Brent Stroh's page

133 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

1. Everyone but me is causing an "ever-incoming tide of ignorance and fail."
2. Everyone who doesn't immediately bow down and recognize the greatness oozing from my very pores, clearly demonstrating that my game design skills are far above and beyond those of, well, game designers, is simply "polluting the boards with nonsense."
3. Anyone with an opinion differing from mine is "literally ruining the game" (for me, anyway).

Please, for the love of the game, stop making these arguments.

In the spirit of these simple rules, the interactive nature of these boards will be removed. Instead, each board will turn into a read-only archive of such wisdom as I choose to bestow upon you.

I was going to post and ask why I got two packages from Paizo instead of one combined shipping package while I was out of town Wed-Fri.

However, when I looked at my order history, I realized that I received my 2/26 order and my 3/11 order either Wednesday or Thursday, so they arrived at worst within a day of each other...

Not sure if I should appreciate how quickly the second order got here, or be annoyed at the delay in delivering the first. Either way, not Paizo's problem, just weird...

Since I know you have virtually unlimited time and money to spend on web development... :)

Now that I'm getting at least one package a month from Paizo via automatically generated subscription orders, it would also be cool to have a "wish list" queue of items.

That way, when my order for W1 is auto-generated, the system could grab the first item in my queue and put it on the order as well, in order to combine shipping.

Take the queue list, allow users to "throttle" it by dollar amount or number of items (minimum one, of course...), and you're good to go. For all intents and purposes, it's a manually managed subscription to your entire inventory.

Just an idea.

This came up in a thread on the AoW forum; since my reply was off-topic over there, and somewhat lost in the real topic of the thread, I thought it might be useful to get more opinions on it here in General Discussion.

Erik Mona wrote:
A dream situation would be not just to do a hardcover, but to do whole books based on the key locations (Diamond Lake, Free City, Alhaster) and fill them with lots of advice on how to keep the PCs on track and what to do when they wander off it. That's a lot to hope for, though, so it's almost not worth considering.

Hmm. This actually sounds pretty cool. I can't be the only GM who finds a lot of campaign worlds over-developed to the point of paralysis. I have no interest in running a Forgotten Realms campaign because of the sheer amount of canon, for example. (Yeah, I'm anal. Moving on...)

How about the Paizo Publishing Backdrop series - an ongoing series of 64/96 page softcovers that focus on creating a believable, fleshed out, specific place for a campaign? Include the major NPCs, and a handful of adventure hooks, but not necessarily any large-scale plots - this would be a supplement, rather than an adventure module.

The Styes, Diamond Lake, Alhaster - the first three entries in the series are already half-written.

As another fringe benefit to this, future Dungeon adventures could be set in these backdrop locations. Obviously, some amount of background would have to be included in the magazine for those who don't have the backdrop book, but for those who do, the adventure becomes deeper/more interesting, without increasing the magazine page count or the adventure size.

Just a thought.

Tangentially, it might be useful in the future to divide backdrops into player/GM sections; for something like AoW, where the PCs are ideally from Diamond Lake, it would be great to hand the players 5-6 pages of information they could use when developing their backgrounds.

Any chance we'll see a sheet of monster tokens to go along with the upcoming Eberron adventures?

Most of the monsters/creatures overlap with the standard D&D game, and the existing token sets are fine for that, but I'd really like to find some good warforged and Emerald Claw tokens.

Some of the forum avatar images are close to 1" in size, but that's technically a copyright violation.