
Captain Hervaux's page

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I've used a group high STR rouges with the bandit archetype and the assault leader rouge talent as bad guys in a campaign before. If you ambush your enemies in a small space, you can kill a few of them before the fight even starts. A one level dip in barbarian is also very useful for that kind of fighting if it's allowed. Extra health, taking extra rage power can get you reckless abandon, and you don't need much rage to jump out of the woods and gank someone while flanking and sneak attacking.

buckledup wrote:

Not that this has anything to do with RAW or RAI but if any of you have ever seen japanese weapon demonstrations where middle aged japanese men (equating something on the str 12 range) split iron helms in half you would be a full believer in 1.5x dex damage to 2h weapons.

Speed, precision, weapon design and knowledge of how to use that weapon masterfully can equal any 7' tall brute with a bastard sword.

just 2 coppers for all the people discussing the believability of dex equating str in regards to dealing damage with a weapon.

That would be more along the lines of the fighter's weapon training or weapon specialization. Also, they're still technically using strength, it's just that their perfect form allows them to apply their strength very well in that particular movement. It's like how not every super strong guy can throw a good punch, but if you teach a super strong guy to punch well, he'll be much more dangerous than a small guy with the same training. There's a reason that heavyweight UFC fights usually don't last long. Dex to damage to me would be having the accuracy to stab someone in the armpit if they're wearing armor or consistently stab people in the groin or eyes.