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Organized Play Member. 20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.
I will preface this by saying I’m asking this largely with regards to PFS rules but any help is appreciated
I’ve recently been considering creating an Unchained Rogue who uses Catch-Off Guard, using Stiletto Boots as her improvised weapon. It seems that rules regarding Improvised Weapons are a bit thin on the ground, and I want to try and get some idea as to if can ever work, so I have a few questions
Are Stiletto Boots able to be used in conjunction with Weapon Finesse, and if so, would they be valid choice for an Unchained Rogues Finesse Training?
Would they count as a weapon for things like Heirloom Weapon? What about Magic Weapon? Weapon Focus?
Could you buy silver or cold iron versions of them? I don’t think you can buy masterwork versions of improvised weapons but at this point I don’t know what rules to look at

I want to take some levels in Evangelist in my Warpriests future, but I’ve come to realise this may be thicker than it seems as I worship the Empyrean Lord Korada.
Does Korada count as a deity with respect to the “must worship a deity prerequisite of Deific Obedience, or am stuck only being able to take Celestial Obedience? And if not then why the does the Crimson Templar’s gain access to it if considering they have to worship the Empyrean Lord Ragathiel?
Heck, if I do end up gaining access to Deific Obedience (I’m looking at you Divine Champion ) would I even get access to the boons?
I know there’s some text before the feat Fey Obedience that allows the Feysworn, Evangelist, Sentinel and Exhalted to use the same boons, though it seems Celestial Obedience doesn’t have this text, annoyingly because Deific Obedience and the 3 prestige classes that go with it were published after Celestial Obedience, and there’s been no campaign clarification, at least from what I’ve seen, that would allow it to do the same thing.
I’ve been trying really hard to make this work, and I really hope someone can give me an answer to whether it’s actually achievable or not.
Recently I’ve realised that by utilising the powers of Heavyload Belt and Powerhouse Pelt I can increase my owl familiars carrying capacity up to the point where my 150lb wizard counts as a medium load in terms of carrying capacity.
Before I consider actually doing this, I want to ask what some the effects of doing this may be, for example: Would I still get to use all my actions while in the air? What action would it be for my Familiar to pick me up? What happens if my Familiar tried to pick up a hostile creature? If my Familiar was hit while flying, would I have to make a concentration checks? Depending on how I’m lifted, would my wizard need to have enough strength to hold on hanging from the owl?
I’d prefer to have an ideas as to how this might function before I inform my GM about this rather weird intersection of rules and my possible intentions for it
Page 458 of the CRB states “If no activation method is suggested either in the magic item description or by the nature of the item, assume that a command word is needed to activate it.”
I’ve been looking at the items Dawnflower Sash and Gossamer Amberstone . The Sash’s Cure Light Wounds ability explicitly states that it is command word activated, whereas the Amberstone’s Cure Light Wounds ability doesn’t state this. However, looking at the statement from the Core Rules it seems to imply that it is command word activated, even though it isn’t stated in the items description.
Does this mean that any wondrous item that allows you to cast a spell has to be command word activated? If so why does the Sash only state that it’s Cure Light Wounds ability is command word activated but not it’s Feather Fall ability?
My PFS Wizards owl Familiar has been a rather useful over the past few sessions and I have decided that I want to give him the capability to heal, or at least be able to heal someone whose just gone down back to consciousness. However, this has been a trickier endeavour than I was expecting as it seems that there aren’t that many magic items that heal someone other than yourself and also don’t require a command word (curse you PFS ruling on non improved Familiar being unable to use command activated items)
So far the only items I have managed to find that really work are the Gossamer Amberstone, Milanite Armor and the Holy Mask of the Living God, and the Amberstone is the only real item that actually does what I want without having to jump through hoops (O Dawnflower Sash, why did you have to have a command word trigger?)
Does anyone know of any other items that could work or any other way in which I may be able to pull off this something similar?

I’ve recently started playing a Warpriest in PFS, as I wanted to play a shield based character and I felt that a Warpriest would be a fun class to play.
What I’ve found is that most of the fighting styles and feat tree either require me to jump through too many hoops to make them good or just generally are rather mediocre at best, and I’m not really sure where to go from here
- Two-handing shields and Power Attack are both good but I don’t really know what to follow it up with.
- Vital strike required the Weapon of the Chosen feat tree which limits me to worshiping one specific deity which feels not great.
- The Bodyguard line seems really cool and flavourful but considering the FAQ and the fact I probably won’t be wielding a reach weapon it feels lacklustre.
- I could take two levels in Ranger for Shield Slam but at that point I might as well play a Ranger instead.
- I’m also not keen on playing a human which doesn’t exactly help out my feat situation.
If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for a shield based build I’m all ears, because it feels like I’ve run out of good options
I’ve recently started playing a shield wielding Warpriest and was having a look at the Evangelist prestige class, as it seems pretty flavourful as well not being too bad of an option. However, I realised the the deity that I’m worshiping doesn’t have an obedience, which would lock me out from becoming an evangelist from the start.
Is there anything I can do about this asides from worshiping a different deity?
I have recently been considering purchasing a Ring of Eloquence for one of my characters when they level up, and I wanted to ask about what languges can be inscribed on the ring.
Its decription says: "Normally the languages are Common, Dwarven, Elven, and Gnome. Less often, such rings are attuned to Giant, Goblin, Orc, and Undercommon, and rings with different sets of languages might also exist." which makes me think that you have a choice of what languages the ring gives you access to, but that seems rather good considering the fact it could then give you access to languages like Druidic or Thassilonian.
Can I choose the rings languages, or am I just able to choose betwen the two different option listed in the item description?
The Emissary Familiar Archetype has the ability Domain Influence, which reads:
"At 3rd level, the emissary gains a spark of divine power from the deity its master worships. Choose one of that deity’s domains that grants a 1st-level domain power usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the user’s Wisdom modifier. The emissary can use that power once per day. This replaces deliver touch spells."
My question is how would the duration, or save DC, of this domain power be calculated?
Because the familiar would no levels in cleric, is it treated as having an effective cleric level of 0 when it comes to calculating a powers duration/save DC, or does the Familiar use its total hit dice/its masters level as an effective cleric level? Do you include the Familiars Wisdom modifier when working out the save DC?
I'm considering using this in PFS so any clarification here would be really useful
I've been looking around for a while for a way for my Wizard to be able to communicate with her owl familiar, as it has the sage archetype and I don't want to wait until 5th level until I can speak to them, and I think I may have found an easy way to do it, and I'd like to run it past other people, just to see if it would work.
The method would involve using a wand of Speak Local Language on your familiar. Simple as that.
Now my question here is, does your familiar count as a creature, as the spell description it says that it functions "as tongues" (except it only grants the ability to speak and understand 1 langauge), which has a target of 1 creature?
If this works, then there's basically nothing stopping me from carrying around a wand of Speak Local Language and tapping my famiiar whenever I think a knowledge check is in the near future, as it has a duration of 10/minutes a level. And for 2PP, it would be pretty easy to aquire