Rat King

Burlap 'LongTail''s page

72 posts. Alias of stormraven.


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PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

WOOT! Looking forward to this!
It seems like the team is shaping up to be:

Crisischild – Suli Solarian (Diplomat) | Shipboard: ?
Critzible – Vesk Mechanic (Roboticist) | Shipboard: Engineer
Djack – Human ? ? | Shipboard: Pilot?
Stormraven – Ysoki Soldier (Mercenary) | Shipboard: Gunner
Zahir – Elf Technomancer | Shipboard: ?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

From Burlap's backstory...

Lisandra: A gas giant with several orbiting gas and rare element mining platforms.

If you don't like the name, feel free to change it.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

I'm happy with Burlap being a Gunner (not the Pilot) and the commando-style, lightly-armored, ground-pounder.

I do have Piloting but that is mainly because it is the key skill for being a good Gunner. To go with the commando idea, Burlap has dabbled in several skills to get the team out of trouble when things go very wrong:

* enough Medical to slap a pressure bandage on a wound
* enough Piloting to get us into and out of a hot LZ, and
* enough Engineering to get a broken system up and running

Basically, Burlap is a 'backup' to the real engineer, pilot, and doctor in case one of those vital people gets slagged.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)


PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Certainly. But it seems like Rando was asking for our preferences to define the actual scenario, so I gave my opinion.

I guess my default assumption (regarding the Gods) is we use the ones listed in the Starfinder Core book, unless our GM is going to throw in a twist - straight from the original Battlestar Galactica - and offer up the Lords of Kobol. :)

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)
GM Rando wrote:
Game could either be run as private contractors doing missions for the fleet, or if the players prefer, as a military unit of some sort.
Zahir wrote:
Ok, what’s the scenario? Are we a special ops team? Independent contractors handling someone’s dirty work? Etc?

I'm flexible on this BUT I think private contractors doing missions for the fleet gives us more RP breathing room and mission types, which is a good thing, IMO.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Checking in!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm delighted to be playing!

In terms of the world, are the Cyleerin a purely android or mechanical race?

Burlap's backstory is done.

Assuming we get WBL for 3rd, Burlap is done except for tweaking his backstory. If it looks like I've done something wrong, please let me know.


Yep, Burlap will be a gunner and jr. grease monkey, if needed, aboard ship. I should have an updated version of him up by tomorrow. I’m assuming WBL of 4000 credits, and no gear above level 4. Does that sound about right?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have limited experience with Starfinder. The one or two games I joined died quickly. That said, if you don't mind having a relative newb along while I move up the learning curve... I would enjoy dusting off (and leveling up) this Ysoki Mercenary-with-a-heart-of-gold Soldier/Sniper for a romp with the "ragtag fugitive fleet searching for a home".

I think his backstory is still solid, just need to change the place names.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

The war-rat considers the matter. He concludes with faux innocence, "Maybe we should go ask them, you know, politely. I hear confession is good for the soul. I bet those crews want to unburden themselves."

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Burlap adds helpfully, "We're looking for a Mister... or Miss... or Non-Gendered individual named Chiskisk."

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Once they are through with the cops and the team is on its own...

Burlap glances at the datapad. "So, this Chiskisk is a Starfinder... guess we should head to the Society office to find him?"

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

If no one beats him to it, Burlap takes the pad and glances at the display. "Thanks, Lieutenant. We'll try to find this Chisk-isk fella. Are you gonna need to hold Duravor's body for very long? I'd like to give him a proper send-off."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Burlap straightens his uniform and presents his military ID to Canber. "Pleased to meet you, Lieutenant. I'm only a recent civilian." He repeats the basics on the ID. "Corporal Burlap - retired - 85th Regiment of the Sixth Battalion... Honestly, I didn't expect a civvie transport to drop me into a hot LZ." He gives Canber his best approximation of a rueful smile. "I'm not looking for any trouble on your station, Lieutenant. I was to meet Duravor here, he's a family friend. He had a line on a job for me. Somethin' to do with ensuring miners have fair rights or somesuch. I guess I'll need to find his co-workers and deliver the bad news."

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Like most of the military, Burlap didn't pay much mind to civilian awards. He drags his memory. "The.. uh... Ribbon of Meritorious Service, I think."

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Burlap scoops up and shoulders the gangster's weapon. Finders, keepers.

Then he hustles to check on Duravor. The Ysoki slows down as he approaches. He'd seen enough corpses to know there was nothing to be done for the dwarf. "Ah, that's a damn shame. He was a good man."

Suspecting there was video surveillance on the dock, Burlap chooses to stay and speak with the authorities.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Burlap races across the dock, shouldering his rifle and drawing his sidearm. He confronts Flanker with a yellow, rodent-toothed, smile. "You gonna surrender or do I get to gnaw on your eyeballs?" He had no intention of cannibalizing the man, that was gross... but Talls tended to believe the worst in every species.

MOVE: 30' + shoulder rifle
MOVE: 30' + draw pistol (on map)

FYI - I have Improved Unarmed Attack so I think I get an AoO if Flanker tries to shoot me up close and personal.

EAC:14, KAC:15
SP: 8 / 8
HP: 9 / 9
RP: 4 / 4

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

As bullets and beams start flying, Burlap's military training takes over. The cross-fire wasn't good. The fella that was in an ideal position to outflank them was even worse.

The War-Rat does a low sprint to some sort of semi-circular wall, providing decent cover against most of the gunmen. Without really thinking about it, the long rifle drops into his hands and he cycles a round into the chamber. With a bead on 'Flanker' (South-most Orange), Burlap takes up a shooter's stance and brings his furred claw to rest lightly on the trigger. Since he's new in town, a polite warning seemed responsible.

He clears his throat and addresses the gun-man. "*AHEM*" He squeaks, "Drop your weapon NOW or I aerate your skull." Yes, quite diplomatic. He emphasizes his point by sending a slug down-range at Flanker's left eye.

MOVE: On Map

STAND: Hunting Rifle P (range: 90')
MODS: Sniper's Aim (-2 on Cover penalties)
HIT #1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
DAM #1: 1d8 ⇒ 3

EAC:14, KAC:15
SP: 8 / 8
HP: 9 / 9
RP: 4 / 4

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Dibs on Purple.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

At the Captain's first announcement, the Ysoki scurries off. He re-emerges as the passengers disgorge from the Okimoro's airlock. He has traded in his worn coveralls for form-fitting, light body armor. His tail is at attention and a slug rifle, far longer than his body, rests at a relaxed, right shoulder arms. A semi-auto pistol sits in holster strapped low on his thigh.

Following the Talls into the dock, Burlap enjoys the initial smell of Absolom's grease, ozone, and age. Every new location had its own smell, and that scent could tell you a lot about a place. Spotting Duravor, Burlap waves to the old family friend, but with all the lanky meat-shields between them, his gesture goes unnoticed.

Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

With all the Talls circling around and droids dropping from the sky, the Ysoki backpedals until he is partially sheltered by the buffet table to avoid getting accidentally kicked. His eyes dart back and forth, watching everything.

But the girl's question perks his ears up and he answers earnestly. "A beautiful princess - in need of rescuing."

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

No worries. I thought the glowing eyes was a Solarian give-away but I'm still pretty new to Starfinder. Burlap wouldn't really care or differentiate between Human and Solarian.

For a small rodent, the Ysoki shakes his hand with a surprisingly firm grip. (STR:12) "I'm Burlap. Good to meet ya! I served all over but my accent is probably from home - the mining platforms above Liavara. Where's home for you?"

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Burlap watches the tall Solarian with interest. At his question, the Ysoki tosses the half-donut up to him without hesitation. "Nah. Help yourself. I'm a fan of croy-sants." Putting words to action, the rat-like creature's tail stabs into the vitals of chocolate croissant and delivers the delicacy to his furry paws. He licks clean a streak of chocolate from his tail.

With innocent curiosity, he asks, "So what's your story? You ex-military or somethin'? You remind me of a sergeant I knew once."

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)


PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)
T'zor wrote:
T'zor doesn't actually intend for others to hear, he telepathically mutters, "I wonder if they would let me watch them work...?"

The Ysoki does his best imitation of a shrug with his tiny shoulders. "Dunno, but it couldn't hurt to ask. In my experience flyers keep to themselves... but maybe that flight uniform would get you through the door?"

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

The brown, rat-like Ysoki strides (well, small strides) purposefully toward the buffet. His back is ramrod straight and his tail is at 'parade rest'. The thin-braided white trim of a formal military collar peeks out from beneath his worn coveralls. He casts only a passing eye on the TV as he efficiently stuffs four croissants and two glazed donuts into his left cheek pouch. To the Shirren watching him, he explains around a half-packed donut, "mmfm... saving them for later." As an after-thought, he adds, "You want one?"

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Signing in and delighted to be doing so!


Ya missed me.

Burlap 'LongTail', Ysoki Mercenary Soldier - stormraven

Answers to DM Questions are HERE.

I'll toss my hat in with Burlap here - an ex-soldier Ysoki who is disenchanted with the Collective military. His backstory is available in his profile.

5 essential things

* He is a bit of an idealist - wanting the world (and people) to be better than they are
* He is a bit of a dreamer - sometimes not looking at things realistically before he jumps in (hence his military and mercenary experiences)
* He is a combat pragmatist - willing to shoot first at a presumed threat rather than doing the 'honorable thing'
* He sometimes imagines himself as dashing and debonair
* He is fearless and a risk-taker in combat
* He is quixotic... sympathizing with the underdog and willing to put up a good fight regardless of the odds

List two goals for the character that you think would be cool to see accomplished in-game.

* Burlap wants to be a dashing hero at least one time... saving a tall princess (or equivalent) and maybe getting a kiss out of it.
* I'd like to see an Ysoki in serious power armor wielding heavy weapons and taking on a squad of baddies.

Describe three memories that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

* Being constantly hazed by Talls while in the Collective military - one reason he sours on the Collective
* Following orders to 'keep the locals down' in a colony that had some insurgent sympathies but were largely innocent - forcing him into being a 'bully' like the Talls that bullied him
* Standing in front of recruiting poster before he joined up, imagining how great it was going to be, and the massive disappointment when he saw the reality of it.

Describe how you met Duravor Keel.

Burlap first met Duravor on the Liavara mining platform when he was a kit. Duravor was friendly with his parents and they had a modest side business going that re-routed some of the exotic chemicals sifted from the atmo into the dwarf's possession. They stayed friendly over the years.

Why are you coming to Absalom Station?

The military didn't pan out, though he appreciated the skills he got. Being a mercenary didn't pan out either. Burlap is looking for a new career, something that is about more than money, something inspired, and - hopefully - a little less violent. Duravor's invite came along at the right moment, and he trusted the dwarf wouldn't drag into something bloody.

You have a connection to the Voidwalkers and a reason to dislike the Collective, though you have yet to fully commit to outright rebellion. But what is your connection to the Voidwalkers?

Sympathetic to the oppressed colonists, Burlap grew close to some of the locals in that insurgent-touched colony. He turned a blind eye to some questionable activities and tried to be as soft-handed and fair as possible. His behavior was noticed and the Voidwalkers approached him. He chose not to betray his comrades or his military oath but he also pointedly refused to report the Voidwalker agents.

Ooooh, interesting. I'd also be down for Star Wars/Firefly with a strong preference for more Firefly than SW.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)
Grix wrote:
"You two are pretty deep thinkhers! Didn't expekht that from you after... earlier."

The rat casually replaces the spent rounds from his clip as he explains. "Soldiering leaves a lot of time for reading." Especially for me. "Let's go pay our respects. We can underline that we were mostly shooting at the Kings."

SP: 8/8 | HP: 9/9
EAC:14 KAC:15
RP (4): xxx
Clip (6):
Total Bullets Used: xx

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

I am here to serve.


PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Burlap pours himself another beer and says with some embarrassment, "I was busy getting shot up to see all that happened on the other side of the bay. Did see Ted there put a great shot into one fella who was causing me considerable grief. And Grix here saved my burning ass." The ysoki clunks his plastic cup against theirs in thanks. "I've been called worse than 'ignorant'. And ignorance isn't an insult, is it? It just means you lack knowledge. That's true of everybody, one way or another. And some of the old philosophers would say that knowing where you're ignorant is the beginning of real wisdom. Now, willful ignorance that's a whole other matter. That's choosing to stay stupid."

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

The Ysoki raises a wiry brow at Soter. "So... you're sayin' you were living in enlightened blissdom and now you've decided to slum it with us ignorant bastids to serve as a shining example that might lift us up from our lowly lives." He summarizes and wipes his muzzle on a napkin. "Is that about the size of it?" He asks mildly, curious if he's understood what was said correctly.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)
Grix Krizvit wrote:
"I was wondering, why'd you shoot those guys bakh at the dokhing bay anyway? Lookhed likh they were khilling each other well without us."

Can a rat grin? "I shot them because I didn't have any grenades." He scratches his ear then answers the question more seriously. "Maybe they wouldn't have shot us. And maybe they were only distracted by each other for a little bit and then we were on the list right after Duravor. I don't believe in coincidence. And in the army they told us that, in a firefight, the guy without an active weapon is a casualty... I was hoping that if we could roll those bastards up fast enough, maybe we could save Duravor."

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Burlap slugs down the beer happily. "Eh. Maybe I hurt the feelings of a mercenary or two... but that's about it. I don't 'spect to see them here."

Look Into Astral Extractions: 3
Look Into Hardscrabble Collective: 2
Look Into Downside Kings: 4
Look Into Level 21 Crew: 1

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Personally, I view characters as if they were in a novel. You never learn everything about a character in the first few chapters. Their stories unfold over time. So I don't rush character development. I wait for an appropriate in-game opportunity to reveal some fact or element about my character.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Sweet! I'm all set. I'm good with either going to visit the Level 21 guys or taking the evening off, heading to the local hotspots, and trying to find a fair Princess to fall in love with. A team vote works for me.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)
Grix Krizvit wrote:
"If we want to know what happened at the dokhing bay, we'll need to ask around the dekhs these gangs khall home. Maybe rough some goons up a little." Grix chitters at the prospect and winks at Burlap. "You'd likhe that, huh?"

The Ysoki raises an ear at that. "It's Tea Party rules: I'll ask'em real politely first, then I give them one lump or two." The War Rat deflates slightly saying in a more cautious tone, "But before we go chat with the locals, I need to find a tailor to stitch up these holes in my uniform... and chest."

SH - Is there a medical kiosk where I can get some healing (HPs)? It looks like I need to spend a RP and rest 10 minutes to get my SP back. Can I do that during the meeting?

SP: 0/8 | HP: 2/9
EAC:14 KAC:15
RP (4): xx

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Burlap nods, indicating his goal is the same.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

I vote Starfinder Society.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

"Wherever we go," Burlap offers, "We should move as a team... in case this attack wasn't a coincidence."

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

The ysoki silently watches the exchange. "So, what do you wanna be called: S-P37, P37, Spectre, or something else?"

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Burlap recites the regs in his head...

Pact Military Regulation wrote:

600/50: Interactions with Indigenous Personnel during Foreign Deployments

Indigenous personnel shall not be treated to defaming, derogatory, or demeaning comments by Pact personnel during the course of a posting on a foreign world. Pact military personnel are required to display appropriate respect for all local authorities and foster a respectful relationship with all indigenes, under appropriate penalties in accordance with the Universal Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

With that in mind, Burlap decides to not answer the Kasathan's question about his appearance. He was fairly certain the Commander wouldn't appreciate being unfavorably compared to a pale macrocephalic spider or that Burlap had heard Kasathans needed all the extra arms for the prodigious amount of self-pleasuring in which they engaged.

"Thank you, Commander." He rests the long rifle on his shoulder and marches over to stand next to Grix.

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

Repeating Ted's question, Burlap pipes up, "Commander, do you know where the Starfinder Society is? They are going to want to know about their man's death."

PIC :: Ysoki Soldier 3 | SP:24 HP:23 RP:4 | EAC:16 KAC:16 CMD:24| F+4 R+4 W+3 | Init +3 | PER +5 (darkvision 60’)

With the last combatants retreating, Burlap hustles over to the downed gang member. He pops the man's weapon and additional clips into his cheek pouch. He pockets any credit chips and memorizes any personal ID he finds but tucks it back into the corpse's pcket.

When the security arrives, the ysoki marches right up to them to answer questions. He straightens out his uniform and presents his military ID, repeating the basics.

"Corporal Burlap - retired - 85th Regiment of the Sixth Battalion. Yes, we just arrived on the Okimoro. I was here to meet that fella with the hole in his throat. He's from the Starfinder Society. We were barely down the gangway when bolts and bullets started flying in all directions and that poor fella got caught in the middle of the two groups. I'm a combat vet... when bullets fly in my direction, I shoot back."

SP: 0/8 | HP: 2/9
EAC:14 KAC:15
RP (4): xx

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