
Brias's page

48 posts. Alias of Colorfoot.

Hi! So, many months ago, I took the plunge after years of 5e and Savage Worlds and made myself a PFS character for a play-by-post here on the site. The GM and other players were great, and I enjoyed myself on the whole, but I found my character difficult to play. Wanting to keep things simple, I picked a martial class (monk) with which to start. Unfortunately, I made some character creation choices for my monk that made it tough for her to contribute in situations where she couldn’t punch something.

Fast forward to today. I want to give this thing another go with a fresh start. I see that I can rebuild my character for free because she has less than 12 xp, which is great. So far, so good.

My questions are:

1) Do I need to stick with the same ancestry, background, or class?
2) Do I record somewhere that I rebuilt her?
3) Are there any things I don’t know that I don’t know about rebuilding a character?