
Cacophonik's page

Organized Play Member. 155 posts (731 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 7 aliases.

Several friends and I are trying to assemble a gaming group that will run via VTT (Fantasy Grounds 2, to be specific) and Skype or Teamspeak.

We currently have 4 (including the DM), but would like to add a few (2-5 more) players. No knowledge of 4e or FG2 is required, tho either or both would prove helpful, ultimately.

The only downside is that you'd have to purchase at least a $23.95 "Lite" FG2 license here in order to actually play.

More specifics available on request - feel free to contact me via Skype

Skype ID: daddysauc3
for more details!

Several friends and I are trying to assemble a gaming group that will run via VTT (Fantasy Grounds 2, to be specific) and Skype or Teamspeak.

We currently have 4 (including the DM), but would like to add a few (2-5 more) players. No knowledge of 4e or FG2 is required, tho either or both would prove helpful, ultimately.

The only downside is that you'd have to purchase at least a $23.95 "Lite" FG2 license here in order to actually play.

More specifics available on request - feel free to contact me via Skype

Skype ID: daddysauc3
for more details!

So. If you've got a 10-character party (don't ask...), would it be feasible to simply double the recommended critters/encounter, since the party is double-sized?

From what I can tell from the DMG advice, this should work as far as balance goes. Anyone have any practical experience with such a ghastly scenario?

If a player affected by the slowed condition uses a power granting him a Shift (taking place during his Standard attack action), is he then allowed to use his Move action to move further, or is he limited to 2 squares per turn regardless of what part of the turn they are used?

Power in question is the Barbarian's "Vault the Fallen", which grants a shift of up to 4 squares sandwiched between 2 attacks on separate targets.

After attacking target 1, shifting 2 squares ('cause of Slow) and attacking target 2, is he then allowed to use his Move action to either move two more squares or use his normal shift?

Yes, another one. :)

According to the PHB, ongoing damage of the same type (or untyped) does not stack when applied to the same target.

What happens when a single character is attacked by a pair of critters who each have the following powers:


Creatures in question are Plague-Changed Ghoul Eaters, from Dungeon 161.

Claws (Standard, at-will)
+18 vs Armor Class; 2d6+5 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).

Gut Tongue
When the plague-changed ghoul eater damages an immobilized, stunned, or unconscious target with its Claws attack, the target also takes ongoing 10 acid damage (save ends).

Is the second power usable only once - until the afflicted character saves against it - in which case it can be re-applied the next time the first power hits under applicable conditions?

I think that's the way the RAW would interpret the situation, but it doesn't really make sense that way, (to me, anyways...) given the power descriptions.

Having alot of these lately, since I started DMing. Go figure - I dunno if the rules are vague, simply open for interpretation, or I am just missing things.... anyways, my question this time is:

Shaman's Spirit Companions: I gather from various powers and rule inferences that they are at least partially substantial, but how does one go about targetting and actually hitting them? The rules state that they dissipate if they take a certain amount of damage, (hurting the Shaman in the process) but I do not see an AC, or Fort/Reflex/Will stat for them.

Thanks again for your wisdom!

Looking for clarification for the following scenario:

Can a Half-Elven Wild Sorcerer who has the following features (and uses a pair of daggers) cast a Twin-Strike Dragonfrost bolt at range, as an At-Will power?

Dilettante Power: Twin Strike: Two melee or ranged attacks, must use melee or ranged weapon
Sorcerous Blade Channeling: Use any Ranged Sorcerer power thru a Dagger as a Melee Attack
Reaper's Touch: Dragonfrost power gains range of melee touch, can be used as Melee Basic Attack
Versatile Master: Makes Dilettante Power (Twin Strike) into an At-Will, instead of an Encounter power

My interpretation of the combination is "No." What's yours? Why?

Thanks in advance for replies!

Grell philosophers have a Psychic Storm power that reads like this:

Psychic Storm; Area burst 2 within 10; +9 vs. Will; 3d8 + 3 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). The psychic storm is a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. Any creature entering the zone is dazed (save ends).

My question is this - does the 3d8+3 damage apply AFTER the zone is placed in addition to when it is originally cast? If a character is stuck inside the zone for multiple rounds, does he take the 3d8+3 EACH round, or does he just have to contend with the daze portion, after the initial damage is applied (once)?

Welcome one, welcome all to the Roads to Madness... I hope your travels are rewarding!

Please read the appropriate spoilers below; I've tried to not overstep my bounds as a DM, but if I've done something to your character that you deem unreasonable, let me know on the discussion thread, and we'll see what can be done about it.

Galad & Madda:

The spring breeze is refreshingly cool tonight, and you'd be exceedingly surprised if it didn't carry another evening's worth of rain on it's shoulders. The clouds already tumble and roil over Estered's Square just ahead of you, and above the murmur of the thronging pilgrims faint peals of thunder can be heard. Showing Galad the monument dedicated to Ioun's favourite saint is only the first item on your evening's agenda: according to local gossipmongers, the Dragonborn Sundered Heart, an old friend, has just bought into the Spitting Cockerel, down on the Riverfront, and you'd planned to drop in to help celebrate.

The ancient, empty monolith that is the Mindspire looms to your right side, and the Blue Plate, a highly-regarded eatery squats shale-roofed to your left as you approach the square. The first drops of rain kiss the well-kept cobbles of Saint Street as your idle chatter is interrupted by a sudden, raucous tide of frantic noise. Above the clamor, a strident voice heavy-laden with spite and venom rises, trilling in the writhing syllables of Deep Speech.

It is here, it is near! The tear, the tear! Find it, snatch it! Search wood, search stone, search blood, search bone!

As you blink the shock from your countenances, the mingled crowd in the square becomes first a trickle, then a panicked flood as pilgrims and citizens alike strive to flee, their efforts driven by the wet screams of some slower to react.

Perception and Initiative from the both of you, please!

Sundered Heart & Karnn:

You sit taking your ease on the porch of the Blue Plate, one of Wellspring's best eateries, having just visited the Town Hall to make your partnership with Madigan Tye officially binding. Her bulk fills the rocking chair across the table from the pair of you – she insisted on buying the first of the celebratory drinks and the Plate was far closer than the Cockerel, a fact that your new partner irritably points out. “Can't get the best custom if we ain't close t' all the best happenins! We'll never...” The first, heavy drops of the spring evening's inevitable rain spatter tap-tap-tap on the porch roof, and the remainder of Madigan's complaint is lost in a sudden, panicked swell of noise from the crowd of pilgims and hawkers in Estered's Square, just to your north.

Above the rising din you hear a venom-laden voice, shrill and grating, shout unfamiliar syllables, punctuated by a spate of all-too-human screams.

Tye sighs, downing her drink with a resigned gulp.”Now that ain't gonna be good fer business!”

Perception and Initiative please!


You stand with no little disappointment in the early evening chill that pervades Wellspring's bustling town square. The Mindspire, the ancient temple of Ioun where you had hoped to find an answer - at least a clue! - to your dilemma, is naught but an empty shell, a holy place with but faint echoes of former sanctity. In that, you think sourly, I and the 'Spire are much alike.

Your glum introspection is spoiled by the sound of approaching footsteps. Reluctantly pulling your attention up from your dusty boots, you see a short, vaguely pretty woman in clad in the simple blue vestments of an Iounic mendicant. She offers a hesitant smile, flicking her green eyed gaze betwixt you and the heavy brass doors behind you.

“Dierdre,” she says, as the evening's first drops of rain patter heavily down. Her smile returns, but the helpless laughter that follows it is drowned out by a grating, warbling call, full of spite and venom, that carries from the pilgrim-thronged square in front of you.

It is here, it is near! The tear, the tear! Find it, snatch it! Search wood, search stone, search blood, search bone!

Sudden screams bubble up out of the square's busy drone, as citizens and pilgrims alike begin to scatter, panicked.

[ooc]Whomever shouted used the Deep Speech. Perception, Insight and Initiative please!


Post at your leisure, folks – I can only post haphazardly on weekends, and this being a holiday as well, the odds of a major reply before Monday are low. Your forum icons correspond to your character placement, while the pink shaded squares are pilgrims, citizens and merchants in various states of panicked flight. These crowds can be moved through, but count as Difficult Terrain.

Beyond the mortal world, somewhere outside the bounds of the Astral Sea, the Far Realm yawns immeasurable. Beyond the reality of gods and mortals, this plane is a realm of contradictions, a mad place of fevered creation checked only by pointless extinction. The Outside is a sea of diseased possibilities, where the stuff of madness seethes in a soup of the incomprehensible and the unnamable — shuddering, squirming, and sentient.

Who sets out to learn the secrets of the Far Realm, to master its horrid powers? Truly, such efforts are the province of the insane and the soulless. Each breaching of the planar bounds enables more of the Outside to ooze forth, weakening reality’s integrity, threatening to sunder the divine work. Only the truly mad seek such an end, and there is no shortage of the truly mad...

We're looking for ONE player, game will be starting next week, after characters are finalized. The party as configured so far is short a Defender, so willingness to take on that role would be helpful, but not strictly necessary.

If you're interested, toss your concept out and we'll see what we've got - I tend to lean towards interesting concepts/stories rather than OMFGAwesome!!1! stats, so I will more than likely narrow down players that way, then let the dice decide who fills the final spot.

This will NOT be a fast-paced game, though I'll do my best to keep it moving.

Beyond the mortal world, somewhere outside the bounds of the Astral Sea, the Far Realm yawns immeasurable. Beyond the reality of gods and mortals, this plane is a realm of contradictions, a mad place of fevered creation checked only by pointless extinction. The Outside is a sea of diseased possibilities, where the stuff of madness seethes in a soup of the incomprehensible and the unnamable — shuddering, squirming, and sentient.

Who sets out to learn the secrets of the Far Realm, to master its horrid powers? Truly, such efforts are the province of the insane and the soulless. Each breaching of the planar bounds enables more of the Outside to ooze forth, weakening reality’s integrity, threatening to sunder the divine work. Only the truly mad seek such an end, and there is no shortage of the truly mad...

Welcome one, welcome all, ye travellers on the Roads To Madness!

Basics: We'll be trying out a Paragon Tier PbP adventure - if it goes well enough for all involved, we'll continue our explorations.

Specifics: I'd like 5 - 6 characters, starting at level 11. I'd strongly prefer Heroic types, with Races/Classes from PHB/PHB2. Paragon Paths/Feats/Powers from other canonical sources are open for discussion.

Pitch me a concept first, and we'll attempt to get a balanced selection of Roles before we start tossing numbers about.

Pacing: I am a stay-at-home dad to a 5-month old, so my free time is nothing close to regularly scheduled. Due to this priority, I shall proceed as fast as is feasible, but if you're looking for a multiple post-per-day game, I do not think this is it.

Most of this is memory now
I've gone too far to turn back now
I'm not quite what I thought I was but
Then again I'm maybe more

The blood-words promised, I've spoken
Releasing the names from the circle
Maybe I can leave here now and, O
Transcend the boundaries

For now I'm standing here
I'm awaiting this grand transition
The future is but past forgotten
On the road to madness

Times measure rusts as it crawls
I see its face in the looking glass - stop
This screaming laughter hides the pain of its reality
Black, the door was locked I opened
And now I've paid that price ten-fold over
Knowledge - was it worth such torment, oh
To see the far side of shadow?

~Queensryche: The Road To Madness

Can someone help me fill my gaming jones? I prefer D&D, tho would be open to Ars Magica, WHFRP or Shadowrun, I guess.

I don't much get into min/maxing or munchkinning, but besides that, a good mix of combat and roleplay would be nice.

'Allo, 'allo!

This seems to be the place to post such things, and hopefully this effort will bear fruit: My wife and I are in search of a PbP that both of us can join, preferably a D&D 3.5 version, and, were my wishes to be granted, one of Paizo's Adventure Paths - any of them would delight me!

We are both long-term roleplayers, and have experience with PbP/PbeMs, (both playing and running) though none of it recent.

We should be available to post mostly daily, and could be available for IM/IRC/Voicechat as well, given advance notice and decent hours (We're on US East-Coast time).

We've been game-less since most of our RL gaming group packed up and moved to the Left Coast, leaving us stranded and suffering withdrawal pangs... your assistance in alleviating our distress is *most* appreciated, and we thank you in advance!

Noticed on a few sample Character Sheets referenced in various threads that some folks have combined "Hide" and "Move Silently" into a "Stealth" skill; same for "Spot" + "Search" + "Listen" into "Perception".

I believe that the True20 system does this as well, as part of their "streamlining", and tho I am not enamored enough of the system to swap totally, this is a change I'd love to make to my 3.5 game, and was wondering what the community's experiences/thoughts would be on the matter.

Thanks in advance for your considered wisdom. ;)

I've a dilemma, and I'm hoping y'all can help me out. :)

My adventuring group is fresh into 3rd level, as a result of saving Cauldron from the menace of Skulks and Half-Dwarf/HalfTroll Slavers. I recently found out that at least one of my players has bought *and* read the SCAP book, and so I am resolved to switch paths to the Savage Tide. of course this has the added bonus of fitting in with the backgrounds of two nautically-oriented characters in a much neater fashion than SCAP did...

Anyhow, would you recommend sending this party of 4 3rd level characters thru a beefed up (and probably somewhat condensed) "No Honor", or would it be preferable to skip to "Bullywug Gambit"?

If you recommend skipping to "BG", any recommendations on what plot points to keep or rebuild (and ways TO rebuild) from "NH" ?

Thanks in advance!


My little (?!) SCAP adventure has begun, finally - we had our initial meeting last night and hashed out characters, and taught two new folks the basics of 3.5e (One total newb, and one who hadn't played since old old 2e).

I am a bit worried that we're low on healing, though, as we have the following:

Flin: Elfin Swashbuckler 1
Catelin: Human Evoker 1 (Fire Specialist)
Dermina: Halfling Rogue 1
Balkaz Onoru: Human Ranger 1 (UA non-casting variant)
Naral Greenvale: Half-Orc Druid 1

Balkaz and Flin are the folks that haven't played 3.5 yet, so that'll be interesting. The party will encounter a small "prep combat" on the way from Sasserine to Cauldron, so hopefully that'll help 'em get their feet wet.

We've no website yet, but I'll do my best to share our hijinks with y'all, as your comments, wit and wisdom have been exceedingly helpful to my set-up so far!

I am thinking of inserting this fun little adventure as a side-trek in my starting-next-week SCAP campaign... I've always wanted to use it, and it seems that this is the best opportunity I shall have for a while. :)

Have any of you DM's done the same, and if so, what tweaks did you use/would you suggest?

I thought I'd insert it after Flood Season, as by then our Heroes should have built a name for themselves, and it would allow some of our outdoor PC's a bit more of a chance to shine.

Thanks in advance for your wisdom!

I seem to recall that in Kazmojen's loot hoard, there was a letter to him from Vervil Ashmantle, warning him to slow down the pace of his kidnappings...

I was wondering if any of you actually wrote out that letter (and would be willing to share it), for use as a player prop/handout.

I don't remember seeing it in my SCAP handout bundle, but am at work and may well be incorrect.