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The Invulnerable Super Hero RPG: Vigilante Edition Kickstarter is now Live! top-rpg-vigilante-edi

We hope to produce an awesome new edition of the Invulnerable Super Hero RPG, with a new cover, lots more art, better editing and layout, and lots of errata fixes!

Please check out the stretch goals, including a revamp of the Dauntless sourcebook (folding in the Nigh-Invulnerable random character creation rules). We really look forward to a new Invulnerable sourcebook by Steven Schend, Michael Garcia, Christopher Helton, Rafael Chandler, and Eloy Lasanta!

We are all set up to get some amazing artwork from talents like Jason Juta, Joel Biske, Jason Rainville, Bradley McDevitt, and Gennifer Bone.

If you have any questions, please contact Joshua Kubli at Thanks for your time!

The Invulnerable Tabletop Super Hero RPG is almost done, and I've started a Kickstarter project to help pay for publication costs, particularly more great artwork.

Invulnerable RPG makes it quick and easy to make a detailed super hero, using a simple d6-based system. Character generation includes a variety of Origins, Motivations, and power levels for your hero, and you don't have to compromise between versatility and raw might when making your alter ego. Combat is tactical and crunchy (but not too slow!), and the book includes details and a dozen+ characters for the house setting, Earth-Omega.

You can download the full text of the game for free (for now!) at Imperfekt Industrees, or read it online at Scribd (note: login required for Scribd).

The Kickstarter project for Invulnerable is here. Rewards for donations will include credits in the final version, PDF copies of the final version, physical copies, t-shirts, maybe more! And the money goes to pay for great interior artwork by the amazing Jason Rainville!

If there are any questions, please e-mail me at jkubli@imperfekt-industrees,com, and thanks!