Bugoo2's page

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Ok, its just I keep checking at B&N and they keep telling me out of stock, I don't mind ordering threw paizo but the extra shipping charge hurts and I'd rather spend that money toward the classic monster book =)

Will you guys be resupplying B&N with this book as well or do we have to order it threw the paizo store?

I would love to see some combat feats designed for monsters to make monsters easier to use and more versatile in more situations, such as mobs of low level monsters, complicated monsters in groups, and solo monsters against the group. I have a few 'suggested' ones that may or may not be good.

Combined Attack
Benefit: When making a full attack action you may make one attack roll using your primary weapons bonus with an additional +1 on the attack roll for each extra natural attack you posses. Your damage delt is the same as your primary weapon with 2x strength bonus.
Notes: This would be great when using a group of monsters (6+) with several natural attacks or weapons with terrible hit bonuses to reduce the number of attacks you need to roll. I think maybe the strength bonus should scale with the number of attacks sacrificed as well tho.

? (I have no idea for a name)
Benefit: When making a full attack action you may sacrifice one of your attacks from your primary attack to use one of your spell like abilities. Your caster level for this spell like ability is 1/2 the base attack bonus of the attack sacrificed.
Notes: This feat may need a lot of tweaking. The basic premise is for a solo monster to be able to use his spell like abilities while still attacking so he can target several party members each round. I would like it to work with special abilities as well not sure exactly how to write it up.

Teamwork (terrible name I know)
Benefit: When making an attack against the target you grant all allies using this combat feat a +2 bonus on there attack rolls against this target, including yourself, until the beginning of your next turn.
Notes: This is to help large groups of monsters strike higher level enemies.

I do have a handful of ideas

1) to help the casting tax what if we give sorcerers 0 level whatever spells one level early to help with that. What I mean is at level 3 a sorcerer can cast 0+CHA bonus level 2 spells per day. ALso to boost this, and i feel this is needed reguardless, allow them to add there CHA bonus to spells known.

This keeps backwards compatabilitiy with minimum effort (when re-statting an NPC it should take MUCH less time to grant them there possible one or two extra spell per day then applying the bloodline effects, and keeps a semi spell level tax upon them.

2) create rider effects for the bloodlines to go along with spells similar to what was done in complete mage. FOr example, when an elemental sorcerer casts any spell it does 1d6 of your element damage to the target if you desire. For undead, target is shaken for one round (or takes -2 str for one round?) etc. This is flavorful (sort of a bloodline infuses your magic type deal) and is a minor power boost. ALso, make this ability only work on spells equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level, giving added incentive to stay in the class.

I as well would like to see a 'natures touch' or something that allows a druid to do a bit more healing without spells like the cleric. Perhaps a "druid may spend a use of his wild shape to grant living targets within 30ft fast healing X for X rounds". Maybe tie the Xs to level or wild shapes current power?

Just make it cost a smite or turn undead use to activate beyond the standard once per day.

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but I had an idea today on a way to fix power attack.

Power Attack: You take a -4 penalty to all attack rolls this round (-3 if using a two handed weapon). For every point your attack roll exceeds the targets armor class, add that as bonus damage. This only applies to your first attack made this round.

This makes it easy to use, without dealing with the annoying math of the 'best' power attack to use, AND it retains its use for tearing into monsters with a low AC. It does add a bit of math, but it also allows the DM to hide the monsters AC a tiny bit more if they so choose.

No one has any thoughts on my ideas? Am I completely in left field?

I have a feeling i'm going to be saying this alot but, one of the greatest things about third edition is how easy it is to tinker and modify. While I feel this is something that is a great house rule, or optional rule, I think it changes the system a bit too much into something its not trying to be.