Bslayer937 |
The wild fire idea is interesting, though likely needs some fine tuning.
The problem with using the alchemical crossbow and weapon siphon as counterpoints is both have significantly higher action costs and drawbacks. Both items likely require you to either be holding the bomb already or use an action to draw it, so we are already up to 2 actions. The crossbow (or a two handed weapon if using a siphon) then requires a 3rd action to regroup. A nice GM might let you compress actions 2 and 3 using the reload rules.
You then get a whopping 3 attacks in the next minute, which will wind up spread across multiple turns because of reload and avoiding the awful MAP increase. Compare this to your spell, which costs a martial one action, or no actions with quick draw, and lasts the whole fight. I know which one I'd rather have.
Just imagine imagine if 1st level Runic Weapon added another damage dice which stacked with striking and lasted 8 hours. Your spell is only a little bit worse than that, but for one fight the action cost is the same. Action costs are a really significant balance factor in this game. If you're interested in lower action spells that actually fit, you probably want to move away from options that just tack on extra damage and into more tactical or situational options. Like a wind enhancement that lets successful strikes double as a Shove action? That could fit.
I love the premise of a "Draw to use" prepped spell for Arcane casters in the first place. However, I think it'd be more balanced in that case if the effect was only 1 round. Very neat idea if it added damage but *only* if you draw and strike with it *during that round* or "until the beginning of your next turn".
This could encourage some fun builds and roleplaying, along with many unique tactical advantages. I don't think I'd scale the damage but I would probably scale the duration. 8 hours at level 1 is probably a bit powerful. I'd probably do 1 hour at level 1 and 8 with a level 4 spell slot and that's the maximum.
Personally I think Arcane and Occult need more spell-shaping and prepped spells. It seems the natural advantage of those traditions to me with their somewhat more academic vibe to readily reshape magic into various new patterns. Though also, the contingency trait is underutilized and very cool for many effects like this, I would not add it to this particular spell line.