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Although a welcome addition to the lore of Golarion, this book too often reads like a college textbook. Although a college educated gamer of almost 50 years, I find myself frequently having to refer to a dictionary in order to understand the intent of the sentences, as written, in this book. Unless the target audience is solely the erudite, it is my contention that many younger, less experienced, players will find this book difficult to understand.
Whereas D&D 5th edition is trying to make their products available and understandable to even new players, Pathfinder appears to be going the opposite direction.
Please, continue to put out wonderful books about the world and cultures of Golarion. They are greatly desired. But, remember not everyone in your audience is a college professor.
Having read more of this book, I must admit that not all of the various sections are as difficult to comprehend as the section dedicated to Alkenstar, which section inspired my rant above. Many of the other sections are more comprehendible. However, I do get the feeling that the various writers are more interested in sounding erudite than being easily understood. The sentence tend to the complex.
I will be changing my rating from 2 stars to 3.