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![]() If an insinuator antipaladin outsider servant is killed, by RAW does he suffer the penalties as the stock antipaladin would? -1 attk/dmg and no new summon for 30 days? Insinuator's Ambitious Bond (sp)
Outsider Servant: This functions as the antipaladin ability, except the insinuator gains a new outsider servant each day, whose alignment must match the alignment of the outsider invoked for the day. The outsider servant functions as much as an agent for the patron invoked by the insinuator as an ally of the insinuator himself, and may turn against him if he violates his patron's alignment or interests. ...
![]() Yay or nay by raw? Concerning text in italics. Bracers of The Merciful Knight:
When worn by a paladin, he is considered four levels higher for the purposes of determining the uses per day and healing provided by his lay on hands class feature. Additionally, once per day, the wearer can infuse a use of lay on hands with additional power, providing relief as a lesser restoration spell. Antipladin Relevant Text (for touch of corruption):
Insinuator Antipaladin Archetype Relevant Text:
Beginning at 2nd level, an insinuator can heal his wounds by touch. This is treated exactly like the paladin's lay on hands class feature, except it can be used only to heal the insinuator and cannot be used on other creatures. This ability replaces touch of corruption. ![]()
![]() As a fighter, is there a way to utilize a dex build and use improvised weapons? I am really not concerned about damage, I'm more focused on combat maneuvers and the ability to create creative fight interactions via imp. weapons. We are using unchained inherent bonuses so that should help somewhat. I am looking at the Cad as my primary choice with lore warden or free-hand as a close second. ![]()
![]() Hey Everyone!
![]() Hi, I have the Splintering Weapon Feat:
PRD wrote:
I also have a Viridium weapon: PRD wrote:
My two questions: With special attention to the bolded sections:
![]() If you like to enjoy a beverage or two (or more!) during your games, list the drinks that help set the mood for you! My recent game group had some fantastic ales. Of note, we sampled and enjoyed these drinks with fantasy elements. 1. Hobgoblin - Wychwood Brewery, a "ruby" beer
There are many more... what lovely ales have graced your tables? ![]()
![]() Would you rule shillelagh to work with a greatclub? EDIT: Please find it in yourself to ignore the atrocious spelling in the thread title. ![]()
![]() I'm GM-ing a game, I'm relatively new, and I got a guy with this setup in a new-to-be character. He will already be quite powerful but I'm worried this will put him "over-the-top" and potentially cast a shadow on our other party spell-caster. I was hoping not to kaibosh his great idea solely on mechanics, I'd rather find a rule stating he can't than me deciding he can't based on flavor/RAI. Wondering what the rules are regarding trait/feat effect stacking. Is there anything to prevent it legitimately? Magical Lineage (Trait):
Magical Lineage: One of your parents was a gifted spellcaster who not only used metamagic often, but also developed many magical items and perhaps even a new spell or two—and you have inherited a fragment of this greatness. Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell's final adjusted level. Spell Specialization (Feat):
Select one spell. You cast that spell with greater than normal power.
Effectively, one lowers caster level, the other raises it for a combination of a +3 caster level for a particular metamagic-adjusted spell. Not sure I like the idea of a quickened fireball functioning at near full damage at level 8. Throw haste into the mix and this will get nasty in a hurry. Thoughts? ![]()
![]() Hi there,
Thank you, your suggestions are appreciated. ![]()
![]() I have some confusion I was hoping someone could help clear up regarding a character concept of mine. Please note that I am not concerned with optimization, I merely want to understand the applicable rules. This concept is purely for flavor on my part, it's how I play. I would appreciate confirmation of the below assumptions or clarification where required. All assumptions revolve around whip usage. Whip proficiency is implied. Success on all attacks is implied. Assumption 1) If I make a combat maneuver with a whip, I can do so at it's range, 15 ft, using my CMB against the opponent's CMD. Assumption 2) If I wield two whips, with the Two-Weapon Fighting (TWF) feat, and I choose only to attack with one whip that turn, my CMB or Attack Roll is unaffected by TWF penalties at normal range. Assumption 3) If I wield two whips, with the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, I can make two combat maneuvers with those whips, on separate enemies, or the same enemy within range, using my CMB minus the TWF penalty (-2 on each attack in this case) against the opponent's CMD. Thanks in advance for the help :). ![]()
![]() Hi, I'm wondering how to determine how often a PC is allowed a saving throw from a continuous effect during combat when the spell in question does not specify. A poison for example, a save every round is usually the case? Also, what about mind altering effects in which they have failed an initial roll and lost control, such as the spell insanity - would they still get a save throw each round even without control of their character? ![]()
![]() First, if you're one of my players (Beer & Dice), go away, surprise ruining sucks. Hi All, I'm running this series for my group and am wondering what a few of you may have used or could suggest for some of the stranger creatures. Namely the below: Tsar Baddies:
Battlehulk Ossuary Golem Stick Giant (Creature Collection) Advanced Dust Digger (Tome of Horrors) Mature Slime Crawlers (Tome of Horrors) Any other mini suggestions for this series are appreciated as well. Best, C ![]()
![]() Heyo, I'm a new GM and I'm wondering what you guys use out there for a cost-effective terrain tile? I'd like something with a realistic feel. I found these on eBay, they seem pretty awesome. I like the quick setup idea. Are there any other non-cardboard alternatives you could recommend? Cheers!
![]() Hey folks,
My question are: How do folks determine what point buy to use(10/15/20/25) when setting up a campaign? What complications does a higher point buy bring to a GM if any? Cheers! ![]()
![]() Ace Midterm School post-secondary (4th year); Level student 4 CASTING Casting Time 15 minutes
EFFECT Range personal
DESCRIPTION When you cast this spell, you instantly clear your mind of all Paizo and gaming related thoughts. You are able to recall all academic material you have read and are able to write in clear, logical prose. After the spell duration concludes you resume your Paizo obsession and became fatigued for 1d4 hours. You must pass a DC20 survival check to avoid passing out for 4 additional hours and dreaming of future Paizo Products. ![]()
![]() Title says, what's your setup? Do you lounge with a coffee table and the DM across the room? Do you sit at a lavish solid oak Sultan gaming table or use some fancy projection system? Kitchen mode? Circle or rectangle, notice a difference? Details! Right now we use a kitchen table, It seats us all but by the time laptops are on the table, maps, minis, and snacks come out, man what clutter! Currently have some plans to build a nice one with tray pullouts and cup-holders but that has yet to be realized. ![]()
![]() I am experimenting with learning how to DM. Last night I started a "one on one" adventure with my wife using the expeditous retreat compendium. I must say, these one v ones are a nice progression between the supplied box adventures and designing your own. Great way to learn DM skills with little 'pressure'. Cheers! ![]()
![]() Greetings! I'm currently a lvl 5 druid in our campaign and I have the role of healer. Most of my healing has been done with wands of cure [X] wounds. I do have a conundrum: how can I use wands in wild shape? It seems that using wands to heal inadvertently restricts me to my normal form. Is there a way around this within the confines of the Paizo rules or do I have to consider making a new feat with my GM (his suggestion). Cheers! |