The last book has a rich purple cover with a brass scarab set with a single eye in its center. Upon closer inspection, the covers are rimmed in polished steel. As you try opening it, you notice the covers will not budge. The book is clasped with a small but intricate lock, the keyhole of which appears to be for a key with a strange, triangular shaft.
"Obviously, we would not tell anyone about having these in our possession. I just want to get the delivery of these tomes over with, but we have to wait per Lorrimor's instructions," Dorfen stares at Gulzin, "It scares me that we do not really know Lorrimor's end..." Dorfen asks Daveak"The tome that was under The Umbral Leaves. What is it?"
Raise Dead Mission: Vynlastion and Arnisant ride north towards Lepidstadt. They ride past the Restlands where the horrible fight happened, which strengthens Vynlastion's drive even more to save this farmer's life.
As they near the end of Ravengro's boundary, a large lake comes into view. Vynlastion realizes that he is going to have to circumvent it. He pulls the reins to his left to signal the turn. There seems to be less foliage this way. Even with all that has happened this morning, it is hard to ignore the beautiful day. The warm sun is peeking out of the fluffy clouds over the calm, blue water. There are fisherman here and there relaxing as they patiently wait for fish to take their baits. A group of kids are running around, playing their own little game.
Dorfen validates Gulzin's concern, "That journal reading... did worry me also." Kendra stands silent with a stern look on her face and her hands politely cupping the other in front of her. I assume Daveak moves on to the next book. Another book with the message to deliver to Montagnie Crowl, The Umbral Leaves is a translation into Common of the unholy book of Zon-Kuthon.
The next book, On Verified Madness, is jet-black. You happen to open the book where a note has been tucked. The note indicates that it should be delivered to one Montagnie Crowl, a professor of antiquities at Lepidstadt University. Through the text, you figure out the book is a treatise on aberrations and other entities found on Golarion that possess remote ties to the Dark Tapestry.
Although the majority of the entries are relatively bland, accounting for day-to-day activities in a small town, the professor has circled several entries in the book with red ink: Ten Years Ago
Two Months Ago
One Month Ago
Twenty Days Ago
Eighteen Days Ago
Seventeen Days Ago
"No one dares risk their lives in those ruins," Kendra answers flatly. You hear knocking echo throughout the house coming from the front door. Kendra motions everyone to follow her back towards the foyer. Once you approach the foyer, you see Vynlastian sitting in a chair. He seems to be praying for patience. As Kendra opens the front door, you recognize this man from the funeral. He was the well-dressed gentleman that told Father Grimburrow he was going to tell Sheriff Benjan about Gibbs and the farmers he led. Kendra greets,"Thank you for coming Councilman Vashian." Vashian half-heartedly nods. It does not take much to gather that he does not fully approve of strangers being involved in local matters, but he keeps his comments to himself, focusing his involvement entirely on the reading of Petro's will. Councilman Vashian produces a scroll case, shows that the professor's personal seal is unbroken, then breaks the wax and opens the case. As he does, a small iron key falls out of the tube, clattering noisily onto the table. Undaunted by the key, the councilman begins to read, eager to be done with the business and to get back home: I, Petros Lorrimor, being of sound mind, do hereby commit to this parchment my last will and testament. Let it be known that, with the exception of the specific details below, I leave my home and personal belongings entire to my daughter Kendra. Use them or sell them as you see fit, my child. Yet beyond the bequeathing of my personal effects, this document must serve other needs. I have arranged for the reading of this document to be delayed until all principles can be in attendance, for I have more than mere inheritance to apportion. I have two final favors to ask. To my old friends, I hate to impose upon you all, but there are few other capable of appreciating the true significance of what it is I have to ask. As some of you know, I have devoted many of my studies to all manner of evil, that I might know the enemy and inform those better positioned to stand against it. For knowledge of one's enemy is the surest path to victory over its plans. And so, over the course of my lifetime, I have seen fit to acquire a significant collection of valuable but dangerous tomes, any one of which in the wrong circumstances could have led to an awkward legal situation. While the majority of these tomes remain safe under lock and key at the Lepidstadt University, I fear that a few I have borrowed remain in a trunk in my Ravengro home. While invaluable for my work in life, in death, I would prefer not to burden my daughter with the darker side of my profession, or worse still, the danger of possessing these tomes herself. As such, I am entrusting my chest of tomes to you, posthumously. I ask that you please deliver the collection to my collegues at the University of Lepidstadt, who will put them to good use for the betterment of the cause. Yet before you leave for Lepidstadt, there is a matter of another favor--please delay your journey one month and spend that period of time here in Ravengro to ensure my daughter is safe and sound. She has no one to count on now that I am gone, and if you would aid her in setting things in order for whatever she desires over the course of the month, you would have my eternal gratitude. From my savings, I have also willed to each of you a sum of one hundred platinum coins. For safekeeping, I have left these funds with Embreth Daramid, one of my most trusted friends in Lepistadt--she has been instructed to issue this payment upon the safe delivery of the borrowed tomes no sooner than one month after the date of the reading of this will. I, Petros Lorrimor, hereby sign this will in Ravengro on this first day of Calistril, in the year 4711. Councilman Vashian looks to Kendra, who thanks and dismisses him. Putting on a brave face, she thanks you all again for coming. She informs you, "I will need at least a few weeks to decide if I want to sell my family home or remain here in Ravengro. Please remain here as I finish business. You may stay here in this house. I promise free room and board for the month. Excuse me as I go fetch that chest my father mentions in the will." The chest itself is a relatively small object of oak and iron. Kendra, nervous about the contents, offers the key to one of you to give you the honor of opening the chest.
"Oh no, that is fine. Go right ahead, Rosalina." Kendra faces Daveak, and speaks with a more serious tone in her voice,"Let me start from the beginning. Harrowstone was built in 4594. Ravengro was founded at the same time as a place where guards and their families could live and that would produce food and other supplies used by the prison. In 4661, the fire that killed all of the prisoners and most of the guards destroyed a large portion of the prison's underground eastern wing, but left most of the stone structure above relatively intact. The prison's warden perished in the fire, along with his wife, although no one knows why she was in the prison when the fire occurred. A statue commemorating the warden and the guards who lost their lives was built in the months after the tragedy- that statue still stands on the riverbank just outside of town. Everyone suspects that the ruined prison is haunted, and no one enjoys speaking of it." For reference, we are in the year 4713. Also, we're in the month Rova (September).
"People have just been acting a little odd around here. I would say maybe even edgy,"Kendra throws her hands up in the air,"Hardly any of these folks came to pay their respects." She sighs in relief,"I am glad that you all are here." "You must be very important to my father for him to list you in his will," she sweetly smiles.
"No, I understand that what transpired today shook everyone up. I apologize for the way those farmers acted earlier. People do not usually act that way around here, but with things the way they are in town these days..." Kendra trails off, losing her eye contact with Millard. Kendra looks back at Millard, waiting for his answer to Rosalina's question. Whenever anyone whispers within a group of people like this, I would like a Stealth check. Millard roll Stealth please to see if the conversation was heard by anyone else and try the dice roller tag feature. If you want to practice the dice tag, you can use the out-of-character message board before posting your roll on here. Anyone, but Vynlastian may roll for Perception as he is no longer in the same room.
Kendra turns to Millard's female companion,"Yes... it is quite extensive." She looks down, "It was where he spent most of his time, in fact." She seems lost in thought for a moment as she keeps her gaze at the floor ahead. "We are actually near the library if you would like to see it next", she smiles.
The rest of the guests are visibly moved by your words. You see this through smiles and tears. Although this is a very sad moment, you can tell that everyone appreciates the kind words spoken of this great man. Trust Score: 15 + 1 = 16 Once the funeral is wrapped up, Kendra says her goodbyes to the other guests, and thanks them for coming. She invites you back to her home for a drink and the will reading. On the map, the Lorrimor house is N. Vynlastian enters. When you enter the house, Kendra informs you, "We need to wait for Councilman Vashian Hearthmount to read the will. He is attending to other matters at the moment, but please make yourselves comfortable." She pours fine wine into glasses, and offers them to each of you. This is a great opportunity for you guys to introduce each other and describe yourselves and your connections to the Lorrimors if you haven't already at the funeral.
At The Restlands:
Millard and Daveak take up their respective places at the casket. The procession resumes with Kendra leading and Father Grimburrow following behind at his own pace. As the dug grave comes into view, the procession slows down. Father Grimburrow passes up the procession to take his spot at the head of the grave. The pallbearers carefully place the casket to the side of the grave.
Father Grimburrow begins the service: The Lady of Graves,
He draws a spiral with his finger on the casket. He looks up at Kendra, and motions her up to take his spot. As Kendra walks up, Father Grimburrow steps to the side. She briefly recounts a few of her father's courageous and selfless moments, while fighting back tears. Again, she thanks everyone for coming. "Would anyone like to say a few words or share any stories?" she invites. Any of you are welcome to make a Diplomacy or Perform check during your speech.
The trip Vynlastian took to the Temple of Pharasma took over an hour because it is far. The posts relating to it is happening right now. I am sorry for any confusion. Give me your e-mails, and I will send you a copy of the map of the town.
At the Temple of Pharasma:
"Crutumal Carter..." he answers.
Before you leave, he speaks up with a friendlier tone,"You know, if you hurry, you can get 'em to do a raise dead spell. It'll cost half the price, but you'll need to get there within days." "We'll let his family know," he nods. I can do both places at once, guys! Also, Trust Score: 14 + 1 = 15
At the Temple of Pharasma: "We do not have that kind of power...", she begins with tears rolling down her cheeks, "The only place I know of nearest here that would have clerics experienced enough is Lepidstadt, but even that is a journey itself..." She waves another cleric over that was listening in on the conversation from inside the temple anyway. She turns to him and asks with a raspy voice, "About how much would a resurrection cost over there?" "The service itself would be around 1,000 gold pieces... then there is the spell component... which is diamond...", he thinks out loud while staring at the dead body, "All in all, it would be about 11,000 gold pieces." He does not make eye contact with you. He is obviously upset. You can tell that both of them knew this farmer. You get the feeling that this town must be small enough where everyone knows each other.
At The Restlands:
"That would be fi-" Kendra's eyes widen before she finishes her response to Daveak, "Father Grimburrow!" You see an older gentleman walk towards the procession. "I heard fighting," Grimburrow slowly scans everyone with one bushy eyebrow raised, "Is everything okay? What happened?" One of the well-dressed men responds angrily,"Gibbs Hephenus came by with his... his band of farmers to scare us into holding the ceremony upriver!" The other man adds,"Yes, they surrounded us with their farming tools. They were all, obviously, of very low character." "I will see to it that Sheriff Benjan hears about this!" The first man continues. Kendra makes her way into the conversation,"One of them died in the fight. He is being taken to the Temple to see if they could do anything..." "Outrageous! What has come over those men?! Grimburrow shakes his head, sighs, and continues,"At any rate, let us get back to what we are here for." At the Temple of Pharasma: After a long walk down the nearly straight dirt road, you finally arrive at the temple. It is a very elaborate building with an intricate stained glass mural. The morning sun is shining through the glass, showing off the beautiful colors. The mural seems to depict a stern Pharasma judging some man.
As you walk closer, you see a cleric sweeping outside. Once she notices you and the bloody body in your hands, she tries to hide her panic with a serious expression. She attempts to just simply lean the broom on the temple wall, but fumbles with it before she can get it to stay. She hurriedly walks toward you.
From what I understand The prince of Ustalav has trouble administering laws across the country because of his lack of wealth, influence, and pride. If he's not very wealthy, I doubt he has a very good army. I am sure he has something though. Each county pretty much defends themselves. This is one of the many results of the Whispering Tyrant fight. It has left Ustalav downright crippled as a state. There's not really a known population number for lycanthropes and vampires. There is just some history of it here.
The funeral attendants stare at the dispute between the strangers. They seem to be unsure as to whether the funeral is still on or if they should leave. Kendra looks relieved and troubled at the same time. She says nothing to Vynlastian at first; it is obvious that she does not really know what to say about what took place here. After she is able to gather her thoughts, she asks that he meet them at the Lorrimor house for the will. After Vynlastian leaves, she turns to the father with the son,"Zokar, can you please help the others with the casket? I would greatly appreciate it." "N-no problem, Ma'am." Zokar awkwardly walks over to the casket to take Vynlastian's place. His son follows him to stay close. Trust Score: 20 - 6 = 14
The casket slants down towards the ground where Millard left his end to carry, leaving the remaining pallbearers straining a little as they are trying to lower it. Surprised, the farmer swings his hoe a few seconds too late as Millard rushes to the leader. The leader looks frantic as Millard comes up on him. He makes a whimpy swing with his rake that catches onto the left shoulder of Millard's uniform, creating a small rip. As Millard grabs his neck, his rake falls into the mud. When thrown to the ground, he gasps for air and grunts, Let's go guys! We're done here! They all leave towards town shooting venomous glances at the party and Kendra. Usually, I would like you to roll intimidate, but the successful grapple was an intimidating enough action in itself.
The farmer right in front of Gulzin takes a nasty gut shot, and falls backward into the mud. He is obviously dead. The young woman next to Gulzin shrieks in terror. The crowd of shouting farmers get louder. They are now hurling insults at everyone in the procession, as well as egging on their allies. They do not even seem to hear Vynlastian's plead for peace. Millard's turn now. :)