Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Grave Ol' Salty wrote:
The thought that Ishadia was a stretch goal completely bugged me - it's right on the edge of The Dragon Empire after all. Why explore places further away and yet leave a gap in the Midgard CS book? Good thing it's being filled in.
It bugged me too! Ben McFarland and Brian Suskind wanted to cover new ground rather than revisit known sites, so they argued against revisiting Ishadia (since it is already in the Midgard CS book). I think they had a point, but I put it on the list of stretch goals.
I'm very glad we are covering it, though, as I think it is one of those hinge-points that are good for campaign variety and conflict.
The true be told, Ben and I talked about Ishadia for a long time before making our recommendation to Wolfgang.
When it came down to it, we had to focus on the Southland continent (which is realllllly big) even if that meant Ishadia got bumped down into the stretch goal list.
I'm thrilled we get to add it to the book after all. My hope for Ishadia is three fold:
1. Really hammer home the image of it as a gateway city to the South and East that has fallen into corruption and decline.
2. Play up the competition and conflicts between Ishadia and Shibai (her one-time colony). Where the old nation is falling in importance, the newer one is rising - an explosive situation.
3. Really explore the Aasimar angle and the city of Shuppurak
What do you all hope to see in Ishadia or the Southlands?