Race |
Cimmerian (Barbarian 2/Thug 1/Smuggler 1) |
Classes/Levels |
B 1, M 2, R 0, D 1; LB 0/12, HeroP 4, AR/ACR 4/4 |
About Bran of Cimmeria
Bran, Cimmerian
Barbarian 2/Thug 1/Smuggler 1
Strength 2
Agility 0
Mind 1
Appeal 1
Brawl 1
Melee 2
Ranged 0
Defense 1
Life's Blood 6/12
Hero Points 5
AR/ACR: 4/4 (Leather girdle)
Melee weapon: Falchion (d8), Dagger (d4)
Languages: Cimmerian, Trade Tongue, Zamoran
Boons: Detect Deception, Magic Resistance
Flaws: Distrust of Sorcery
3 XP
Gear: Common clothing, leather girdle, falchion, dagger
Bran was raised in the rugged mountains of Cimmeria. The muddy, windy, harsh land was never to his preference and while he has as much pride as any proper Cimmerian for his people and his upbringing, you couldn't pay him to go back. Shortly after officially becoming a man in his clan's eyes a Zamoran trader named Ludo visited the clan- the peddler described all of the amazing places he had seen, the excellent food and wine and women that lay to the south- even if Bran could tell most of it was a lie, he wanted to see for himself. The windy, the rocks, the pointless warring for muddy patches of land- Crom could keep it, choke on it for all he cared.
He followed Ludo south, letting the fat-headed merchant think he had duped the gullible savage with his fancy words. It wasn't before long that Ludo started bringing Bran along while speaking to debtors and competition. While the Cimmerian never took joy in it, he found that if he stayed mostly quiet and let his glares do the talking, most of the softer southerners got themselves to see Ludo's way sooner or later. And if they tried cheating him, Bran sniffed it out and made sure the books were balanced.
It's when the Zhmeri got it into his head to short the Cimmerian kid his earnings and trust that the primitive wouldn't be able to track him down in Shadizar that Bran finally took some enjoyment out of scaring the piss out of someone. After watching a man for so many months, doing his dirty work and absorbing every scrap of information on city life and underhanded business, it wasn't an overwhelming effort to track the little toad to a smuggler's den of a tavern on the docks. To Bran's credit, he let Ludo off with his life- and at the cost of only his rightful payment and a few broken fingers for the effort.
A light sentence, by Cimmerian justice.
Personality- Bran's friendly enough, more than willing to play the brute while he figures out his audience and their angles. He makes acquaintances easily, drinking companions and bedmates even easier, but he's got few friends. If he took one thing with him from the north, it's a sense of self-reliance and he adapts to new situations with ease. The other thing he took was a superstitious fear of sorcery and those that practice it. While he's met few sorcerers or alchemists in his life, those he has have gotten under his skin- the very idea of meddling with the unnatural like that awakens a savage aversion within him.