Pixie Doll

Brian W Suskind's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 33 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

So I’m going to Paizocon for the first time this year. About when do the PaizoCon events come out for preregistration?

Thanks in advance

Ok, so here is a question thatbis probably simple to answer but it has confused me.

One of my players has a 10th level Dread Necromancer and has been creating undead friends to follow him around. Up until now it hasn't been an issue, but last game the party fought some hill giants. After the battle, the Dread Necromancer created hill giant zombies.

Seeing a glimpse of future games, I started looking at Animate Dead rules. In 3.5 you couldn't create a zombie from a corpse with more than 10 HD. Did this rule go away in Pathfinder?

What's to prevent my player from making 20HD zombies whenever they run across the right bodies?

Thanks for the help.

Hi all. This question came up in a recent game.

I know that, as per the Undead type, undead have...

"Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms)"

My question is how does this immunity work when dealing with intelligent undead such as Vampires and Lich?

If you are undead and smart enough not only to know it but also enough to speak, have tactics and cast spells shouldn't you just have to make a will save like anyone else with a mind?

Thanks for your help.

Nicholas Logue and the guys at Paizo did a great job on Hangman's Noose! It is wonderful to see a module that is more atmosphere and role-play than it is hack/slash.

Now I know the module provides a method to run it for six players, but how about seven?