
Burke Hoffa's page

94 posts. Alias of MCKhaos.


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1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Thanks for running this Sbodd! I enjoyed seeing how DW can be run without combat (except near the end there). I'd also love a brief synopsis of what the hell was going on with that dead body.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

I believe DM Sbodd just had a new baby, so we should be a bit patient. I think it will come back.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

It looks like my test post went through. That is so weird.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Test post.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

End of Session!

New and important?: Yes, we learned much about the soul boxes and their wielders.

Overcome a notable monster or enemy?: I don't think so. We took out some grunts.

Did we loot a memorable treasure?: I can't think of one.

Alignment: Endanger self to protect someone weaker. I feel like I accomplished this, but can't point to a specific. I'll pass on XP.

Bonds: I think I still haven't created bonds.

So +1 xp for me. Enough to hit level 2.

I'll have to think about what I want to take for leveling.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

If we move quickly, I trust that Adir can pick up the Doctor's trail.

Would there be an opportunity to level during the returning the prisoners sequence??

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke moves off to the nearest thoroughfare and commandeers a cart from a civilian before returning.

Do any of you have any strong rope? We can transport the box, and the prisoners back to HQ before tracking down the good doctor.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

If Retzack can move the soul box short distances, then I think we should get a cart and some long chain. Retzack can put it in the cart, and we can pull the chain from outside the soul drain aura. We will just have to clear the way of civilians.

But where should we take it?

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke watches the captives silently as Kappa interrogates them.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

I'm tempted to shoot it, but that is always Burke's first inclination.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

I'd say we need to figure out what to do with this box, then follow the doctor. If we get to the area of town where he went to ground, then Adir can track him down.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

It seems our victim may have been removing one of these vials from the embassy. I suggest we take these two into custody, call out some reinforcements to form a perimeter around this cursed box, and head for the Nettles to find one of these wards.

Burke turns back to the woman. Are any extra wards laying around?

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

I am the Law!: 2d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1, 6) + 1 + 1 = 9

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke grunts audibly, and falls to a knee to steady himself. He gestures for Retzack to bring his victim over. He awakens the newcomer. Both of you stay still. I am Burke Hoffa of the Royal High Constabulary. One of you two will speak first. I will do everything in my power to ensure that the first one to answer my questions truthfully receives leniency. What are you doing here? What is that box? Why do you have it? How do I stop it?

He waits calmly, watching their faces closely.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke walks right up to the woman Adir brought out from the building. He inspects her wounds for a moment, and then reaches out to touch her arm. He places his other hand on his badge and mumbles something that can't quite be made out.

Lay on Hands: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 1) + 1 = 5

For: 1d8 ⇒ 5

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke was once inspecting a prison where a woman with previously unknown magical prowess in the dark arts was being held. She escaped during the visit. It was ugly, and Burke barely survived.

Burke nods as Kappa and Adir arrive. Some thugs tried to escape with that box. Careful, it is making some sort of necromantic energy field. It is not pleasant. Any thoughts on how we suppress the field?

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke groans as he stands to his feet. What the hells?

Spout Lore on the effect of the box: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 5) - 1 = 8

He does his best to move the civilians to a safe distance before he also moves away from the box.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Then lets retcon Burke's last statement to say:

What is this Tethys? Can you turn it off?

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke holsters his weapons and begins pulling the civilians away from the box.

Defy Danger Con: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (5, 1) + 0 = 6

What is this Tethys? Can you close it?

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

I could not improve on Sbodd's post. That is exactly how I play and run PbtA PbP.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

That is basically how I play and run. Keep going until GM needs to intervene.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke dusts himself off and faces Retzack.

Let's take that one alive if we can.

Burke then turns his attention to the box and addresses the crowd.

Please calmly move away from the box and vacate the area.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

My pistols? Never!: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1

Burke scrambles to his hands and knees thanks to the distraction provided by Retzack and crawls towards dry pavement.

He stands and then calmly reloads his one discharged pistol.

He points his pistols at the remaining thugs and yells.

Enough of this! You are all under arrest. Drop your weapons. Now!

I am the law: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 6) + 2 = 13

I Am the Law
When you give an NPC an order based on your divine authority, roll+Cha. On a 7+, they choose one:
- Do what you say
- Back away cautiously, then flee
- Attack you

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Damage to me: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1

Burke releases the pistol and grabs onto the bandit, jockeying for position on top of him. As the two wrestle, Burke attempts to repeatedly headbutt the bandit.

H&S: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8

That H&S roll should actually be a 6. It rerolled when I edited to add my damage roll.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Sorry yes! Will post shortly sorry.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke races to the alley and pulls up short as he surveys the scene. He fires at the bandit nearest Tethys.

Volley: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 4) + 2 = 12

Damage (Pierce 1): 1d10 ⇒ 2

He fires again.

Volley: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 1) + 2 = 5

Damage (Pierce 1): 1d10 ⇒ 8

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Can I hear Tethys' struggle?

Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke leaps from the window and searches for signs of a blood trail, or any other sign of his quarry.

Discern Realities?: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 1) + 1 = 4

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

My Damage: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0

Burke stands, reloading one of his pistols as he does. He then leaps in pursuit, following the swordsman through the door.

Defy Danger Dex?: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1) + 2 = 4

Haha, goal was to pursue the guy and shoot him in the leg as he flees, so that could also be a miss on a volley. Let me know if that roll counts for XP purposes.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

My damage: 1d10 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1

Burke laughs as the blows rain down harmlessly on his armored duster. He fakes another Pistol whip and instead lashes out at the suspect's groin with a steel toed boot.

Boot & Bits: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 6) = 7

Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 2


1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke engages with a smile on his face as the Pistols whip out at the criminal's head.

Pistol Whip H&S: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (6, 1) + 0 = 7

Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 6

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke doesn't hesitate.

Volley: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 1) + 2 = 7

Reduce ammo by 1

Damage Pierce 1 (shooting to disable if possible): 1d10 ⇒ 4

If I can get off another shot as he closes on me:

Volley: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 3) + 2 = 9

Reduce ammo again

Damage Pierce 1: 1d10 ⇒ 5

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke scoffs as he bats the peashooter aside with the butt of his Pistol and sprints through the doorway.

Defy Danger Dex: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 1) + 2 = 7

Goal is to get close enough to this guy to pistol whip him unconscious.

Detect Evil: I'm tempted to say all criminals from the most petty to the most egregious, but that is overpowered. Let's exclude the extremely petty theft, etc. Is that defined enough?

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

I think Evil=Lawbreakers/Criminals/Cheaters to Burke's sensibilities. We are not talking about evil in the angels and demons sense. But that might be too broad and powerful. What do you think?

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

As the others follow him in, Burke stops. Three shooters.

He points. There, there, and there. Let's take at least one alive.

He briefly taps his badge with reverence as he moves forward towards the open doors in front of him. What here is evil? From my human move.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke waits patiently until the rest of the gang appears. Not much movement here. Enzo Nezi of the IronHands showed his face up in that window. He points. And Adir's old buddy Brill is also slinking around nearby. I think it is time to see what is in here that interested the good doctor.

He walks to the building that their quarry exited before loading up in carriages and kicks his way in the door. RHC, drop your weapons and show yourselves!

His pistols feel solid in his hands, and he smiles.

If anyone is inside ...:

I am the Law: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 5) + 1 = 7

How would we call on the PD and the other officers?

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

We also need to go back and search the room at the hotel. Can we call in uniformed officers to secure areas? What kind of assets do we have access to?

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke knows that this is one of the haunts of Ol' Jaundice Jake Johnson, a drifter that occasionally provides Burke with information in the area in exchange for a hot meal and some coin.

Burke nods in agreement.

So we've lost them then. We should contact the others. Could you get back to the others quickly while I keep an eye on this place?

Meta for a second, I'd like to bring the group back together.

Burke carefully scans the area, looking for signs of the secret watcher(s).

Discern Realities: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 2) + 1 = 4

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke yells at the bellhop, Secure this room by order of the RHC!

He then takes off after Adir.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Once it is clear that Adir is on the trail, Burke tips his hat to the doorman and follows.

Burke smiles when Adir indicates the room. He draws a pistol and kicks the door open.

RHC! Everybody on the ground!

I am the Law?: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 5) + 1 = 10

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

I'm only talking about the forum. Any forum with a dice roller should work for a 2d6+MOD system like PbtA.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

So Tethys, Retzack, and Kappa still have stuff to do at the embassy with these new moves right? If not, maybe we should retcon to have the whole party together with me and Adir.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Tavern Keeper seems to be consensus in the Gauntlet gaming community. I haven't ever tried it.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke greets the bellhop warmly and flashes his badge. Burke Hoffa, High Constulabury. I need your assistance. I am searching for a person of interest in a murder investigation. He was dropped off by carriage here less than two hours ago. Burke describes the man. Any assistance you can provide will be appreciated. Any resistance you provide will not. Have you seen this man?

Burke glances briefly at Adir, confident his colleague has already begun to track the man.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke directs the driver to proceed at all speed to the destination of the "doctor".

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

We may want to consider migrating to a different platform.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Burke turns to Adir as he enters the carriage. Perhaps our 'doctor' is the one that covered up the dark magic. Should we go grab the others?

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Sorry in my head splitting the party was helpful because it allowed for a break-in of the consular's office. If there won't be a break-in, then I will have the carriage swing by the consular's office to pick everyone up.

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

Thank you citizen. Two Kells each it is. Burke hands over the coin. As the worker prepares the carriage, Burke continues asking questions. What makes you think he is a doctor? Did these "cops" give you names and a department?

What is the tech/magic level? Do we have a way to communicate with our fellow officers?

1.9 Paladin | 15/22 | 1d10 | AC 2 | S: 0 | D: 2 | C: 0(-1) | I: -1 | W: 1 | Ch: 1 | Quest: discover truth of dead girl - Boons: pierce lies & immunity projectiles - Vows: truth (forbidden: lies) | +1 forward v LeBrix | ●○○○○

While we as players may be flailing, our characters are badass detectives. Could we split lore to uncover connections we are missing? I think it might be a cool clue mechanic with a chance of failure.

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