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This is the first paper minis set I've downloaded, and I'm not sure how the gargantuan ones are supposed to be put together. Can anyone describe it, or at least link me to some pictures of what they're supposed to look like when assembled?

I'm a bit confused about the graveknight Kestoglyr's language. It says that the only words he speaks to the players are in Abyssal, but he doesn't speak that language in his stat block. I thought this was an error in the statblock (like the barbarian who the text says speaks Hallit only knowing Common in her statblock) but elsewhere in the text it says that anyone pretending to be him is found out if they speak Abyssal since the cultists at the lock know he only speaks common. And his description says he's from another planet, so if he was speaking "common" instead of Abyssal he'd be talking in some strange language nobody in the party even knew existed.

So does he know Abyssal, and if not what language is he supposed to be speaking when he talks to the party?

I got that part, Brad. I was wondering if there was anything else. Just letting him loose to attack your mutual enemy in his rampage isn't really controlling him in my opinion. I thought Alderpash would have some special ritual to regain control over the inverted giant.

"If the PCs have made an alliance with Alderpash, they may be able to control Igramalash—see area O for details."
So, did I just miss that bit? Or is this supposed to just say that Alderpash knows enough about Igramalash that his knowledge will help manipulate the Inverted Giant (such as telepathically sending him images of places so he'll teleport there to get out of the room)?

Are there any actual rules for, say, an army with flight just hovering overhead and shooting at their enemy? Or an army with greater speed refusing to come to melee (like historical mounted archers would do)?

I'm planning on just houseruling stuff like that if there aren't actual rules for it.

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A creature of the animal, fey, or plant type that fails its save is nauseated for 1 round and sickened for 1 minute thereafter.
I like that plant types are also affected. Blight Druids are like cartoon characters who are so stinky, flowers wilt when they walk by.

The other issue is in book 3, where the biggest retaliation Xanthir Vang can take is an assault on Drezen, with several armies of demons attacking the city. Even with the defensive bonus from the fortifications, the Sword of Valor weakening the demons, and the Planetar being brought in to protect it, I'm not sure the two armies you have at the end of book 2 will be enough. Even a Small or Tiny force of Drake Riders would be a problem for your forces, for example, and a Medium force could tie up your planetar while other demons take out the human troops.
I'm thinking of letting my players buy Build Points to improve and maintain their military. I'll probably start with 1000gp a build point to represent subsidies from the Royal Treasury and enthusiasm to follow such famous and successful heroes, with the cost increasing as their forces grow larger, and possibly requiring the party to build and protect small settlements that act as trading posts for supplies to reach their armies.