Butterhat's page

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Hello, I'm in a group which is about to start the Extinction Curse AP and I'm very much looking forward to the circus aspect.

My question is: are the trick traits required for a signature trick? The wording makes it seem optional "...each PC can add one trick trait..."

I'm going to be playing a Goblin Bard with a focus on illusion magic, before reading the rules I had planned on performing an elaborate act utilizing illusions and my impressive Performance (acting) skills. However, upon reading the section on Signature Tricks I noticed that I would only have access to Animal, Agile, Fire, and Water trick traits. None of which really speak to my original trick idea.

So, am I still able to perform my original idea? I realize that without the "Magical" trait I won't get the bonus for expending a spell slot and I'm ok with that.

Likewise, if I wanted to use my Performance skill to sing, but do not yet have access to the "Musical (Performance)" trait, am I still able to do it but without the +1 circumstance bonus?
