Caramon Marjoram |
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Just for fun I applied the half-dragon template to Mogaru the kaiju to see what its stats would look like. This is the result. Mogaru got frisky with some she-dragons!
Half-Dragon, Kaiju, Mogaru
This towering saurian lumbers on its hind legs, its twin tails thrashing and the spines on its back glowing with red energy. A pair of scaly, reptilian wings sprouts from its back and it has horns on its head.
Half-Dragon, Kaiju, Mogaru CR 30
XP ? (4,915,200 plus +2 CR)
CN Colossal dragon (kaiju, water)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 600 ft., low-light vision, see invisibility, sense kaiju; Perception +45
AC 51, touch 7, flat-footed 46 (+5 Dex, +44 natural, –8 size)
hp 799 (34d10+612); fast healing 30
Fort +37, Ref +24, Will +23
Defensive Abilities absorb energy, ferocity, recovery; DR 20/epic; Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, disease, energy drain, fear, fire, paralysis, sleep, and one energy type dependent upon its dragon parent (see Half-Dragon); Resist acid 30, cold 30, electricity 30, negative energy 30, sonic 30
Weaknesses susceptible to song
Speed 100 ft., fly 200 ft. (average), swim 100 ft.
Melee bite +50 (8d6+24/19–20 plus grab), 2 claws +50 (4d8+24/19–20), 2 tail slaps +48 (6d6+12/19–20)
Ranged firebolts +31 touch (damage variable; see below)
Space 60 ft.; Reach 60 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon, ferocity, fast swallow, half-dragon breath weapon, hurl foe, reflexive breath, swallow whole (10d6 bludgeoning and 10d6 fire damage, AC 30, 69 hp), trample (4d8+36, DC 51)
Str 58 (+24), Dex 21 (+5), Con 47 (+18), Int 5 (-3), Wis 30 (+10), Cha 28 (+9)
Base Atk +34; CMB +66 (+70 bull rush, +70 grapple, +70 sunder); CMD 83 (85 vs. bull rush, 85 vs. sunder)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Sunder, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Staggering Critical, Vital Strike
Skills Fly +39, Perception +45, Sense Motive +44, Swim +53; Racial Modifiers +16 Perception
Languages Aquan (can't speak)
SQ massive
Environment warm forests or water
Organization solitary
Treasure incidental
Absorb Energy (Ex) A half-dragon Mogaru kaiju absorbs energy attacks that damage it, including negative energy attacks. Damage blocked by one of its resistances or immunities instead heals it for an amount equal to the damage dealt. It may absorb only one kind of energy in this manner in a round. The first type of energy that affects it in a round (whether or not it penetrates its immunities or resistance to actually damage it) sets the type of energy it absorbs for that round. Hit points gained in excess of its normal maximum are lost. A half-dragon Mogaru kaiju cannot gain healing from energy effects generated by itself.
Breath Weapon (Su) Once every 4 rounds, a half-dragon Mogaru kaiju can breathe out a beam of fiery red force. When a half-dragon Mogaru kaiju uses this attack, it can choose to focus the breath weapon into a single 1,200-foot-long line, or it can shorten the range and turn its head and body while breathing, effectively affecting a 600-foot-long cone. All creatures caught in this area of effect take 20d6 points of fire damage, 20d6 points of force damage, and are staggered for 1d6 rounds from the devastating energy (Reflex DC 45 halves the damage and prevents the staggered effect). A creature slain by this effect is disintegrated, whether the saving throw was successful or not. This breath weapon is particularly effective at blasting through cover—cover does not grant any bonuses on Reflex saves against a half-dragon Mogaru kaiju breath weapon. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Firebolts (Su) As a standard action on any round immediately following the use of either of its breath weapon, a half-dragon Mogaru kaiju can fire bolts of red energy from the glowing spines along its back. These bolts are ranged touch attacks with a range of 1,200 feet. When a half-dragon Mogaru kaiju uses this ability, it must choose between firing one firebolt, three firebolts, or six firebolts. If it fires one, it deals 20d6 points of damage on a hit. If it fires three bolts, each deals 8d6 points of damage on a hit. If it fires six bolts, each deals 5d6 points of damage on a hit. Half of the damage caused by any one firebolt is fire damage, the other half is force damage. Firebolts deal full damage against objects, and ignore the first 10 points of hardness possessed by an object.
Half-Dragon Breath Weapon (Su) A half-dragon Mogaru kaiju has a breath weapon of an energy type that is dependent upon what type of dragon it's descended from, see the Half-Dragon entry for details. 1/day, 34d6 damage, Reflex save DC 45 for half, 30-foot cone or 60-line.
Reflexive Breath (Ex) The first time in any round that a half-dragon Mogaru kaiju can make an attack of opportunity, it can choose to use a diminished version of its breath weapon instead of making a physical attack. This reflexive breath weapon attack only targets the creature that provoked the attack of opportunity, but otherwise causes the same damage and effects its breath weapon normally inflicts (Reflex DC 35 halves the damage and negates the staggered effect). Use of its breath weapon in this way does not affect the recharge rate of the regular breath weapon. The save DC is Constitution-based, and includes a –10 penalty to reflect the fact that the reflexive breath is a shorter (but no less intense) blast of energy than the kaiju's typical breath weapon attack. Only its main breath weapon can be used for this ability, not its half-dragon breath weapon.
Sense Kaiju (Su) A half-dragon Mogaru kaiju can sense the location of the nearest active kaiju, as if using discern location, at will.
Susceptible to Song (Ex) A half-dragon Mogaru kaiju's actions can be influenced by song, provided the kaiju notices the singing. If the kaiju is not currently engaged in battle, it automatically hears any song within 100 feet that is directed at it in an attempt to influence him, but when he is in combat, there's only a cumulative 20% chance per round of sustained singing that it notices the song. In order to influence a half-dragon Mogaru kaiju, the singer must make a DC 35 Perform (sing) check (this check cannot be bolstered by the aid another action, and the singer cannot take 10 or 20 on the check). The result of this check sets the DC of the Will save the half-dragon Mogaru kaiju must make in order to not be influenced by the song. The singer can choose to influence the half-dragon Mogaru kaiju as if she had successfully cast suggestion on it (CL = the singer's ranks in Perform [sing]). If the half-dragon Mogaru kaiju succeeds at a Will save (DC = the singer's ranks in Perform [sing] + the singer's Charisma modifier), the effects of the influence last for a maximum of 1d4 rounds; otherwise, the effects last as long as a suggestion spell would normally last. A half-dragon Mogaru kaiju cannot use its recovery ability to recover from song influence, and a single singer may influence it only once per day.
Half-Dragon Mogaru kaiju are the offspring of the kaiju known as Mogaru and dragons of immense size. Only dragons of great wyrm age are large enough to mate with Mogaru, and even then they must use magic to enlarge themselves. Such matings between Mogaru and female dragons are extremely rare. Like their kaiju parent, half-dragon Mogaru kaiju cause tremendous devastation when people arouse their ire. Normal dragons, even their parents, don't associate with half-dragon Mogaru kaiju as they're simply to dangerous to be around.
Half-dragon Mogaru kaiju stand 140 feet high and weigh 20,000 tons, and are nearly 300 feet long from nose to tail.