Carlos medina 291's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts (23 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

I am trying to build an Aoth Fezim type character for PFS, for any not familiar, he is a very interesting D&D character that is a magus type war mage that uses a spear but has a griffon as his familiar that he can communicate with. The closest thing I can think of is a hunter 3/4 BAB, has an animal companion that can be changed to a griffon at lvl 5, and flown as a mount at lvl 7. While not a true war mage, hunters do have access to the druid spell list which can be built to he offensive with frigid touch, call lightning, aggressive thunder cloud and spells like that. Another interesting feature of Aoth Fezim is that he has constant true sight, while I know that is not possible I am looking to have a very high perception, which with a wisdom based character should not be to difficult, so ideally his build will be able to locate magical traps, does not have to be good at disabling them however. Aoth also greatly uses magical tattoos so any really good ideas for magical tattoos for spells that are very useful to have when you need them but not necessarily worth preparing on your spell list all the time, like delay poison, delay disease, looking for help from the experts on recommended feats and builds, and items.

I have a paladin that has run two scenarios now that have invisible casters that wreck the group. Are there any items that have a daily usage or more of glitterdust, or invisibility purge that will work for my paladin. I am hoping to not have to invest in use magic device

Liberty's Edge

I am considering making a shaman with one level dip into unchained monk for an AC bonus and an extra attack per round. Idea is to go wind spirit and use air bubble with Monk A.c. I am planning on going human and going 1st level unchained monk, and than the rest shaman. I will mainly use a temple sword or nine branched sword, but I will also occasionally use hex strike. Any other suggestions?

I just finished watching all of the Indiana Jones movie and I have to admit, I want to build an Indiana Jones type character. Now I've seen a couple of recommendations for the character and everyone seems to be pushing bard. I understand the reasoning with bardic knowledge but Indiana Jones did not use magic. My character has to be PFS legal. So I am thinking an unchained rogue for a couple of reasons. Instead of a gun I'm going to use a hand crossbow. And the unchained rogue gives me free weapon focus and dex to damage which frees up a lot of feats to focus on the hand crossbow and whip abilities. Any other suggestions or ideas to improve the idea? Rogue has plenty of skill points and with dex being the main requirement for the build my secondary stat focus can be intelligence.

I know this idea has been best to death in pathfinder but I'm trying to find a pathfinder legal Jedi Build. I'm going to ignore the lightsaber for now because, well it's a different time period and melting through everything isn't viable. My idea so far is two levels in sohei monk to get wisdom to AC, and martial weapon proficiencies. And than 6 levels or empyreal sorcerer. Than prestige class into eldritch knight. I would pick a monk weapon as my weapon weapon so I can flurry, so at level 9, two monk, six sorcerer, one eldritch knight I would get 3 attacks a round without duel wielding or haste. That would also change my main stat to wisdom. With one main stat to keep track of, and a stat that is very Jedi like, and good for will saves, should be easy to keep my a.c. and spell DCs high. Any ideas on weapons, feats, items, or possible tweaks to make it better?

I am planning on making a druid that specializes in wildshaping. I already have it approved from my DM that if I take a level dip in monk, my monk bonus to AC from wisdom applies while wildshaping. However, if I at some point in the future get the actual wild enchant, would the bonus still stack?

I need help building a Jarlaxle type character. He is just mildly prepared for everything and anything. He is known to have a plethora of magic items but also is a fair fighter in his own right. Instead of having a bunch of expensive magic items that would total in the millions of gold I thought to go magus an emulate those options. However a magus would not have the full versatility of Jarlaxle. So my next though is to go fight/sorcerer/Eldritch knight. Ides of this build is to have a decent to hit bonus and have a ton of spells per day. While sorcerers do not have as many spells memorized, paired with the elf spell paragon surge I can grab the feat expanded arcana and grab one, possibly two spells that are not in my spell book and use them for the day. Thanks change it the next day, effectively giving me one to two scenarios a day where I have just the right spell for the job. What do you think? Or are there better ideas?

So a black blades sword cannot gain the broken condition while he has all east one arcane point available, does that mean if I am using an obsidian weapon, or a true crystalline weapon it does not break on a roll of 1?