
Captain Geoff Vanderhaven's page

13 posts. Alias of Davi The Eccentric.

I'm taking a hiatus from Paizo for a while. I'll probably be back at some point, so just shove my characters into the metaphorical attic until I return. Nothing personal against any of you, I just need a bit of a break.

See you all around,

PS: If you briefly saw this in PBP Discussion, that's because I realized that this was better suited to Gamer Connection and reposted the thread here after deleting that one.

Here. Until someone makes a sixth FAWTL thread, just use this. Have fun.

EDIT: Screw it, no need to make the name scheme more confusing if this becomes the new main thread

The year is 994 YK, and your goal is within your sights. Although battle rages in the valley below, here it is deathly quiet. Here the ruins of a tower jut from the ground, silhouetted against the gray sky. The trees growing near-by are taller than the crumbling walls, and rubble is piled next to the entrance. The doors have long since been removed and parts of the wall have collapsed, allowing entrance to the tower. However, now is not the time for examining the tower further, for it seems another group has also arrived...

Amyrielle, Boxer:
You have been ordered by higher-ups in House Cannith to examine the expression of the Draconic Prophecy that divination shows to be in this tower. Amyrielle, you have been given an enchanted dragonshard. Simply place it on the mark formed and say the magic word, and this piece of the Prophecy will be recorded for later viewing.

Gurdand, Gabrielle:
You have been hired by Khashana to guide her to this tower on the edge of Cyre, although she has not said why.

If your dream is to be believed, the Dreaming Dark have designs on whatever is contained within this tower. Whatever it is, you must prevent them from acquiring it. In order to do this, you hired two bodyguards to protect you on the way.

Everyone, roll initiative. MAP

The year is 994 YK. The Last War has now been raging across Khorvaire for a century. Now, five heroes make their way to the Breland-Cyre border, unknowingly rushing towards their destinies...

Everyone, welcome to the campaign. Standard first level characters, and remember that this is still the Last War when you're writing your backgrounds. You don't all have to be connected directly, but I suggest at least some of you are.

Specifically, you can download them at DriveThru RPG for free for the next week, thanks to Read an E-Book Week. Say what you will about the book, but the price is certainly right.

Now, as this mission begins we find our cast of characters huddling in the hold of the Brazen Sky on the way to the planet Iocanthos. While the Brazen Sky is in good repair, it is not designed for the passenger's comfort. You're staying in the cargo hold with several cots set out, and the constant shaking and flickering of the lights is going to drive you mad if you stay here much longer. The only member of the crew that even seems to notice you is the purser, Sebek, and he is annoyingly sycophantic. Fortunately, the trip shall soon be over, but for now you are still stuck in the cargo bay.

For now, do whatever you want. I'll advance the plot when it looks like everyone is ready. Also, if everyone would read the mission briefing ob page 363, summarized below:

There are strange events near the cathedral being built in the town of Stern Hope on Iocanthos. You'll land in Port Suffering, meet an Inquisition agent there, then drive to Stern Hope. Iocanthos is mainly ruled by various warlords, and it's main export is a psychoactive plant which only grows there.

Welcome, one and all, to the Discussion Thread! This is the place for comments about the game, warnings about upcoming absences, and whatever other random bits of information you wish to share.