The Rake

Cap'n Jose Monkamuck's page

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Last Tuesday saw the party in the Anima game managing to complete their final mission and actually all sort of survive to get away.

Next Tuesday will be the epilogue to the Anima game and character creation for GURPS. There is a very, very tiny chance of actual game play, but I doubt it. The following week is when the fun really begins.

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As has been mentioned in a few other threads in addition to the Pathfinder game I run on Saturdays, I am also currently running a game using the Anima system on Tuesdays. That will soon be coming to an end. Not that I will cease running on Tuesdays, but I've done as much with the Anima game as I feel I want to.

So this thread will be dedicated to the new campaign I am working on for Tuesdays. I will be using the GURPS system, current looking at 200 point characters, 50 points of disadvantages and 5 poins of quirks. Each character must be human and must be from Earth. They can be from past, present or future. It can be an earth with magic or an earth with psychics.

The characters will all wake up togather with only the cloths on their backs and no idea how they got there. "There" will prove to be a landscape completely barren of life with a modern day town in the distance. From there survival will be up to their skills and luck.

The inspiration for this game will be taken from many places, virtually all of which fall into the horror or post-apocalyptic categories. Some of the main inspirations are 28 Day Later, Zombieland, Resident Evil, Biomeet-Necter (manga) and the horror manga of Junji Ito. It's going to be gruesome.

Currently there are 12 players expected to be in the game. It was 11 but Tanis expressed an interest in joining, and is one of the only players I would allow to do so. I am encouraging the players to post journals using this thread. Audience participation would be most welcome. If you have suggestions for horrible things for them to come across in their journey through a destroyed world please feel free, just put in a spoiler tag. Any of my players who read spoiler tags will be docked exp. Also if you have any suggestions for the players go ahead and make them. They will need the help.

I expect a character death or two in the first session. While I’ll do my best to not try and trick the characters into getting killed, it will still be a dangerous world. One wrong move could kill you and anyone nearby.