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Just for fun I applied the half-dragon template to Mogaru the kaiju to see what its stats would look like. This is the result. Mogaru got frisky with some she-dragons! Half-Dragon, Kaiju, Mogaru This towering saurian lumbers on its hind legs, its twin tails thrashing and the spines on its back glowing with red energy. A pair of scaly, reptilian wings sprouts from its back and it has horns on its head.
Half-Dragon Mogaru kaiju are the offspring of the kaiju known as Mogaru and dragons of immense size. Only dragons of great wyrm age are large enough to mate with Mogaru, and even then they must use magic to enlarge themselves. Such matings between Mogaru and female dragons are extremely rare. Like their kaiju parent, half-dragon Mogaru kaiju cause tremendous devastation when people arouse their ire. Normal dragons, even their parents, don't associate with half-dragon Mogaru kaiju as they're simply to dangerous to be around.
baron arem heshvaun wrote: Between STR, INT, WIS, DEX, CON, CHA, which is your highest stat in real life, which one is ... less than stellar? In D&D terms, I would say STR is my highest ability score. All of my friends always seem amazed when I lift something by myself that I don't think is that heavy, but they say it really is. They all have called me a "beast" before. On no less than three separate occasions I've had people ask me if I just rip trees out of the ground with my bare hands for a living upon meeting me, lol. My lowest ability score is probably CHA, I just seem to have a talent for annoying people. Other ability scores that are above average are CON, INT, and WIS. ![]()
Cavall: I have custom magic gloves I paid major $$$ for that lets me use large two-handed weapons, albeit at a -2 penalty, otherwise I couldn't use them. It's not the standard Furious weapon ability, it's a unique variant the DM made as part of the campaign on a unique weapon (that my character ended up with). Sorry, I should have mentioned that earlier, my bad. ![]()
Gevaudan, that's a great idea! I definitely plan on using that. I might have some cronies of the big bad encounter the PCs while city guards are nearby, then once the intimidation or combat happens they can try to press charges on him or the whole group for intimidating/harassment and attacking them without legal cause. They're minions of the big bad? Let us see the PCs prove it! Pony up hard evidence or you're under arrest! >:) I also plan to start having some of the villains in the module use the Intimidate skill on PCs themselves, since they already have points in it. Turnabout is fair play! ![]()
I'm running a module where most of the bosses and major fights are normal humanoids or monstrous humanoids (thus they are not immune to fear or mind-affecting). The problem is that Doofus, the party rogue, always uses Dazzling Display to make all the enemies shaken, usually lasting 3-4 rounds due to his insane Intimidate skill modifier. I know it's not that bad of a penalty for the Shaken condition it gives, but it's really starting to get on my nerves, and he's planning on taking Shatter Defenses next level. There's also the fact that he keeps using it on people out of combat as well. Anyone have any tips or advice for dealing with players breaking Intimidate? And don't just tell me to change the bosses/enemies to types that are immune. I don't want to have to rewrite all the encounters, plus doing so to specifically negate a player's tactics falls under DM cheating in my view. Any help you all can give would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance. ![]()
My hardbound core rulebook was already looking trashed after just one week! Seems like paizo is using an el cheapo publishing or bookbinding company. This is my second biggest complaint with Pathfinder. For those who are curious, my first biggest complaint of Pathfinder is the system itself is geared towards rampant munchkinism/min-maxing, making it even more work to DM (way worse in this regard than 3.5 d&d ever was IMO). ![]()
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote: The point here is that the party is a group of mythic characters and the DM is creating encounters that are challenging. I don't see any mention of such and such player has gone through eight characters and someone else has gone through five. The enemies are mythic too. And we have had characters die repeatedly. ![]()
I've got a rules question about Mythic Vital Strike from the mythic book. It says you get to times all your crit times-ible damage modifiers by an amount equal to the number of dice you do. I have all three vital strike feats so I do 9d8 on vital strike with my huge greataxe, so I contend with the way the feat is written I should get a x9 multiplier. The DM ruled it uses the weapon's base non-vital strike dice to determine the multiplier, so I get x3 (base weapon dice is 3d8). I see why he would rule that way, because otherwise it would be a lot of damage. BUT! My counter argument is that if you were using a single die weapon, such as a longsword (1d8) that would mean it gives you a x1 damage modifier, which means it doesn't increase at all... Thus making the feat pointless and not giving ANY benefit at all! For example, a longsword mythic fighter with damage modifiers of +11 total would get x1 multiplier with Mythic Vital strike. Normal is +11 damage, mythic vital strike is 11 x 1 = 11 for +11 damage, it's the same damage. Which means NO increase and no benefit at all for taking the feat!!! Does anyone know the OFFICIAL ruling for this??? ![]()
The reason for this post is I want your advice on how to develop my character to be more effective in combat. I don't really want to min-max my character, BUT, we have a "killer DM" so it is necessary. The DM constantly "just happens" to crit one or more characters almost every round and uses dirty tricks, and sometimes just out and out cheats. For the record, I didn't try to "break" my character build until AFTER the DM was constantly cheating! His cheating was not a response to my character build, but was ALREADY THERE. I decided to "break" character build in an act of self defense against said cheating. My current setup is I'm a fighter 5/cleric 1/holy vindicator 7. I have the growth subdomain of I think the Plant cleric domain, and the deception subdomain of Trickery. Growth let's me Enlarge to Large size (which increases my large greataxe to a huge greataxe for 3d8 damage), and Deception lets me teleport when an enemy misses me anywhere within 10 feet as long as that enemy still threatens the square I land in. I use the teleport to position myself opposite our rogue so he can sneak attack. I have the feats weapon focus, dodge, power attack, devastating strike, vital strike, improved vital strike, and greater vital strike. My magic +3 axe has a property called furious that lets me rage, and doing so increases the weapon's enhancement bonus to a +5 for duration of the rage. I also have two mythic tiers. I am a guardian path mythic character. I have absorb blow (lets me reduce damage from an attack by spending a mythic power point), and fast healing (gain fast healing for 1 minute for 1 mp), I used my other mythic power to select a bonus mythic feat. Mythic feats: Mythic Vital Strike and Mythic Power Attack. Mythic vital strike lets me times all my damage modifiers that would get the critical modifier on a crit by the number of dice the weapon does when I vital strike (without needing to actually crit). Now this should be x9 because I do 9d8 when I vital strike, but the DM ruled it uses the weapon's base damage dice, although if I was using a normal sized single die weapon like a longsword this would make the feat give a x1 damage multiplier so it would do nothing and make the feat USELESS, but I digress... But the huge greataxe base damage when I'm big is 3d8 so I get a x3. This means I get to x3 my Str mod (which is +50% for using a 2h weapon), my power attack damage, weapon's enhancement bonus, the +6 damage from devastating strike, etc. So my basic plan of attack is I go to Large size using Growth subdomain, power attack, vital strike, rage using my +3 furious large greataxe, and usually use the charge action for the +2 to hit and greater speed (I only move 20 in my chainmail, so 40 ft with a charge). After all is said and done I get +42 damage with a x3 modifier, for a grand total of 9d8 + 126 damage. I can also spend a mythic point to ignore the -4 to hit from power attack for 1 minute, and can spend another point to get another standard action from my mythic initiative trait I have for being a second-tier mythic character (which I use for a second vital strike). If both attacks hit that is 18d8 + 252 damage (I did this last game against an old black dragon and did 320 damage before damage reduction). Now this might make you think our party should have an easy time taking out enemies, but even with my "damage cannon" build we STILL almost die every f***ing encounter! For whatever reason, the DM always throws enemies at us that are not appropriate for our level. For example, we had to fight FIVE Gug champion things, each of which he said had 500+ hit points. At the time of the fight the CR for each Gug was over our party level. The standard Gug according to Pathfinder only has 127 hp (http://paizo.com/PRD/additionalMonsters/gug.html). So I want advice on what feats, mythic powers, equipment, class levels, etc to take to improve my damage dealing potential and/or survivability. Sorry for the long, rambling post but I wanted give you all some context on my situation and why I want to trick out my character. Stats (from memory, character sheet is at DM's house)