Brandon Jackson 214's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Oh crap... I'm dumb. I even typed 'examine' and was reading it as 'explore' in my head. That was just me being stupid. :P

Thanks skizzerz! Sometimes i just need someone to tell me i'm being dumb.


I did a quick search and couldn't find the answer. if this has been resolved somewhere else please let me know and i'll delete this post. My wife picked up Wrath of the Righteous for me for our anniversary, so i'm still new to the rulebook, so this is probably covered explicitly somewhere i'm missing.

Power reads:
'You may evade your encounter; shuffle the evaded card into a random open location, if it came from one. ( [ ] Then you may examine the top card of your location.) ( [ ] Then you may move.)'

Is this an endless loop of sorts? Can I use my free explore, then evade it, shuffle it out, explore again, evade it, shuffle it out, (and on until the deck is empty), then close the site all in one turn? I'm hoping there is a limiter of some sort on this that I'm missing, I just cannot find it. I've got him on the way and a player who is a known loophole abuser who is a huge goblin fan excited to give the game a try. I just want to know what i'm getting myself into before we get to the table.

Thanks for any help!