Wiggz wrote: FWIW, the high DR Barbarian was unkillable despite the relative lack of armor and made for a tremendously effective character in that environment. I've got the build if you're interested, or ask Damocles Guile as he was the one who played the character. I would love to see the build. Examples help me tremendously.
2nd level Flowing Monk
That is just a lot of sweetness there. Barbarian - Invulernable Rager
I might have a game plan here. Need to work out feat selection and stat /equipment arrangments to keep AC decent. Wonder if with monk AC and Natural Armor if I can build on that.
Good Info - Thanks guys. I'm still torn ... Invulnerable Rager is what almost exactly what I want flavor wise but I'm looking over the Rage Powers and still questioning how to get there. Increased DR doesn't open up until 8th, CAGM is 12th (as is a host of other good powers). I would like to be more effective sooner, since this it may be a long while before seeing 12th+ level. Seems like I might gimp myself out of attacks if I dip fighter (or Barbarian) later in life. Example, at 10th level (5) Fighter BAB +5
Where I should be +10/+5 at 10th level, I would only be at a single +10 attack, right? I could make up for some of that with TWF feats for additional attacks, but I'm always going to be missing the primary hand second swing, all the way to 20th. If that is right, I could be better doing a reckless, pirate themed aasimar monk (NG) To make it all worse, I'm taken a liking to Horizon Walker with all the water based terrain bonuses that would kick butt in this setting.
Looking for some advice, since I really can't seem to decide on the mechanics of a character build. Theme: Skulls and Shackles
My Character: Suicidal sums it up. I envision him the one to run and jump to the deck of an enemy ship when it might not be close enough to jump too, Two Weapons blazing (why is he hacking at the mast??). Other context would be the character to try and get a grappling hook on a dragon strafing past so he can climb up to it. Think Riggs in lethal weapon. Stats (rolled - not point buy): 17, 16, 16, 14, 13, 12 Being a front liner, seems Fighter or Barbarian are the obvious picks. I'm thinking either Kukri or Wakizashi in both hands. The open sea's and heavy armor dont really agree with each other so I am struggling with how to keep him alive and still be the maniac I'm aiming for. Its not really my intention for him to be a meat grinder (read: I dont really want to be the center of every combat for massive dpr) so I'm thinking going into the crit tree to apply conditions is the right move; however, the only way that is going to happen is with the number of feats I get out of fighter. That said, CAGM Barbarian seems to be the class that fits what I want the most. Looking for community feedback to help me decide on a build here.
Black Powder Chocobo wrote:
Shoot - you are right. Thanks Chocobo, I wasnt seperating feat selection properly.
Bonus Feat At 1st level, 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, a monk may select a bonus feat. These feats must be taken from the following list: Catch Off-Guard, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Improved Grapple, Scorpion Style, and Throw Anything. At 6th level, the following feats are added to the list: Gorgon’s Fist, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Trip, and Mobility. At 10th level, the following feats are added to the list: Improved Critical, Medusa’s Wrath, Snatch Arrows, and Spring Attack. A monk need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for these feats to select them. --------------- It was bothering me but it's HERE!. I knew I wasn't crazy ;)
Description A weapon with the guided property allows its wielder to use his instinct when striking blows with it. Attacks from a guided weapon generally don’t strike hard, but they strike at precisely the right moment to maximize damage if in the hands of a particularly wise wielder. A character who attacks with a guided weapon modifies his attack rolls and weapon damage rolls with his Wisdom modifier, not his Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not adjusted for two-handed weapons or off-hand weapons—it always remains equal to the wielder’s Wisdom modifier. A guided weapon may be wielded as a normal weapon, using Strength to modify attack and damage rolls, but this goes against the weapon’s nature and imparts a –2 penalty on all attack rolls made in this manner. -------------- It doesn't state melee vs. ranged. It ONLY talks about the strength modifier. It certainly seems like it would be applicable to ranged weapons, the question is - how does it affect DEX based modifiers? I'm think replaces it, but I am looking for clarity here.
Wisdom becomes Att/ Dmg modifier instead of Strength Questions: States +1 cost. Not sure what this means if you tagged Guilded to a Masterwork weapon by itself. Not easily digging up information on either. Looking for direction. Description is melee only and it references strength. How does this work on Ranged weapons where DEX is used in attack? Does it stack or over-ride? I think it would clearly over ride a strength bow's bonus to dmg (rendering a migty bow just difficult to pull back).
Black Powder Chocobo wrote:
Ki Focus Bow at 17 will open up ranged stunning fist. I can't for the life of me remember how I got to Medusa's Wrath, but good catch. Seems I need to decide if stunning alone if worth working in or if I have a few more free feats to plan out (stunning and ability focus) Guided - holy goodness. Thank you =)
Cheapy wrote:
I rationalized it with the fact that you only hold the bow with one hand, its the other hand that grabbing arrows and pulling the bowstring back. Since the feat says you only need one hand free, its not unreasonable to think that a bow user *could* have that hand free. Either way, both comments have me leaning back towards Defensive Combat Training. I am just unsure the feat investiment here is the best option.
I am new to pathfinder and this is only my 2nd character. Looking for some advice on ensuring I have my feats mapped out properly. Seems like it is very, very easy to wrong with a monk. I do not intend to dip into another class. The setting will be skulls and shackles with a low level start (under 4th, but TBD). I am looking at a Zen Archer / Qingong build with a Human. I haven't rolled stats yet but will prioritize WIS (+2) >STR >CON >DEX >INT >CHA. (1) Toughness
Qingong subs
Still reading up the vows but cleanliness and truth seems good. Also looking to take the trait Honored Fist of the Society to increase ki pool size. Kind of torn on the Defensive Combat Training as it would render Crane Style incomplete and free up a slot. Thoughts? Also - I may be building towards things that dont work well with each other. Looking for advice on the build plan. Thank you. |