Carcará's page

3 posts. Alias of Alexandre Bernardi.


In the "After the scenario" section it says: "Once you’ve played a scenario, whether you won or lost, rebuild
your character deck (see Between Games, below). Put all other cards
back into the box."

Should i count "Put all other cards back in the box" as banish? I'm on the 3 adventure deck and i don't know if can remove cards with the basic trait from the game.

When first get a reward like "Each character draws a random weapon from the box.", should it increase the total size of my character deck to 16?

My aunt bought the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords Base Set for me, but she couldn't bring (to Brazil) the dark plastic that comes inside the box (she didn't have space in the bag).
Is there a way to buy only the dark plastic?

I have sent a e-mail for Paizo but they didn't answered me :(
