Bull Dozer's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Glen Irving.

Sovereign Court

Shipping to New Zealand cost me NZ$524 last year, about a quarter of my Paizo spend. Sometimes two packages are sent which double the shipping.

I can't sustain this any longer, please cancel the following subscriptions:

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Campaign Setting, Companion, Modules, Roleplaying Game

Please keep the Pathfinder Card Game, Maps, Starfinder Maps, Tales Subscriber; Pathfinder Comics Subscriber

Thank you!

Sovereign Court

Yes, we're gaming in the Green Dragon Inn, Hobbiton! There are also plenty of other attractions, too many to mention here, but progressively added to

PaizoCon Oz Warhorn site

This thread is for all attendees to discuss what's on offer. If you're not attending, please don't clutter this thread with irrelevant comments. Useful, actionable advice welcome from any source.

Sovereign Court

This order was fulfilled at PaizoCon, please prevent the physical shipment to New Zealand!

I was told to order online to reserve the product.

A package containing 1 item from Paizo Order #4197595 is about to ship from the Paizo warehouse via Standard Postal Delivery, estimated 11 to 40 business days in transit.

The following products are included in this shipment:
1 x Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Woodlands

Sovereign Court

Hi CS team

Could you please split this order so the subscription products ship separately from the new stuff? I'm sorry I didn't ship the new stuff immediately. Web site issues prevented me from getting a clear overview of my total buy, I got a bit carried away buying stuff.



Sovereign Court

Thanks for this notification.

Please cancel my Pathfinder Pawns subscription only, and remove the Monster Codex Box from this order.

Unfortunately the shipping to New Zealand is almost twice the price of the Monster Codex Box itself. I have enough pawns for now.



Sovereign Court

Meh I have sufficient figures for now. The shipping costs are high and the package incurs customs duty/GST arriving in NZ that my normal shipment does not incur (if shipping was not added to the package value it would be just under the NZ$400 trigger level, but that's why customs adds the shipping cost in :-)

Sovereign Court

p. 25 is half-blurred with p.32 similarly affected but not as important. May I have a replacement added to my next shipment please? Happy to email photographic proof

Sovereign Court

I put my name forward to make characters using the worst archetypes and classes possible, see here for the list of candidates.

Here I shall record my thoughts for posterity. I have no doubt this thread is no more interesting than ant tracks in the dirt. I also know Phosphorus giggles and sniggers at our hapless attempts to survive this crazy idea.

I rolled the Halfling Rogue (Filcher) archetype to Bellflower Tiller.

I don't like playing halflings. I have never played a halfling. I'm still not sure what's wrong with the filcher archetype.

The Bellflower Tiller prestige class, that looks damn terrible. I'm going to waste 18 play slots on this?

Stay tuned for the stat-up of the character!

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Auckland

Waypoint 2014 is the premier convention for Pathfinder Society in New Zealand.

Created as a spiritual successor to PaizoConOZ, and GenConOZ before it, Waypoint 2014 brings all the special events from GenCon in the USA to New Zealand.

Join us in Auckland to experience convention-only games such as:

  • Ruins of Bonekeep Dungeons
  • Pathfinder Society Special: Legacy of the Stonelords (end of Season 5)
  • Pathfinder Society Special: The Paths We Choose (start of Season 6)

EARLY BIRD (Ends July 15th) NZ$60 for all 8 slots including the two special events.

STANDARD (July 16th onwards) NZ$75 for all 8 slots including the two special events.

DAY PASS NZ$40 Day Pass for all sessions on either Saturday, Sunday, or Monday.

Payment via bank deposit or PayPal.

Registration and payment details available at https://warhorn.net/events/waypoint-2014.

Sovereign Court

Hi Paizo

I want me a big demon, please put me back on Pathfinder Battles subscription for the Lost Coast set.

I only have a comic coming to me in July. The shipping to New Zealand is roughly the same as the comic. Could this comic please be included with my August shipment which is upsized anyway?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

US$40 PaizoCon 2012 3-Day Badge (+US$20 PaizoCon 2012 Paizo Preview Banquet!)

US$425 Redmond Marriott Town Center, Seattle 5-Night stay

US$1,479.22 Auckland-Los Angeles-Seattle 13+3 hours, 6,542 + 957 miles flying

Celebrating nephew's 2nd birthday in person: Magnificient

Celebrating US Independence Day with my youngest sister in LA: Awesome

Picking up Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition and getting it signed by all the Paizo Team: Priceless!

Sovereign Court

You're holed up in the lamia matriarch's lair (recently deceased thanks to your efforts), inside a fortress recently conquered by savage ogres who have killed, mutiliated, raped and eaten the inhabitants - if the dead were lucky, in that order.

Do you:

a. sneak up to the bell tower intending to bang on it because you know it will attract the leader, so you can kill him alone?
b. pick a random fight with the nearest ogre so he can raise the alarm?
c. explore rooms in the upper floor where you know, at the very least, an ogre sorceress resides?
d. split the party, if only briefly?
e. all of the above, just because you can?

Guess which choice the party took!


Werak Glanthur dwarf male fighter NG
Sendali Foxglove human female bard CG
Zeeva Foxglove human female ranger LN
Klaatu Barada Niktu half-orc male sorceror CG
Jakardros Sovak human ranger CG (NPC)
Vale Temros human ranger 2/fighter 4 NG (NPC)

Sovereign Court

Dear Paizo

It would be nice to have this option, so one can lock in the exchange rate at the time of ordering. I think I've been caught out this time (physical goods held for AP shipment), and it's annoying.

I guess there might be issues if between ordering/paying/shipment the physical good went out of stock. Surely the ordering system takes account of pending orders on the stocktake?

Just another suggestion for the website team.

Sovereign Court

I asked for one shipment per month because they're going to New Zealand and I'd rather line Paizo's pockets than the courier/postal system.

Order #1540996 Shipment was already sent early November (in two lots but I bought cool dice, curses), now ANOTHER one is expected to ship. Can this be included with the December shipment please?

A package containing 1 item from Paizo Order #1544774 is expected to ship from the Paizo warehouse by Thursday, November 18 via Standard Postal Delivery, estimated 11 to 40 business days in transit.

The following products are included in this shipment:
1 x Pathfinder Player Companion: Inner Sea Primer (PFRPG) Print Edition

Sovereign Court

PS Cosmo, any chance of including the odd items out on this order (dice, #37 Adventure Path) with my first monthly shipment?

OK, so I didn't want to subscribe to everything, because hard copy needs to ship to New Zealand, and the shipping might be a killer.

I don't need everything, because Rise of the Runelords will keep my players happy for another two or so years.

But the new fiction tempted me too much. ePubs for <US$1? New books that I can read BY MYSELF and bring Golarion to life for my players?

I'll try this subscription model out, and see how the shipping goes. Then I found out:

Obscure little link in a logical place that I never thought to click on before wrote:

Hold subscription items to ship with my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription
Combine items when possible, but make sure my Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes are shipped as soon as possible. Due to varying product schedules, occasionally I may pay to ship a volume by itself.

Hold for monthly shipment
Ship my subscription products once a month, so I'll pay only one shipping charge.

Never hold anything
Ship items as they become available and I'll pay separate shipping charges for each item.

I didn't know you had SOME control over the shipping costs. Paizo, maybe you should let your international customers know in a store blog? Any chance of bimonthly?

Also, I suggest having a button to purchase previous modules of an Adventure Path when one takes out the Adventure Path subscription. With the option of including it in the first AP subscription shipment (hence my question at the start)?

Love you guys!

Sovereign Court

1-2 player slots available for the Pathfinder game detailed above.

All PCs are 7th level. Current races/classes are:

dwarf male fighter NG
human female bard CG
human female ranger LN
half-orc male sorceror CG

We are currently implementing the "Rewarding Roleplaying" system of Action Point acquisition by Spes Magna www.spesmagna.com

See here for more details

Sovereign Court

I want to pick the collective mind of the boards. I have searched the messageboards, and found many interesting discussions, but haven't found exactly what I wanted:

Contractual arrangements to becoming a cleric of Asmodeus

[thank you Mr Fishy] I want material or ideas anyone has that I can use to facilitate a player's induction into the Church of Asmodeus while not making it a free ride for the player concerned.

I am running Rise of the Runelords.

The party encountered their first priest of Asmodeus outside the walls of Magnimar, when he denied them entry as three of the four 4th level PCs were suffering from ghoul fever/Vorel's Phage.

Suffice to say I used the priest of Asmodeus in all his contractual glory to extract a lot of money off the PCs.

Later the next day one of the PCs entered into negotiations with the priest. In return to tracking down the murderer stalking Magnimar, she would be inducted into the Church of Asmodeus.

RotRL plot spoiler:

The player has the character of Zeeva Foxglove, as I have both sisters of Aldern Foxglove in the party, and did the big reveal in the Foxglove Manor gallery.

Their little brother did not impress the sisters and after defeating Aldern, Zeeva Foxglove cut off his head to bring back to show the priest of Asmodeus.

The PC hasn't yet met the terms of her contract, and I want to be prepared when she does. If anyone has developed such material I would appreciate seeing it. She is a Ranger 6 and my expectation would be that she starts taking levels of Cleric.

Suggestions on how to play it? The contractual tithe to the Church will be 13% at least, just for starters. I want to roll with the character development possibilities this player has opened up, while not favouring the player compared to the rest of the party.

The Church of Asmodeus is small in Magnimar: I envisioned a merchant house converted to a place of worship, the head priest, and a couple of low-level minions.

The party comprises all recent 6th level characters:

dwarf male fighter NG
human female bard CG
human female ranger LN
human male sorceror CG

Sovereign Court

We seek one more player for an established group of four other players

Tuesday 19:00 until 22:00 weekly
Location: Hamilton East

We are using the Pathfinder RPG Core Rules.

Reply to this post or email me FIRSTNAMELASTNAME@gmail.com (replace FIRSTNAMELASTNAME with my first name and last name)

There is a player questionnaire to complete and we will share information about ourselves with you so that we can both try to get a picture of what we play like – and vice versa

We will also meet face-to-face before the first table top session.

Sovereign Court

Ordered October 1
Shipped October 8
Standard Postal Delivery, estimated 11 to 40 business days in transit.

Arrived October 16 first thing in the morning - both boxes

All the stars aligned, and my Cthulhu Plush is pleased ... very pleased

Sovereign Court

The Core Rulebook finally arrived in Hamilton, New Zealand and I have my copy via my Friendly Local Gaming Store!


I noticed Chapter 11 is missing its glorious two-page picture placeholder.

Then I noticed pages 353 thru 360 were duplicated i.e. twice

Then I noticed pages 377 thru 384 were duplicated as well.

Nothing else seems wrong but goblins are such little b#$@*$Ds.

I tried to search on duplicated pages but the search function is currently deactivated. Other posts indicate some binding errors affecting other page groups, seemingly random (original post and title edited to reflect this)

I'll check with my FLGS to see if other stock has been affected in the same way, otherwise I'll get a replacement. If the FLGS is out of stock, do you think Lisa will let me have a pdf to print out the missing pages?

Sovereign Court

Game forum is up at http://www.nzrag.com/bb/viewforum.php?f=43