Brinklhoff's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Freehold DM wrote:
Dancing Wind wrote:

Paizo has said that they will fight in court to maintain the 1.0a license if WotC tries to claim they have revoked it, invalidated it or otherwise limit continued use of that license.

It will be up to the courts to say whether or not Paizo can keep publishing PF1 material, or selling the PF1 materials they have already published.

See above.

thanks both of you

Will Paizo no longer sell Pathfinder 1e if Wizards goes back to OGL 1.1? I know Wizards backed off but I don't trust them as far as I can throw them.

I'm planning to be an enchanter and have a lot of points for social encounters but use a slightly edited build from a forum I found, the problem is A: I am using a build even if I am editing it slightly and B: the point of an enchanter is to finish a encounter before it starts. Will these things make people upset.

I mean my stats will be optimal and my races different abilities will be based on my class(such as silver tongue for humans)

I play a d&d 3.5 group with my friends and I'm the power gamer, we joke about it and no one is upset but is that true for pathfinder society? I always try to change my ways but every time I play a non optimal character it gets frustrating to me and I change it. Is power gaming frowned upon or is it ok? I dont want to do it if it makes others upset

I have yet to start pathfinder society but am thinking an enchanter wizard in the sovereign court faction. Can I get a higher status in that faction? maybe become a small noble? Is it possible for a character to get higher status in their faction. Thank you in advance.