
Captain Shar'ka Fire-Eye's page

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Very interesting and challenging (spoilers contained)


This is the third scenario that I have DMed. Overall, I thought it was a very well written scenario, with a good storyline, fantastic opportunities to roleplay both as a DM and for the players, and a variety of problem solving and discovery in the second act.

The first act was definitely a challenge; I had to create a town scene, come up with NPCs (some were provided but not enough) for the players to interact with, and make sure it was varied enough that faction missions weren't too obviously presented. I do like having that freedom, but novice DMs beware: this will take some time to prep.

There was a little freedom given for which baddies came when, and where battles would take place. I like that element, having the freedom to move things around.

The 'main boss' battle was hard to introduce but easy to keep going. There was no written suggestion on how to get her transformed then fighting - I created a sort of 'suspension of time' for her to get in place. It worked, but was a little awkward. I would have liked some help with that.

Some of the loot found after battles was not available on the Chronicle sheet for the players to buy. That was a little disappointing. And there are a whole bunch of scrolls available for purchase - spells that the characters had, but no scrolls were found in game. That was a little odd to me. I suppose the thought is that characters saw the spells in action and could then seek out how to cast them?

I recommend this scenario for DMs who like digging in and getting creative. Definitely took about 3 hours of prep time, and lots of improv.