CanuckNomad's page

7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thank you for the suggestions !

Three experienced role players are seeking a balanced GM to join a beginning or existing campaign, 1st edition PF or Kingmaker. Prefer over discord and have experience using Fantasy Ground not a fan of Roll20

Thank you!

Thank you for letting me know, didn't understand a reply about PBP lol

Sorry, looking to join an active game over Discord in real-time.

Three experienced role players are seeking a balanced GM to join a beginning or existing campaign, 1st edition PF or Kingmaker. Prefer over discord and have experience using Fantasy Ground not a fan of Roll20

Thank you!

Looking for 3 players to join a starting Pathfinder campaign held over Discord. Please email your interest and availability to the following address:

or reply to this post with your contact email

Thanks !

Looking for 5 players for a new campaign over discord, specifics of game day/time will be decided once the party is full. Please email your interest and availability.