
C_Trigger's page

Organized Play Member. 35 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Robert Gooding wrote:
C_Trigger wrote:
I would be interested in something that let me put on a suit of armor, to fight. I think it should also allow for different ways of doing that armor. I'm thinking of something like;
  • Power Rangers for magic (Mighty Morphing)
  • Guyver for a bio version (its an old anime/manga)
  • Iron Man for the technology version(ah snap y'all know who this is right?)
  • Tekkaman for a magic/tech (another old anime)
  • Sailor Moon for more mystical magic(an old/new anime)

So you want to see iron man docking with his teammates in a miniskirt doing tentacle porn? Is that what I’m reading?

That’s a train wreck I don’t think I could look away from....or ever unsee even with therapy


I would be interested in something that let me put on a suit of armor, to fight. I think it should also allow for different ways of doing that armor. I'm thinking of something like;

  • Power Rangers for magic (Mighty Morphing)
  • Guyver for a bio version (its an old anime/manga)
  • Iron Man for the technology version(ah snap y'all know who this is right?)
  • Tekkaman for a magic/tech (another old anime)
  • Sailor Moon for more mystical magic(an old/new anime)

Oh, you get the new part to add to your armor as upgrades! [so the kiddies have to buy the new toy, those shows were exploitatively looking back]

I am getting more excited about this class as I am writing. I really hope this can be a thing in the future. OH, you can have a party of 5 with different color armor. AND a mysterious helper can swoop in the help them and disappears!! He could have a top hat and green/white/black and gold armor!!!

...I am having way too much fun with this!

Oh wow yah I just googled megaton and the auto definition is just “a unit of explosive power” lol....I can’t believe I am saying this but at least Wikipedia has it right!

Ravingdork wrote:

Oh, well, good! :)

I'll just call those boys at Webster and tell them they need to update their definitions. :D

?? Those are the definitions of mass and weight?? Uh I think I missed something...or being overly pedantic, or missing a joke..hate it when that happens :)

Ooh and my favorite SI prefix yotta Y 10^24

The problem in the book was that the weight of the Large-Colossle ships was orders on magnitude away from realistic, about 1000 times.

Also when in space you usually don’t talk about weight, which is what the US ton measures. Weight is a measure of the effect of gravity on a given amount of mass. Mass is a measure of how much matter is found within a object. The SI for mass is kilogram (kg) and the tonnne or metric ton is 1000kg. The US ton or short ton, is 2000 pounds.

So technically The weight of your starship, the number in the book, would change for low and high gravity worlds every time you visit a new world! And would be effectively 0 in space! Arsenal

Megatons are often talked about in the real world when talking about explosions,We compare the size of an explosion to how much TNT would be required to make the same explosion. For nuclear weapons this works out to some number of millions of tons of TNT, Or some number of megatons of TNT.

The most powerful nuclear weapon in the US arsenal is a 1.2 megaton of TNT yield (Mt TNT). You could translate that to 1,200,000 tons of TNT or 2,400,000,000 pounds of TNT that’s 2.4 billion pounds of TNT. By way of comparison the bomd itself weight is about 2,400 pounds.

Reading the back of 6th adventure path I saw that Y'all used 2,000 megatons for the new ultranought class ship. That makes me so happy you are fixing the mass error for starships in the book!

Well that's it just wanted to say I like that! Anyone else got anything else to shout out to?

Are there going to be shipped in this book? I can't remember if I have seen anything one way or another. Does anyone know??

I have found the weight of the ships of Tine and small to work well enough. Not sure on Medium I will have to do more research. Large on up is not right full stop.

I did the analysis found on the forums here. But the long and short is change the weight from tons for, Large to Colossal ships, to kilotons (ktons). This gives you a nice separation between player-intended ships Medium size (especially at low level), and the NPC/Organization size ships the Large to Colossal ships. Large ships are the first that have a minimum crew size greater than 1.

Pagan priest, the length for starships is in feet. not meters so the length of a carrier is between .38 to 2.8 miles.

I think that carriers in the sense that we use in the modern day are not highly supported by the current rules. Hopefully, more will come out about carriers that would give the game more options! Personally, I am also looking forward to rules supporting commanding a fleet, I want to be an Admiral!!

Thank you for the info, I really appreciate it. I will be looking up all this stuff, though I have to admit a small part of me hoped there were a quick little miracle secret and easy cure-all. :)

I have been thinking about running a Kingmaker game. I know that Kingmaker has a few things about it that have been improved on in the years since it came out. My problem is I have no idea where any of that information is.

Is there a guide to help make the game more smooth?

Do I just need to spend a few (more like a lot) hours combing through this forum, or another forum?

Are there new rules that are just better then what was available when Kingmaker was published if so what rules what book?

Will there be a special edition that is going to come out tomorrow that I didn't even know about (yah probably not on that one)?

I know there is a lot of years of experience here so I would love to be able to use that experience to my advantage rather than try and reinvent the wheel. Just looking for some help out there thanks!

The Honorverse is an influence, so Paizo can we get a more military SF adventure. At some point in the future, I would buy all the copies of an adventure that let me play as an Admiral! The admiral request I expect to take some years. It would require a new system of some kind to represent the feeling of having a vast fleet that I am looking for like something from the latter Honorvere books or Jack Campbell's Lost Fleet Series.

Like the titles says just how big is the Galaxy that Golarion...well I guess the Pact Worlds since Golarion went bye bye. By way of comparison our Galaxy, the Milky Way, is about 100 light-years (ly) across.

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I'm really looking forward to more equipment! Love it! I really hope that there are some interesting new things to find beyond just missing stuff from the CRB.

We are missing some stuff like more power armor but, what I thing the game needs is more flavor and just toys to play with. The game feels like a skeleton, bare bone, it needs some meat.

Also I really hope that mechs are not going to show up in this book. I am so existed to pilot a gundam, also using piloting in no piloting would be nice. But it needs to be done well, I am hoping for this coming after a lot of thought and polishing. Mechs are not needed yet so please give it some time and get it right.

Not that I have any idea how to do that. I am just a whiny consumer asking for the stars....which is apt in a scifi game. :)

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Thanks everyone for the help and insight! As to the point about vacuum welding, or cold welding is not that big of an issue. The effect only happens with metals, and the metals must be extremely clean. Things that are unlikely with a gun. In fact, there have been very few instances of cold welding. The one most people point to, it had something to do with deploying of an antenna most likely did not happen do to cold welding. Over all its just something that must be taken into account when designing a spacecraft, but it is not as big a deal as the popular mindset would have you believe.

So energy weapons attack EAC which I have seen to always be lower then KAC.

Energy weapons can be rechared for free with a starship, who doesn't have a STARSHIP.

What advantage do kinetic weapons have?

I found some hex bases to buy below

Clear plastic ones

the clear flight stands come seperate

Reaper has several clear and not

I'm sure there are others. I found for size 30mm works well or 1 1/4 inches.

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Jimbles the Mediocre wrote:
A more militant AP would be cool, but what about a militant archeological expedition?

"Hay look I made a bridge, it only took me like what 10 seconds, 11 tops" :)

I could also go for a nice SG-1 like AP, lots of archaeology and gunfights. I mean Daniel Jackson dies almost as much as some PCs.

They are being watched the whole time, via cam-bot, and I thought the reason for going onboard is for an investigation of the whole thing. It legal belongs to one of the two factions but other info lead me to believe that arbitration would take forever so even if one side would give you the loot, they would not be able to take it for some time.

I will admit to having inspirations of Fleet Admiral hat with pretty gold on the brim.

Lord Fyre wrote:
jack ferencz wrote:
i'm expecting an azlanti star empire based AP at some point, although it might not be the second one

Actually, a more "military" sci-fi path would be a good option. Resisting conquest by the Azlanti would certainly fit.

Yes I completely agree about having a military sf adventure path would be my jam. Also I really want to know the size of space fleets in Starfinder. Just how many cruisers and battleships dose the Stewards have?

How is everyone dealing with the loot on the

Location spoiler:
Mining ship and the piece of the Stellar Degenerator

I was thinking that everything they find they should not get to keep, y'alls thoughts?

How is everyone dealing with the loot on the

Location spoiler:
Mining ship and the piece of the Stellar Degenerator

I was thinking that everything they find they should not get to keep, y'alls thoughts?

Where did you find the exact distances for the planets? Also Love the astronomy nerd out!!!

Metaphysician wrote:

Not necessarily. For one, we don't know the *nature* of those encounters. How nasty an "encounter" is effects the logic much moreso than the likelihood. For another, larger ships don't just carry more cargo, they also can carry more arms and armor.

I do suspect there might be at least some tendency to use smaller ships in larger numbers for shipments into the Vast, though, just as a form of insurance. And in-system shipping might include a fair amount of STL transports, since in-system Drift jumps aren't much faster than just using the engines.

That's very true but it is something we should keep in mind when trying to compare to the real world. Cargo ships in the modern world don't have weapons of any kind and anything we could consider encounters are rare events.

The problem I think is that the tonnages for the ships are very badly off. Large ships on up probably should be about 1000 times larger in terms of weight.

Another thing to keep in mind that suprissed me was the danger of drift drive. In system drift has a 1% chance of encounters, travel to near space has >10%, travel to vast space has 25-50% encounter rate. That is insane common for commerce. This will make trade and trade vessels very different then ones found on Earth.

I would expect that all trade ships are armed and have security that is armed onboard. Also I would expect the truly vast shipping ships found in most sci-fi worlds would be less likely to exist given the dangers of the drift.

...The Blorg? I mean come on they are naturally ugly to most species and there patron god Hylax, is all about first contact and diplomacy, also known as friendship!!! Must make my first Shirren named Wiz. Hay maybe the Swarm just wanted to be friends, and was just sending out friend ships to invite the pact world to a party!

Claxon wrote:
Honestly, the reason this happens is because Paizo is an American company and trying to use a system other than pounds would be confusing for a lot of people/customers.

Yup just nature of the beast.

Hithesius wrote:

Within a creature size category, the largest possible creature would be twice the height or length of the smallest one. In accordance with the square-cube law, its mass - and thus weight, as it was presented - would in turn increase by a factor of 8, sometimes rounded off a bit for convenience; rather than have the base 16 tons of a gargantuan creature multiply to 128 tons, for instance, it's rounded off to 125. But even with quirks like that, creature scale follows a fairly elegant progression in Pathfinder and D&D 3.x.

Starfinder's ship scaling, by contrast, follows no apparent pattern beyond each category having a larger number than the previous one. Tiny starships have a length range that ends at triple the start, small doubles, medium is two and a half, and it never really settles anywhere. Mass also increases inconsistently, disregarding both the ranges of previous categories and the actual lengths of the ships with which the masses are associated. There is no method or pattern apparent in ship scales. They simply are, with no concern for any sort of consistency.

So ship size is truly not comparable to creature size. If you are correct that if you double the size of a creature its mass 4 times as large, but that system does not work for ships. The jump from a destroyer to cruisers to battleship is not about a doubling in length. Ships are the size they are due to what role they accomplish for the navy they are in. Destroyers are they are size they are because the job they perform requires a small fast ship. So a cruiser is not necessarily double the size of a destroyer and half the size of a battleship. So to have a neat equation for starship size and tonnage would not be realistic.

Claxon wrote:
C_Trigger wrote:

That's why I changed all the tonnage into us tons for the different universes, it's not ideal but we can just assume that all measurement are taken on the ground of earth/golarion.

Except Golarion doesn't exist anymore, so it doesn't really make sense.

And while Earth does exist in the same universe it's not anywhere close to the same solar system, and I doubt there are drift beacons near it so you can't travel to it easily either.

True but everything in the book is related to pounds, 1 bulk is about 5-10 pounds. So If the book is using pounds for everything, and the assumed gravitational pull that is used for the pounds found everywhere in the book is using 9.8 m/s^2 or Golarion's gravity. Also all the planets in the book are defined as a fraction (ow or high gravity) of standard gravity which again is Golarion's gravity. Also Absalom Station the heart of the setting due to the Star Stone ease of drift also uses Golarion's gravity.

We should definitely be using metric tons as a measurement of mass but since the Starfinder system uses pounds, a measurement of weight. That's why I changed all the tonnage into us tons for the different universes, it's not ideal but we can just assume that all measurement are taken on the ground of earth/golarion.

Overall I'm really happy, but I do think that the mass problem is a real issue. Mistakes like that do your erode at the verisimilitude of the game. That's why for the large size ships on up a switch to Ktons (1,000 tons) would mostly fix the issue.

It would also make a separation between expected player size ships to truly high level player ships. A normal group of 4-5 could not run a destroyer without help. Kind of like when a fighter gets the money for full plate in pathfinder. It would enhance the sense of growth and progression if your ship is so much bigger the literal unit had to be upgraded.

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Oh man, do I love space ships!!! Starfinder had me at, “you can fly spaceships” but looking at the stats on military ships had me wondering, and it seems that others have also found the information to be not correct. But a question is how off are Starfinder’s numbers, to tell let’s look at the military ships other fictional universes?

Destroyer= 300-800 ft or 150-420 tons and crew 6-20

Cruiser= 800-2,000 ft or 420-1,200 tons and crew 20-100

Carrier/battleship= 2,000-15,000 ft or 1,200-8,000 tons and crew 75/100-200/300 (for carrier/battleship)

Dreadnought= over 15,000 ft or over 8,000 tons and crew 125-500

In the Star Trek universe the original Enterprise (NCC-171) i.e. the Kirk ship is called a Heavy Cruiser, in its refit it is listed as 1,000 ft long, mass of 1,000,000 tons, and a crew of 300.
The Enterprise D i.e. Picard ship is 2,108 ft long, mass of 4,960,400 tons, and a crew of 1,012.

Next the Honerverse a long running series of books about naval officer Honor Harrington by David Weber. This series is hard military science fiction so there are lots of ships, and the sizes increase as the series went along so I will be trying to give ships from early in the series. Ship class in this series is defined by tonnage so:
Destroyers=72-88 thousand tons(Ktons)
Light cruiser= 99-165 ktons; Heavy cruiser=176-386 ktons
Battleship= 2,205-4,409 ktons
Dreadnoughts= 5,512-7,165 ktons; Super Dreadnoughts= 7,716-9,921 ktons.

For information on exact length, mass and crew size I chose some ships that best reprecetn the class.
The RMN (Royal Manticoran Navy) Falcon class destroyer was 1,164.7 ft, mass of 77,713 tons, and a crew of 300.
The RMN Apollo class light cruiser was 1,437 ft, mass of 138,891 tons, and a crew of 493.
The RMN Star Knight class heavy cruiser was 1,716 ft, mass of 336,480 tons, and a crew of 925.
The Peoples Republic of Haves Navy (PNS) Triumphant class battleship was 3,832 ft, mass of 4,952,960 tons, and a crew of 3,876. [yes I know the mass is in excess of the listed mass tonnage but it’s the only one I could find data for so, ehh work with what I got]
The RMN Majestic class dreadnaught was 4,192 ft, mass of 7,441,153 tons, and a crew of 3,561.
The RMN Gryphon class Super Dreadnought was 4,498 ft, mass of 9,192,174 and a crew about 4,527.

US navy ships modern day
Arleigh Burke class destroyer is 509 ft, mass of 9,200 tons, and crew of 276
Ticonderoga class cruiser is 567 ft, mass of 9,800 tons, and a crew of 330
Iowa class battleship is 887 ft, mass of 59,000 tons, and a crew of about 1,921
Largest modern ship in the US Navy is the Super Carrier Ford CVN-78 is 1,106 ft, mass of 112,436 tons, and a crew of about 2,600.

What does all this tell us…besides I am a huge nerd for STARSHIPS!!!!
From these examples I would say that the length of the ships in Starfinder look very right!

Crew size is pretty much impossible to get a good handle on due to an unknown level of automation. The Ford class carriers will have a crew size 25% of the previous Nimitz class but they are nearly the same exact size. What is a major problem with the mass of the military ship classes.

Just looking at Destroyer, Cruisers, Battleships/Carriers and Dreadnoughts I would make a quick fix by saying the mass listed are in thousand tons. For example cruisers would then range 420,000-1,200,000 tons This would make the original Enterprise a perfect fit for a cruiser and Enterprise D a perfect fit for a battleship. Honorverse masses become in the same ball park and given a little jiggering works out well too. A side note Dreadnoughts in Starfinder by the size charts and especially compared to things like Absalom Station at 26,400 ft, should be the extremely, extremely, rare far outclassing the largest Federation ships in Star Trek. The largest Super Dreadnoughts in the Honorverse in terms of mass just barely get into it but are way too short.
Fire power is a whole other kettle of fish which I ain’t getting into.

Compared to modern Navy vessels destroyers are about the same but after that well as you would expect for something that exists in space they comparisons just go out the window.

Fans of other universes how do your favorites compare or where did I go wrong?

Here is another look at the same problem
And another, seeing so many scifi nerds warms my mostly machine heart!

Info from for the Star Trek for Honorverse for the US Navy
*Note I can’t find what kind of tons Starfinder is using so given the publisher uses feet for length I will use US tons. So I converted metric tons to US tons for Star Trek. I also assumed that Honorverse uses metric tons and converted aswell.

the npc calculation totally accounts for the Thaumtech Omenbringer pilot, so there is not hidden aid another for a big ship evident, where are you seeing this hidden bonus appear?

Thanks that's a big help it was driving me nuts!

Ok p307 Thaumtech Omenbringer, the pilot under crew has a piloting of +32. I cant figure out the math

+2 from ship
+14 from ranks
+3 from class skill bonus
+3 from skill focus feat
+1 from level 1 ace pilot theme
+8 from dex ability score (start 18, +1 at level 5 & 10, personal upgrade Mk 3 giving +6. total equals dex=26)

+32 for skill check so what did I miss? Any thoughts?

thewastedwalrus wrote:
Graveknights exude an aura of evil as a Desecrate spell, which gives +1 profane bonus to atk/dmg among other things

Thanks for the help it was driving me mad.

I'm looking at the Graveknight and looking to switch out its weapons to a longsword and shield but I cant figure out the original math for the to hit and damage on the greatsword. My math is as follows

to hit
+10 bab
+1 Greater weapon focus
+1 weapon focus
+1 magic sword
+9 Strength (27 base and +2 belt of Giant strenght)
+2 weapon training (heavy blade)
but the book has it at 25 anyone know what I am missing?

+13 strength
+1 magic weapon
+2 weapon training
+2 weapon specialization
total= 18
again the book has it at 19 any help I'm a new GM so messing with monsters is new to me. Thanks in advance!