
Carrion's page

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I have a player that wants to have a miniature Mi-Go as a familiar. He has no qualms of basing the stats on another familiar, he just wants the appearance of a Mi-Go. What sort of familiar do you think I should treat it as? Maybe a monkey or a hawk?

My Google-FU must be very weak. I cannot find any pictures of a dragon carrying or clutching a horse! Or even one attack a horse. Can anyone help here?

Just recently saw another viewing of 'The Crow' movie and I got inspired to make a character based on the main character. Wasn't there a prestige class or archetype like the crow character where you could place your soul in a crow and gain abilities or such? Or am I thinking of a kit or prestige class from 3.5 edition of long ago? Other than a beast-bond witch what other ways could you simulate this character?

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I know this is nit picking but shouldn't the Spiny Starfish familiar from the Ultimate Wilderness book have the aquatic subtype? Who ever heard of a starfish that drowns underwater!

Has anyone made NPC stats for the various folks in Absalom Station? Like Security personnel or Emergency Medics the PCs might have to interact with.

Is it possible to have a computer installed into one's brain if it was bought with enough Miniaturization and as an A.I. (to give it commands or orders). Or maybe into one's arm with tiny keys. Rules say that light or no bulk can easily be worn on the wrist or such but I have a player who wants his android to have one in his head or as part of his body. He is a mechanic with an Exocortex but also wants some added computer goodies.


Are there any pieces of equipment that aids a Solarion who chooses the armor option like there are for the weapon options (AKA the weapon crystals)?

I did not see any feat tree for two-weapon fighting nor any rules for it in the tactics section. Is this no longer a combat option?

Does size no longer affect AC, Stealth, or attack rolls?

Does the Solar Armor from the Solarian ability provide any protection from the Environments? I assume it does not but the base armor rules say all armor provides environmental protection unless stated otherwise.

I imagine being blown out of an airlock and activating my solar armor and being safe, that would be too cool!

For preparation rituals found in spellbooks, how many pages does each ritual take? I could not find an answer anywhere.

I been pouring through numerous books but thought I would ask the boards for some advice. Anyone know of a way for a player to have a broom as a familiar or possibly a bonded object? I know the bonded witch for half-elves allows limited objects for a witch familiar and was going to use that but the player wants someone akin to a witch's broom where it could grow little legs and feet and has an intelligence as he gains higher in character levels.

Other than the Theologian archetype are there any feats or traits that allow you to increased you effective level for your clerical domain powers (or the first level power)?

Other than multi-classing, is there a way for a Magus to have access to the Cure Light Wounds spell?

Is there a feat that provides a wizard with more 'free' spells per level (other than 2 per level) or at level 1 (besides 3 + Int Mod)? I know one could buy scrolls at level 1 with starting cash or thereafter but the cost to scribe them in a spellbook is expensive and you need to make skill rolls.

Are there any specific lands on Golarion where arenas and gladiator combat are prominent?

Other than the hand magic item and the meridian belt is there a feat that allows a character to wear more than one magical ring on each finger and gain the benefits of each ring? Perhaps a prestige class?

Is there a feat or trait that allows a character to start with a powerful patron? Such as a king, dragon, demon, or such?

Are there any Wookie-like races in Pathfinder? Generally a race that is completely fur-covered.

Has anyone created any mythic versions of the zombie? What sort of special mythic ability do you think they should get?

Is there a feat that allows a PC to gain money at certain game time intervals? To account for an allowance, investment, or trust fund per day?

What would one do with a wizard with the Spirit Whisperer archetype who selects arcane enlightenment as part of their life spirit's ability?

They already have access to all the Sor/Wiz spells.

Are there any magic items that provide bonuses to Spellcraft and/or Use Magic Device?

Do creatures summoned with the augment summoning feat gain the augmented subtype?

Has anyone seen a write-up for the camouflage ability that some monstes posess? I have looked in all 3 beastiaries to no avail.

Has anyone seen a write-up for the camouflage ability that some monstes posess? I have looked in all 3 beastiaries to no avail.

What do you do if a character wants to be a magus/witch with the soul forger and bonded witch archetypes?

Do they get two arcane bonds? One bond that can cast any one magus spell per day and one limited witch spell from a list once a day?

The rules are not clear on multiple arcane bonds from different sources.

Could someone explain or clairfy how the Clone Master (alchemist archetype) works in regards to their rebirth ability and multiple clones.

The normal clone spell takes 2d4 months to grow and they decay if you make more.

With the clone master their unused clones do not rot and are simply inert.

Does this mean a clone master, given time and money, could have an army of clones awaiting his demise to be rebirthed?

Or, would it mean that once a clone is active, in order to make an inert clone active (in case the alchemist dies again) it would require 3 weeks of maturity (since a week was already made to create the extra clone)?

Would Extra Channeling work for a Forgemaster's Runeforging ability? The ability does state it replaces channel energy however.

A question on Dhampir of which I could not find any assistance with.

Are healing potions consider postive energy effects? I assume they would since they duplicate a cure light wounds spell.

How would a Dhampir heal himself other than the limited negative energy based spells or a channel negative energy?

What has everyone been using to represent a Cerebric Fungus (part 4) at their gaming table when running Carrion Crown.

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Can Half-Elves take Elven Archetypes or visa versa?

Can Smite Good (or evil) from different sources stack on the same target?

For example if a NPC was a fiendish human anti-paladin?

For the various racial favored class bonuses where it grants +1 HP to your Eidolon's HP score. What if you have the Broodmaster archetype for the summoner class? Do you get the +1 HP to all your Eidolons or just 1 HP to eidolon of your choosing?

Are golems immune to the light ray attacks of Lantern Archons?

Golems are immune to spells and spell-like abilities except for a few that are listed for each specific golem.

The lantern archons light rays are EX abilities, state they bypass damage reduction. There is no notion that they are magic-based attacks.

Could a drow summoner apply the benefits of the spider summoner feat from the APG to their summon monster ability?

It says when casting a spell you apply the effect though the summoner's monster summoning is a spell-like ability.

Anyone see a magic item that allows spectral hand at will?

Are there any classes or archetypes that give a character the ability to add the flaming weapon quality to their weapon for limited user per day?

Has anyone come up with any gaming stats for Caromarc for their games? Other than the story not really requiring it, I was more curiouson everyone's take on Carmarc. Did you go with pure item creation feats or the master craftsman route.

Anyone see a sickening song spell or bard ability from the image below?


PZO1115 looks to be the advanced player's guide but I do not see reference to this ability.

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With the changes in Bestiary 2-3 where the grab ability affects foes their size or smaller (instead of one size smaller or less) does this also work the same for the Eidilon evolution?

As written the grab evolution only works on creatures 1 size smaller or less than the Eidolon. Which were how the grab abilities use to work prior to bestiary 2-3 changes.

What say ye all?

Looking around has anyone seen a trait or feat from a Paizo product to increase carrying capacity (equipment nonwithstanding such as masterwork backpack or bags of holding).

I have been looking for a while. Has anyone seen any good gaming maps (image file, pdf, or what have you) representing a library?

If you have an eidolon with the basic magic evolution would it then qualify for magic item creation feats? As written it says the caster level for the given spell is equal to its hit dice.

For item creation feats the prereq is just a caster level.

Would this fly at your gaming table? Granted the evolution would be severly limited to what items it could create with the 1 spell it gets per evolution but there is always the skilled evolution with the +8 to spellcraft to help bypass obstacles with having to use other spell items to assist in item creation.

What kind of action is dismissing your Eidilon? Is this possible? Free action, standard action?


I do not see anywhere in the description for small-sized eidolons but is their speed reduced for being small like standard races? By what amount?

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Could an Eidolon take the IMproved Natural Armor feat and the Improved Natural Armor evolution? I do not see anything in the rules that may hamper this in order to build an AC based Eidolon as I have a player who wants to build a 'wall' so to speak.

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