affects the creature for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The light affects the creature for 10 minutes.

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel listens to the plan and then glances at Cerulean, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Cerulean, your plan has merit, but I won’t let you face those giants alone." he says, his voice resolute. "If you’re to be the distraction, then I’ll be right there with you, protecting you from any harm. I'm not as quick or quiet as the rest of you anyway, especially in this armor."

He takes a deep breath, and with a flash of divine energy, Cassiel's back glows with radiant light as a pair of feathered angelic wings unfurl. "Let me carry you in from above. I will set you down in front of you and you can continue the distraction as planned. Timdok and the others can strike from behind. This way, you won’t be alone up front, and I’ll be there to shield you from any danger."

He motions Cerulean forward so he can pick them up.

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block
Cerulean Skies wrote:
"Cassiel please. Always so eager to abscond from conversation the poor boy. Come now we're not sleeping out in the wet like dredged up animals."

Cassiel had been standing at the door, waiting for others to get things in order so they could get moving, but Cerulean's words gave him pause. With a nod, he takes note that no one else is quite ready to leave yet and steps away from the threshold and returns to his seat. He sets down his gear and picks up his tea, savoring the warmth and earthy flavor, and settles in for the conversation. "You're right, Cerulean. There's wisdom in taking a moment to rest and gather our thoughts before we rush off. Drink and eat while we can, we do not what time ahead we will have to do so."

As he sips his tea, Cassiel finds himself staring at the halfling. He had always admired Timdok's effortless charm and the way compliments seemed to flow so naturally from his tongue. That level of endearment was hard for Cassiel and it was a skill he found elusive, despite his best efforts. He often marveled at how Timdok could lift the spirits of those around him with just a few well-chosen words, something he himself had yet to master.

When the topic of watches comes up, he feels more at ease and quickly raises his hand. "I'll take the second watch after Timdok. I'm happy to stand with you during your watch if would enjoy some company if you need helping staying awake. I would not want you grumpy tomorrow given how much their is to do." he offers.

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

As usual, Cassiel nods in agreement with Kharya's assessment. Without another word, he calmly begins gathering his belongings, picking up his shield, blade, helm, and pack. He moves towards the door and stops, waiting for the others to follow.

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel listens to Farrina's sharp response with his usual calm composure, unshaken by her use of colorful, foul language. With a gentle and reassuring tone, almost akin to a parent soothing an animated child, he says "I know you're frustrated with how the situation was handled, Farrina, and I respect your directness. But let's not let anger cloud our judgment."

"Perhaps this Isabella at all. We shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. There's always a chance she chose a different path, and this could be entirely unrelated."

"What’s done is done, and now, we must follow the path before us. Let the light guide us, and trust that it will reveal the truth in time."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel gently places his large hand on Cerulean's shoulder, his touch soft and reassuring. With a warm smile he accepts the tea and says "Thank you, Cerulean. You always know just what I need. I appreciate you always looking out for my well being as well as the rest of the group."

Farrina wrote:
"The only other option is ... " She pauses and frowns. "Well, really, that's the only possibility."

Cassiel furrows his brow as Farrina pauses, her words hanging in the air. His mind immediately goes to the one person who has caused them so much trouble before. "You don't mean to say it's Isabella, do you?" he asks, his voice tinged with concern. The thought of their former companion still haunting them lingers heavily in his mind. "I had hoped she had realized her mistakes and we haven't heard from her because she has taken up on a new path."

His head slowly swings to Kharya at the mention of Isabella, it was hard for him not to flashback to the moment in that chamber where Cassiel's belief in redemption led him to vouch for Isabella, despite Kharya's deep mistrust. Kharya could have ended it all back then, avoiding the terrible moments to come. But Cassiel had to give Isabella a chance.

Kharya had been right, of course.

Devastated by the betrayal, Cassiel still pleaded with Isabella to turn back from her dark path. She hesitated but ultimately chose to escape, leaving him to grapple with the consequences of his faith. Though the betrayal left a lasting scar, it also deepened the bond between Cassiel and Kharya, as they came to understand each other's perspectives, even if they didn't always agree.

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M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel listens intently as Kharya speaks, nodding in agreement with her approach. When she finishes, he steps forward, his voice steady and full of conviction.

"The Dawnflower will provide what we need. We’ve faced worse before, and we’ve come out stronger. If the Choke is where we must go, then we should waste no time. Every moment we delay is a moment Akhenaten could use against us."

He glances around at his companions, determination shining in his eyes. "I’m ready to leave immediately. We’ve prepared for this our whole lives, whether we realized it or not. Let’s gather what we need and set out at once."

Looking around he asks, "Wait. Where is Cerulean?"

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel feels a wave of relief wash over him as Esirelle enters and immediately shifts the focus to the matter at hand and offering a firm reinforcement of his suggestion to do away with the alcoholic beverages. He gives her a grateful nod, appreciating her no-nonsense approach.

He had already put much thought into this subject and speaks loudly. "First, we should discuss whether we had the same vision or if it was different. From what you recall, the details may be important."

Once it's confirmed everyone more or less recalls the same thing, he suggests "We need to piece together what we know about this dream and the place it showed us. If the Choke is where Akhenaten is drawing us, we should start by researching everything we can about it. Historical records, local legends, anything that might give us an edge. If we can locate it and understand its significance, we’ll be better prepared for whatever trap he’s set."

"Does anyone know anything useful about the location or the Choke?"

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block
Farrina wrote:
"And if you're trusting in my judgement, then I'll take appropriate pity upon your wisdom."

Though he knows she means it in jest, the word strikes a chord in him, reminding him of the humility he strives to maintain. As usual, he slow to respond. He likes to take a moment and think through his responses before speaking. So he takes a moment to collect his thoughts, his expression softening.

After a brief pause, he responds with a gentle, almost solemn tone. "I don’t deserve anyone’s pity, Farrina. I’m just a servant of the Dawnflower, doing what I can to bring light to the world. Any wisdom I have is borrowed from her grace."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel watches as Timdok strolls into the tavern with his usual air of nonchalance. "Timdok, my friend. Good to see you, though I wish it were under better circumstances."

Farrina wrote:
"And you, my dear Cas ... You should know that a Gentleman simple never, ever brings up the subject of a Lady's age, weight, or drinking habits."

Cassiel takes note that he's offended Farrina and starts to apologize. "Farrina. I didn’t mean to offend. I’m simply concerned about all of us staying sharp, especially with Akhenaten’s shadow looming over us again. My apol-"

As Farrina drains the remaining half of her wine and starts everyone else drinking, Cassiel’s smile falters ever so slightly. His eyes narrow just a fraction. For a moment, he hesitates, clearly wrestling with whether to say something or let it go.

Taking a deep breath, he decides on a middle ground. "Farrina. I trust your judgment." he says, his voice calm but firm.

Timdok wrote:
"To you, my righteous friend. May the Dawnflower scorch our throats and our enemies' fortunes."

With a warm smile, he places a hand over his heart and inclines his head toward Timdok. "Thank you, Timdok." he says sincerely. "May the Dawnflower’s light guide us all, and may we stand strong together against whatever darkness we face."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel, ever earnest, shakes his head, a slight frown creasing his brow. "No, Farrina. It wasn’t lovely at all—it was terrible. Did you have a different dream?" His tone serious, missing the sarcasm in Farrina’s voice.

Glancing at the wine, he adds, "Are youe already drinking wine at this hour? The matter seems serious enough that we should not be dulling our senses."

M Human Nephilim Champion 11 | HP: 173 | AC: 32 (34 Hardness 15, 120HP) | Resist: 3 S | F: +21* R: +15 W: +20* | Speed: 30'| Perception: +18 | ↻: Divine Grace, Flash of Grandeur, Reactive Shield, Shield Block

Cassiel awakens with a start, the haunting words of Akhenaten still echoing in his mind. He bolts up, steadying his breath as he processes the vivid nightmare. Despite the urgency gnawing at him, Cassiel knows how to calm himself. He must begin his day as he always does-with prayer. Rising from his bed, he kneels before a small shrine to Sarenrae in the corner of his room, the first rays of dawn filtering through the curtains. With hands clasped and eyes closed, he offers his morning prayers, seeking guidance and strength for the trials ahead.

As he finishes, he feels the comforting warmth of Sarenrae’s light within him and he rises from his prayers, calm. Quickly donning his armor, he grabs his shield and blade and makes his way to the door.

As he flings it open, he is surprised to find Kharya standing just outside, her fist raised mid-air, ready to knock. The towering man tilts his head to the side, confusion evident.

"Uhh-Kharya?" he says, a hint of surprise in his voice. "You too...?" He trails off, already sensing the answer.