
Brass Pigeon's page

Organized Play Member. 166 posts (957 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 14 aliases.

I hope it's not just me but I don't understand what the DC is supposed to be for the Master of the Veil ability from the Mage of the Veil wizard sub-school.


Master of the Veil (Sp)

At 8th level, you can create an illusion that hides the appearance of yourself and any number of allies within 30 feet for 1 round per wizard level. This ability otherwise functions like the spell veil. The rounds do not need to be consecutive.

But what does that mean for the DC?

The level 1 ability Face in the Crowd says:

DC 10 + 1/2 your wizard level + your Intelligence modifier

I couldn't find anything about this so here's my question:

The Scroll Scholar archetype is available for Universalists and Diviners. Does this mean that it's available for the Divination subschools (Foresight and Scryer) too or not?

If so, I assume you have to replace the replaced power.

Slight spoilers ahead for City of the Spider Queen.

So my party is doing fine so far. My character (Sor8/Celestial Mystic 4, she's lovely and has a Lantern Archon as a familiar) is really fun to play and does fine in combat.
As we walk into this room (temple) the archon Detects Evil and notices 3 glows in the ceiling. We walk into the room (while I keep an eye on the ceiling) and halfway there it all goes pear shaped.

I succeed on saving throw (vampire? mind-flayer? someone's probing!) while our druid fails and stands still. A vampire appears, the webs on the ceiling move apart and a black ooze falls right on top of me (I forgot to ask where the cracks in the ceiling were so I could NOT stand beneath them.. major error apparently).
I cast Wings of Cover (although I wasn't actually allowed since it was a suprise round... according to the DM) so the slam attack didn't work but I ended up engulfed by it anyway and rolled badly on the initiative roll. Next round 75% of my gear (cloak of charisma +2, Robe of Mysterious Conjuration (10k!!), vest of resistance +3, ring of true seeing (not my own!) and ring of feather falling) is gone.

I cast Baleful Transposition with the pudding and our monk switching positions, move back between my allies.

Then of course a undead drider falls on my head.

How much can a lawful good woman (I'm male, help me out) devoted to the teachings of Celestia take?
It feels extra bad because we might have messed up some rules but I don't think we'll undo anything (undo sucks.. how tempting it may sound though I'm not going to ask for it). Next time we'll continue and I'll have to think of a way to keep playing my character without her dieing.

I need a shoulder to cry on!

oh oops, I just noticed this thread and I actually have that last Dungeon (with a thematic list) I think. Hopefully I can find something useful in that list.
All input is welcome though :)

Hello all here at Paizo messageboards,

As the subject of this post states: I'm confused.
I started playing AD&D (for a few years) and moved on to 3.x (also a few years). No problems there.
Then (when I was about to enter the life of the paid (aka post-university aka got-money-for-magazines-like-Dragon-and-Dungeon-which-I-like-a-lot) the game changed:

  • No more Dungeon magazine and Dragon magazine
  • The WotC forums changed (Gleemax wot?)
  • I read about a Digital Initiative thingymajingy which I still don't understand fully
  • A company that made the magazines wanted to carry on doing something comparable (sounded cool, they offered a free download so I registered) and they release a nice newsletter in which they started to mention Pathfinder which has a few other options (companion, etc) which aren't entirely clear to me.
  • I don't like 4e
  • On a blog I saw a post on "LAST POSSIBILITY TO DOWNLOAD", I followed the link, noticed there were all kinds of cool pdf's to download and noticed they weren't there anymore to download... I was late in several ways. Only (mostly) got myself to blame there. Anyway I'm kind of convinced that I have to switch (SWITCH!) but I don't know where to.

I understand asking here (3.5 forum on Paizo) at least should give some different opinions, hopefull it's okay I ask them here. I like the 3.5 system and I like Paizo. What has been released so far isn't the new Pathfinder RPG (this I understand)but what is it? And when will the new released stuff be non-3.5 (but still compatible?).

What will I be playing?

I hope I'm not asking for too much information, I've just been hoarding these questions and think it's about time I ask them. Hopefully some of you can help me out.