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@ Cynis

Cynis_Kaden wrote:

Why even worry about this feat or your 9-11 rogue maybe having access to improved invisibility, when you could just be a ninja and have it built into your class by level 8? Answer: You dont.

Where can i find this ninja? is it a prestige class? or is it a base class? ive looked and cannot find it. what book is this in... thanks in advance.

Ive taken feats all the way up to greater feint and I also have rogue talent opportunist(once per round), combat reflexes, improved trip, greater trip, and tripping strike and a couple more. yes im a mid range level character. 1 duelist level even.

This has been very VERY effective. (opportunist) once per round I can get an AOO when someone else in my party strikes my target or a target next to me in melee. I can choose to trip as my AOO. If I trip them, that target provokes an attack of opportunity from everyone within melee reach. not to mention they are now prone and to get up from prone is an attack of opportunity, my attack of opportunities can be trip attacks as well. all these attacks are sneak attacks if i greater feint first as my move action.

This build is just crazy when it comes to melee. tons of tripping and attacks of opportunities. SOOO greater feint is a must for me. cause i do it and in between my turns all my AOO's are sneak attacks. just awesome.
get boots of haste or in a potion or wand, and you can make your haste action your feint check. then get a full attack in 1 round.

any comments im happy to hear.

IMO from my own experience, your damage is on par with the fighter in our campaign but we are level 12. ive been dm'n the last 3 sessions. the fighter got a 99 damage hit, yes one hit! and as the dm I was happy for him, it's quite a feat, at the same time not worried about my plans as dm. they were up against a banshee, one monster. it dropped one pc(-4). this was all after I had the fighter cowering in fear for 3 rounds cause the attack of a banshee is 14d6 +fear basically. fighters have low will saves usually. incorporeal creatures take half damage unless said damage is Incorporeal, the rest had a very tough time killing it. I pc'd with the pc's before I dm'd. I knew what to make the story and monsters to make it interesting and challenging for all. (not every fight has to be challenging, the ones that are, a little homework makes for a better encounter for everyone).

bottom line, not everyone is skilled enough to dm anything and certainly not when they dont know the pc's limits, or know how to challenge them. your character is far from op.
tell the dm to look for monsters in the books that are challenging specific to your pc's and maybe work the story arc that way. talk together as a group, maybe he isn't in to hi level characters, it is common. either way talk it out, gl.