Gelatinous Cube

CJ_Yap's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts (149 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.



Me! Me!

*raises hand'

Levelling Lep!

Level 2 HP: 1d8 ⇒ 5
Level 3 HP: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Here we go!

20d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 2, 6, 2, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 3, 6, 3, 1, 6, 1, 2) = 57

Dear Respondents,

Thank you very much for sharing your insights and opinions with the Thread Starter.

I am one of the players in the game, and I feel that this has gotten out of hand, especially since the thread starter did not make known to all of you kind people, all the details pertaining to this particular situation.

What started this debacle was that our GM mentioned in our group Whatsapp channel that consumables, and the gold used to purchase them, were still considered spent during RETRAINING.

There was no mention of having the entire bottle needing to be finished in one sitting. There was not even any mention of opening a bottle and finishing it during a single scenario. The statement pertained only to retraining.

The TS then jumped to conclusions about the rules, calling it "silly" when it did not even apply to the situation at hand, demanding rights to contest the rule.

Well within his rights, he has sought the opinion of the community, with the blessings of our GM, and has created this thread.

In an effort to keep things under control, I pointed out to him in our PbP game discussion channel, that he had not properly understood the context in which the retraining rule was applied and requested that he made this clarification known to all. He has since replied in our Whatsapp group that he will make this clarification to clear up the air.

Unfortunately, he has failed to do so, and so I am posting now, to properly highlight where the TS is coming from when he is asking his question.

Personally, I feel that this is all in rather bad taste and have no wish to participate in this public debate. However, should a question be posed to the community, it should be done so in all clarity to receive a truly relevant answer.

Thank you all for your kind attention.

You do realise, right, that the original statement in Whatsapp that started it was that Herman mentioned that consumables, and the gold used to purchase them, were still considered spent during RETRAINING.

Reading everything again, there was no link to having the entire bottle finished during one sitting. There was no mention of opening a bottle and finishing it even during a single scenario. I am afraid that you had jumped to conclusions, calling such rules silly, when it did not even apply to the current situation.

Please clarify that to the rest of the responders to your thread, because it is in quite bad taste.

DC10 Sleight of hand is only for swiping an unattended object, like a mobile phone on the hawker center table.

To actually steal from someone, it involves opposing checks by the NPC in question, and others in the vicinity.

Please also note that in addition to avoiding being spotted stealing, the DC of stealing is also higher, 20.

In total, 2 or more checks to steal something.

Finally! Got my char started on all 3 games.

Herm, could you delete my post that I made with my account? IT's abit awkward to have an ooc post in the middle of everything. Not to mention that there is a "CJ_Yap" character now lol

Sorry about that!

1st IC post for this game is up!

Sorry for the delay. My first IC post is up!

*looks around* Hmm...