My party is on the verge of crossing the Spectral Seal which I believe is the choke point between books 1 and 2 of the trilogy.
** spoiler omitted **
Feel free to comment, criticize or suggest changes. I expect to run it next week, and I'll keep you...
Thanks for the hazard, I used it in my campaign to make the unsealing more dramatic.
In my version the players are required to manually hold the Roseguard Icons over the altar. As soon as they did a stream of ghosts started streaming from the wall, one to three per round. The ghosts fairly easy but the party is forced to fight with one hand while staying close to the altar. This created a very tense situation, even though the party wasn't in any real danger against low level ghosts.
Instead of ghosts from other levels, I used ghosts from the sarcophagi with the corpses of Belcorra's enemies. Every time a ghost was destroyed his sarcophagus crumbled to dust. This gave the party an indicator of how much longer they had to hold out.
Thanks for the inspiration, it was the highlight of the session.