
Captain Yeti's page

16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Is this even still happening? What must we do to get you to take our money for these maps? :)

This has likely been answered on the forum, but I my searches found nothing so here it goes - With the Alchemist brew potion feat, can the alchemist brew a third level potion at first level? It has to be one he knows, but he gets to pick 2 for free + int mod.

With Gestalt I can go heavy into fighter from the start, but it would mainly be just for feats/weapon specialization as gunslingers already have the hit dice and base attack I need. I really want a second class to gunslinger that would add a lot, but it seems like fighter is the way to go. Even a lot of the coolness of a weapon master is overshadowed by gunslinger.
I would really like to find a way to make combat maneuvers from range with a gun though, like being able to disarm or trip with a bullet, but I am not finding a lot that goes with a gun. Archer does seem ok, but I am not sure the GM would go for it, and also some of it seems pretty unrealistic to be doing with a gun instead of a bow.

Hey all, I am going to be playing in Skull and Shackles with a 30 point gestalt build. I am going with one side of the build being a gunslinger Musket Master, but I am wondering about the other half of the build. I would like to avoid most caster classes, and was thinking fighter for bonus feats and specializations. I would like to be able to do combat maneuvers with a gun, something like the archer archetype can do with bows, but I have not found anything. My main goal is to be very ranged melee focused with a firearm, I like the idea of touch AC attacks, and musket master can get reload as a free action fairly quickly with cartridges.
Any thoughts, advice, or input would be appreciated.

They do not stack, Dragon Ferocity broadens the range of the attacks to include multiple attacks in a round that get the 1.5, along with giving you some other happiness in the from of causing your target to be shaken on a crit or stunning fist.

David knott 242 wrote:

No, because bardic performances are not spells. However, feats like Ability Focus might work.

Ability focus is monster only though so a PC bard could not take it anyway though correct?

Can you use spell focus to increase the DC of a bardic performance ability.
Example - Using spell focus enchantment charm to boost DC of disapearing act of the bard street performer. Page 85 advanced players guide.

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I would role out a few sample battles to help come up with some tactics for the monsters. A smart played monster will mean more then just maxing out the HPs on them, and you might start seeing some places where you can make it more challenging. My only other piece of advice would be that this is a reunion game, and fun is the main focus so a bit light on challenge might not be too horible.

I am gearing up to run a Rise of the Runelords game, and my players have expresed interest in playing an all Dwarve group. Flavor wise it would be very cool, but there is some hesitation for balancing the group without out either taking a hit to a needed stat, or at least not getting a bonus to it.

I have been trying to hunt down if there exist any alternative starting stat bonuses for Dwarves. What I am basically looking for is something simialar to what Blood of Angels has for the Aasimar of differnt angel blood. I.E. A dwarf that gets +2 Con, +2 INT, -2 STR for being some sort of lore dwarf?

Any help would be appriciated.

I am looking for a listing of alternate dwarven racial stats to replace the +2Con +2 Wis -2 Chr. I am looking for something like the blood of Angles and the blood of fiends has for Aasimar/Tieflings. I am not sure Dwarves of Golarian has it or not. If anyone knows if DoG has it, or another suppliment, please let me know.
Thanks -
The Captain

Edited to fix typo

The SR is an evolotion of the Eidolon. I am looking for something a bit guarenteed then relying on SR then making my save to keep him around. Especially dealing with antimagic fields.

I am looking for a good way to prevent my eidolon from being banished dismissed or winking out if I enter an antimagic field. I am a 12 level summoner synthesist. I have spell resistance on, but am looking for something a bit more. Maybe buffing dimentional anchor. Or wearing magic shackles.

This is the pick I went with, with a couple of modifications. I switched to Aasamir, and I was not able to go with the weapon, I was limited to 1/3 of my starting cash for any one item. I ended up with an option that was shocking/frost for a +2 combo. This did allow me to add wings of flying though as well.
I was not sure exactly how you were arriving at the 134 hps.

I was looking at it being
10d10 worth of fighter levels
2d8 worth of monk levels
toughness for
Con bonus
I am not sure what i am missing here. I am probaly just not understanding your shorthand.
Second part is how would you recommend leveling this guy up.

I did come up with a pretty cool backstory for this guy. He is still a powermonster, but at least he is entertaining now from a roleplaying side.

Elyza wrote:

Let's see. This isn't fully optimized, it is just a sketch. There is plenty of more room to boost offense, but this has a good balance of defense and protection in it too.

Half-elf Synthesist 12/Savage Warrior Fighter 10 with a two level dip into Master of Many Styles Monk of the Sacred Mountain.
Half-elf stats: STR 10+6belt DEX 10 CON 14+1+1 INT 13+1 WIS 18+2 CHA 14
Levels: F F M F M F F F F F F F/ Sx12
Why? The Master of Many Styles monk gets to ignore prereqs with the two bonus style feats. So, he can take the starting style feat as a normal feat, skip the second and jump straight to the third with the bonus feat (affects the snake line).

1 Combat Reflexes
1(F1) Weapon Focus (Claws)
2(F2) Power Attack
3 Snake Style
3(M1) Snake Fang, (M1 bonus) Improved Unarmed Strike, (M1 bonus) Stunning Fist
5 Dragon Style
5(M2)Dragon Ferocity, (M2 bonus) Toughness
6(F4) Feral Combat Training
7 Combat Style Master (enter styles faster including in surprise round)
8(F6) Furious Focus
9 Extra Evolution
10(F8) Weapon Specialization (Claws)
11 Extra Evolution
12(F10) pick anything

45,000 gp ~ Holy Vicious Amulet of Mighty Fists +0. +4d6 damage, 1d6 self inflicted. It is 40% of your WBL, which is reasonable for a main weapon.
36,000 gp ~ Belt of STR +6
9,000 gp ~ Cloak of Resistance +3
18,000 gp ~ other stuff

Quadruped Synthesist, in the shape of a cattaur. Clawed arms and foreleg paws.
Evolutions: 19 = 16 base + 3 Favored Class bonus + 3 feat bonus
Evolutions: pounce(1) + clawsX2(2) +limbs(arm)(2) + large(4) + skilled(perception)(1) + resist(fire,electric)(2) + Imp Nat Armor (1) + energy attacks(2) + spell resistance(4)

The beasts stats turn out as
STR 27+1+6belt DEX 17 CON 17+1 INT 13+1 WIS 18+2 CHA 14
NA +2+10+2
AC = 42 = 10 base + 14 NA + 2 Imp Nat Armor + 3 DEX + 5 WIS + 4 Mage Armor +4 Shielded Meld
Touch AC = 18, Flat footed AC = 39
Snake Style + immediate action can boost Touch AC to d20+20 against one opponent if Sense Motive is maxed out in...

level 12, and equipment is pretty open and I can get the majority of it at cost as well so lots of room for power play.
By the way this is not intended for a long term character, he is going to be fun fill in till we reach a point when I can get my healer back. Sort of like a nice super sweet dessert till I get back to my diet.

we are using the gestalt rules, so I suppose there is now.

My favorite character died who was the party healer, now I want to go pure on damage. We have 30 points to build with, have to stick to core books and such. I would love some help on building the most munchkin power build I can get. I would like to avoid a two handed fighter type. A full on power archer might be good, or I also heard about an arcane caster build that drained levels with almost endless rays of frost. Basically I need some help with making something most GMs would cringe to allow, but still following all the rules.
Thanks gang