
Caethel Landregil's page

1 post. Alias of Kana.

Full Name

Elanorthel Caethel Landregil




Druid 1












Common, Elven, Sylvan, Celesital

Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 16
Charisma 12

About Caethel Landregil

: Elanorthel Caethel Landregil
Sex: Female Race: Elf Class: Druid Age: 120 Height: 6'
NG Medium Humanoid(elf) 

Init +2; Senses Low-Light 60ft; Perception +7



AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 armor) 

HP 8 (1d8+0)

Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5

Immune to magic sleep effects
+2 vs enchantment spells and effects



Speed 20 ft. 
 (30 without armor)
Melee Longsword +1 (1d8+1)/19-20/x2
Range Compound +1 Str Longbow +3 (1d8+1)/19-20/x2

Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft.

Nature Bond - Animal Companion(Darius, a wolf)
Nature Sense - +2 Knowledge(nature) and Survival
Wild Empathy
Two-World Magic - Ray of Frost




Str 12, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 

1st: Point-Blank Shot

Traits: Exposed to Awfulness and Two-World Magic and Broken Mind

Skills ( ranks): (6 level, 1 Favored Class)
(1) Craft(Bows) + 6
(0) Diplomacy +1
(1) Handle Animal +5
(0) Heal +3
(1) Knowledge(geography) +6
(1) Knowledge(nature) +8
(1) Perception +9 (+2 from elf)
(0) Sense Motive +3
(1) Spellcraft +6 (+2 to identify magic items)
(1) Survival +9
Languages: Common, Elven, Drudic, Sylvan, Celestial



+3 to overcome SR (lvl 1 + 2 racial)

Level 0 - Save DC 13
Ray of Frost

Level 1 - Save DC 14
Cure Light
Magic Fang



Druid Kit - 14gp
Hide Armor - 15gp
Composite +1 Str Long Bow - 66gp 6sp 7cp
Longsword - 15 gp
Arrows(60) - 1gp
Dagger - 2gp

Carrying Capacity Light: 32.25 lbs. Medium: 32.26-64.5 lbs. Heavy: 64.6-97.5 lbs.

Currency: 6 gp 6 sp 6 cp 3sp 3cp from Nidthel’s bow creation

Total Weight: 86 lbs. Though Animal Feed from Druid kit would be at house, along with several other items in it





Caethel is nearly identical to her twin sister. Both have honey blond hair, bluish green eyes and stand 6' tall, it is only by their scars and what they wear that most can tell them apart on sight. Most of Caethel's physical scars stay hidden by clothing. Caethel is often acompanied by her ‘dog’ Darius, who is actually a wolf she has raised since he was a pup. Caethel wears hides and furs, unlike her sister. Armed with a bow she crafted herself, and a sword she was trained to use by her father and brother, she stays armed. When in combat, she focuses on ranged combat, using her bow and her spells. Melee with her sword is a last resort, though she does direct Darius into Melee combat.





Caethel is quiet, but polite around anyone but her immediate family and those she is close too when she first meets someone. When she does open up, she is not only sweet but talkative. She means well, and while she respects the Law, she understands that sometimes rules must be broken. She is extremely close to her younger twin, Nidthel, and is often stuck like glue to her. It is only rarely that she leaves her sister's side. Having been through a demon attack, she bears a few physical scars but most of them are only on her torso and legs. The real scars that run deeper, being on her mind more than her body.This has led to her being haunted by her nightmares, though she does manage to sleep. Her mind is still healing from the damage, but this is slower than the physical injuries, even after all these years. She has taught herself how to survive in the wilds and to care for her family if it came down to it. She prefers to be out in nature, finding a calming peace there that she cannot find in the city.





It was a magical day, when the Ladrengils’ were graced with a pair of twins.With elven numbers in decline and their naturally delicate constitutions, the birth of healthy twins was considered a blessing and a good omen for the family and surrounding community. They named these twins, Elanorthel and Lothuialthel. During the first crusade, their father moved the family to Drezen. He wished to join the crusade, and felt the city was safe enough to take his family there as well. IIt was a change from the small community where they had grown up. Things seemed to be going well for them there, that was until the demon’s came again.

After the dreaded attack on Drezen, the Ladrengil’s were forced on the run, fleeing their former neighbors and beloved aunts and uncles. They spent years trying to find a place safe from demon attacks. Arrival at Kenabres provided no safety however. The large influx of refugees and increased suspicion of demonic activity had led to heavier enforcements on traffic flow into the city. They camped outside the walls with the other war torn refugees. It was not long before rumors began to circulate. Besides the two girls being elven twins, their mother had obviously suffered psychological trauma from watching her friends and neighbors turn into beast like creatures. Trauma that changed her behavior to something dangerous and unbalanced. Things worsened when the others at the camp learned that they hailed from Drezan, and whispers about them being cursed followed the girls wherever they went. Met with hatred and suspicion, their father made the only choice he felt he could. They left the refugee camp, moving out into the woods away from everyone to wait for the hysteria to subside. They were still within a few days travel of the camp, allowing their father, and sometimes their older brother to travel back to the camp for supplies. When their father traveled there he worked to get his family a pass into Kenabres. This left the sisters primarily on their own, straying out into the woods to play.

Around this time, the crusaders were working to place the Wardstones to contain the demon armies within Sarkoris and the Worldwound, but the stones’ effectiveness were still unsteady and shifting. And in between one blink and the next a demon slunk through before making its way through the forests towards Kenabres-towards two elven children with magic in their being and power in their veins. A flash of claws and teeth and the demon was upon them both. It was only the fateful timing of their brother’s quick thinking that saved their lives. Hearing their screams, he grabbed his sword and ran into the forest. He didn’t pause when he saw the demon attacking his sisters, instead, he jumped into the fray, slaying the demon. The girls had survived, but there was something on the demon’s claws that forced the two injured girls into a coma, leaving them bedridden for weeks. After they had finally awoken and their wounds had healed the girls were changed. Almost every night they experienced nightmares. Soon, Lothuialthel didn’t want to sleep, kept awake by not only her own nightmares, but those of her twin. Somehow, Elanorthel did manage to sleep between the nightmares that bombarded her and her twin.

When their father returned home to this changed family with a chance at a new life. He had acquired a pass into Kerabes. Soon, the family moved from their home in the woods to the city. The girls took this change in their life to choose their names. Elanorthel, the eldest, became Caethel; while Elanorthel became Nidthel. Their father took a job with the city guard, while their brother joined the crusades. He wanted to stop what had happened to his sisters from happening to anyone else. Anytime the girls spent at home, it was with their mother.

Occasionally, Caethel would leave town to go be back amongst the trees, to escape. She found peace from her nightmares there. The forests felt like home, even with the dangers of demons near. On one of these such trips, she came across an orphaned wolf pup, his parents slaughtered up the way by some creature that was long gone. Unable to leave him to die, she snuck him back into the city with her. It was there that she raised him, naming him Darius. He was second in her heart only to her sister. With her father often at work, and her brother off in the crusades, only her sister and Darius were constants. Her mother was to far gone, too broken to be a constant. With all of her mother's moodswings, home was not a happy place. Finding any escape from the house she could, Caethel only left her sister's side when she wished to go to the forest for some peace.