BrightDrive's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Maybe i am reading this incorrectly but, this portion of the free rebuild: "Upon rebuilding, your character starts with gold equal to Table X.X[Alex note: this table will be published with the full rules, and is built on our baseline assumption of earning 8 TB per scenario."

concerns me. it might be just the people i am playing with, but in all of my 11 games currently with a single character, i have gotten all 10 TBs per scenario. (not to mention that alot of people have treasure bundle insurance) This reads to me as i will lose 20% of my gold if i do a full rebuild on my wizard.

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Please give an option in the pared-down list of consumables to not take consumables for the scenario in exchange for extra downtime. its a big blow to crafters to only have 8 days per game to craft, especially with the base 4 days tax before the item gets discounted.