Calvin Fort's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


I never got a chance to read any of the racial info, so I have no clue the value of the racial bonuses. I went to stat creation rules then to Solarian, briefly browsed that, then Erik took the book away so he could reference it for the last bit of the Q&A. Later for to browse a bit more stuff.

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IonutRO wrote:
Ashanderai wrote:

Except that all appears to be outdated information. I bet that was the playtest rules since it aligns perfectly with the material from First Contact. If that demo game was run by a Paizo rep, I might accept it, but it doesn't line up with what we know about the Shirren ability scores (two +2s and a -2 does not equal a net gain of +3) and nobody but Paizo has seen the final rules as far as we know. I mean, who ran this guy's demo game?

Someone up thread asked for stats on characters from a demo or con game....

Well, a) He said they had the fully printed proper book, not a collection of stapled together home printed pages.

And b) The shirren stats are from before the finalized book was sent to printers, so they could've changed to +2/+2/-1.

Oh, and c) he said Erik Mona was there, but he didn't say if he ran the demo or was merely present, since he mentioned that they spoke about the game.

Erik Mona ran the show for the MN demo. The demo party was the last 20 or 30 minutes. First 2.5 hours was Erik doing a Q&A while passing an actual book around.

my brother-in-law and I both made a point of reading the character creation section when we had the book. The example you linked earlier is spot on with one exception, stat bonus wasn't applied in that example. What I read in the book was:
All stats at 10
Apply Racial bonuses
Apply Theme bonus
Spend 10 points
No stat above 18

General thoughts reading through the revisions.

Spell list: No Read Magic? Both Paladins and Rangers get this as a 1st level spell. Will there be custom spells in the ACG for BR?

Blood Sanctuary: Cool concept, but could use increases as you level. Suggestion #1: Have it gain +1 every few levels (5?). Suggestion #2: Have based off Charisma (2+Chr mod) as a carrot to put points there.

Greater / Mighty Bloodrage: Very nice boost to use a spell as you rage. Huge encouragement not to go Dragon Disciple. Small suggestion, in addition to a self cast buff maybe also allow the option to cast an AoE spell instead of a buff.