About BrakkikPFS # 264524-12
Male Ratfolk Trap Breaker Alchemist 4
Melee Dagger +4 (1d3) Ranged Bomb +8 (2d6+5), (Splash damage 7, Reflex 17 to halve)
Non-Standard Skill Bonuses
Special Abilities:
SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Cheek Pouches: Some ratfolk have developed stretchy cheek pouches that they can use to hold and carry small loads up to 1 cubic foot in volume and 10 pounds in weight, such as light weapons, potions, scrolls, and similar objects. Such a ratfolk can transfer a held object to his cheek pouches or extract an object from his cheek pouches as a swift action. As a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity, the ratfolk can instead massage all of the items held in the cheek pouches onto the ground in the square it occupies. As long as the ratfolk has at least one object in its cheek pouches, its speech is difficult to understand, and it has a 20% spell failure chance when casting spells with verbal components. This racial trait replaces swarming. Cleanliness: A ratfolk with this racial trait gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against disease, and whenever she exceeds the save DC to recover from a disease effect by 5 or more, she is treated as though she had succeeded at two consecutive saving throws. This racial trait replaces rodent empathy. Darkvision: Ratfolk can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Slow Speed: Ratfolk have a base speed of 20 feet. Tinker: Ratfolk gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy), Perception, and Use Magic Device checks. Pragmatic Activator: You may use your Intelligence modifier when making Use Magic Device checks instead of your Charisma modifier. Reactionary: You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks. Alchemy: Alchemists are not only masters of creating mundane alchemical substances such as alchemist’s fire and smokesticks, but also of fashioning magical potion-like extracts in which they can store spell effects. In effect, an alchemist prepares his spells by mixing ingredients into a number of extracts, and then “casts” his spells by drinking the extract. When an alchemist creates an extract or bomb, he infuses the concoction with a tiny fraction of his own magical power—this enables the creation of powerful effects, but also binds the effects to the creator. When using Craft (alchemy) to create an alchemical item, an alchemist gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on the Craft (alchemy) check. In addition, an alchemist can use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using detect magic. He must hold the potion for 1 round to make such a check. An alchemist can create three special types of magical items—extracts, bombs, and mutagens. Bombs are explosive splash weapons, and mutagens are transformative elixirs that the alchemist drinks to enhance his physical abilities—both of these are detailed in their own sections below. Extracts are the most varied of the three. In many ways, they behave like spells in potion form, and as such their effects can be dispelled by effects like detect magic using the alchemist’s level as the caster level. Unlike potions, though, extracts can have powerful effects and duplicate spells that a potion normally could not. An alchemist can create only a certain number of extracts of each level per day. In addition, he receives bonus extracts per day if he has a high Intelligence score, in the same way a wizard receives bonus spells per day. When an alchemist mixes an extract, he infuses the chemicals and reagents in the extract with magic siphoned from his own magical aura. An extract immediately becomes inert if it leaves the alchemist’s possession, reactivating as soon as it returns to his keeping—an alchemist cannot normally pass out his extracts for allies to use. An extract, once created, remains potent for 1 day before losing its magic, so an alchemist must re-prepare his extracts every day. Mixing an extract takes 1 minute of work—most alchemists prepare many extracts at the start of the day or just before going on an adventure, but it’s not uncommon for an alchemist to keep some (or even all) of his daily extract slots open so that he can prepare extracts in the field as needed. Although the alchemist doesn’t actually cast spells, he does have a formulae list that determines what extracts he can create. An alchemist can utilize spell-trigger items if the spell appears on his formuale list, but not spell-completion items (unless he uses Use Magic Device to do so). An extract is “cast” by drinking it, as if imbibing a potion—the effects of an extract exactly duplicate the spell upon which its formula is based, save that the spell always affects only the drinking alchemist. An alchemist can draw and drink an extract as a standard action. The alchemist uses his level as the caster level to determine any effect based on caster level. Creating extracts consumes raw materials, but the cost of these materials is insignificant—comparable to the valueless material components of most spells. If a spell normally has a costly material component, that component is expended during the consumption of that particular extract. Extracts cannot be made from spells that have focus requirements (alchemist extracts that duplicate divine spells never have a divine focus requirement). An alchemist can prepare an extract of any formula he knows. To learn or use an extract, an alchemist must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the extract’s level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an alchemist’s extract is 10 + the extract level + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier. An alchemist may know any number of formulae. He stores his formulae in a special tome called a formula book. He must refer to this book whenever he prepares an extract but not when he consumes it. An alchemist begins play with two 1st-level formulae of his choice, plus a number of additional forumlae equal to his Intelligence modifier. At each new alchemist level, he gains one new formula of any level that he can create. An alchemist can also add formulae to his book just like a wizard adds spells to his spellbook, using the same costs, pages, and time requirements. An alchemist can study a wizard’s spellbook to learn any formula that is equivalent to a spell the spellbook contains. A wizard, however, cannot learn spells from a formula book. An alchemist does not need to decipher arcane writings before copying them. Bombs: In addition to magical extracts, alchemists are adept at swiftly mixing various volatile chemicals and infusing them with their magical reserves to create powerful bombs that they can hurl at their enemies. An alchemist can use a number of bombs each day equal to his class level + his Intelligence modifier. Bombs are unstable, and if not used in the round they are created, they degrade and become inert—their method of creation prevents large volumes of explosive material from being created and stored. In order to create a bomb, the alchemist must use a small vial containing an ounce of liquid catalyst—the alchemist can create this liquid catalyst from small amounts of chemicals from an alchemy lab, and these supplies can be readily refilled in the same manner as a spellcaster’s component pouch. Most alchemists create a number of catalyst vials at the start of the day equal to the total number of bombs they can create in that day—once created, a catalyst vial remains usable by the alchemist for years. Drawing the components of, creating, and throwing a bomb requires a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Thrown bombs have a range of 20 feet and use the Throw Splash Weapon special attack. Bombs are considered weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus. On a direct hit, an alchemist’s bomb inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage + additional damage equal to the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier. The damage of an alchemist’s bomb increases by 1d6 points at every odd-numbered alchemist level (this bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike). Splash damage from an alchemist bomb is always equal to the bomb’s minimum damage (so if the bomb would deal 2d6+4 points of fire damage on a direct hit, its splash damage would be 6 points of fire damage). Those caught in the splash damage can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier. Alchemists can learn new types of bombs as discoveries as they level up. An alchemist’s bomb, like an extract, becomes inert if used or carried by anyone else. Mutagen: At 1st level, an alchemist discovers how to create a mutagen that he can imbibe in order to heighten his physical prowess at the cost of his personality. It takes 1 hour to brew a dose of mutagen, and once brewed, it remains potent until used. An alchemist can only maintain one dose of mutagen at a time—if he brews a second dose, any existing mutagen becomes inert. As with an extract or bomb, a mutagen that is not in an alchemist’s possession becomes inert until an alchemist picks it up again. When an alchemist brews a mutagen, he selects one physical ability score—either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. It’s a standard action to drink a mutagen. Upon being imbibed, the mutagen causes the alchemist to grow bulkier and more bestial, granting him a +2 natural armor bonus and a +4 alchemical bonus to the selected ability score for 10 minutes per alchemist level. In addition, while the mutagen is in effect, the alchemist takes a –2 penalty to one of his mental ability scores. If the mutagen enhances his Strength, it applies a penalty to his Intelligence. If it enhances his Dexterity, it applies a penalty to his Wisdom. If it enhances his Constitution, it applies a penalty to his Charisma. A non-alchemist who drinks a mutagen must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier) or become nauseated for 1 hour—a non-alchemist can never gain the benefit of a mutagen, but an alchemist can gain the effects of another alchemist’s mutagen if he drinks it. (Although if the other alchemist creates a different mutagen, the effects of the “stolen” mutagen immediately cease.) The effects of a mutagen do not stack. Whenever an alchemist drinks a mutagen, the effects of any previous mutagen immediately end. Throw Anything: All alchemists gain the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An alchemist adds his Intelligence modifier to damage done with splash weapons, including the splash damage if any. This bonus damage is already included in the bomb class feature. Discovery: At 2nd level, and then again every 2 levels thereafter (up to 18th level), an alchemist makes an incredible alchemical discovery. Trapfinding: Starting at 2nd level, a trap breaker adds 1/2 his alchemist level on Perception checks made to locate traps and on Disable Device checks. A trap breaker can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps. This ability replaces poison use and poison resistance +2. Swift Alchemy: At 3rd level, an alchemist can create alchemical items with astounding speed. It takes an alchemist half the normal amount of time to create alchemical items, and he can apply poison to a weapon as a move action. Discoveries:
DISCOVERIES ------------------------------ Infusion: When the alchemist creates an extract, he can infuse it with an extra bit of his own magical power. The extract created now persists even after the alchemist sets it down. As long as the extract exists, it continues to occupy one of the alchemist's daily extract slots. An infused extract can be imbibed by a non-alchemist to gain its effects. Precise Bombs: Whenever the alchemist throws a bomb, he can select a number of squares equal to his Intelligence modifier that are not affected by the splash damage from his bombs. If the bomb misses, this discovery has no effect. Extracts:
EXTRACTS ------------------------------ 1st (5/day) ( ) Crafter’s Fortune ( ) Cure Light Wounds ( ) Heightened Awareness ( ) Long Arm ( ) Monkey Fish ( ) Reduce Person ( ) Shield ( ) True Strike 2nd (2/day)
FEATS ------------------------------ Extra Bombs: You can throw two additional bombs per day. Point-Blank Shot: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet. Precise Shot: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll. Throw Anything: You do not suffer any penalties for using an improvised ranged weapon. You receive a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls made with thrown splash weapons. Gear/Possessions:
GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Carrying Capacity Light 0-24 lb. Medium 25-49 lb. Heavy 50-75 lb. Current Load Carried 13.75 lb Dagger (2 gp) (0.5 lb) Sling (0 gp) (0 lb) Mithral Chain Shirt (1100 gp) (6.25 lb) Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000 gp) (1 lb) Bombchucker (12 gp) (1 lb) Handy Haversack (2000 gp) (5 lb) *Backpack (2 gp) (0.5 lb) *Boro Bead (1000 gp) (0 lb) *Formula Alembic (200 gp) (1 lb) *Masterwork Thieves Tools (100 gp) (1 lb) *Alchemist’s Lab (200 gp) (40 lb) *Alchemy Crafting Kit (25 gp) (5 lb) *Flint and Steel (0 gp) (0 lb) *Formula Book (- gp) (3 lb) *Inkpen (0.1 gp) (0 lb) *Acid Flask x 2 (20 gp) (2 lb) *Charcoal (0.5 gp) (0 lb) *Ink (8 gp) (0 lb) *Parchment x 2 (0.4 gp) (0 lb) *Rope (1 gp) (10 lb) *Smokestick (20 gp) (0.5 lb) *Wand: Cure Light Wounds (50 charges) (- gp) (0 lb) *Wand: Comprehend Languages (50 charges) (- gp) (0 lb) *Wand: Negate Aroma (50 charges) (- gp) (0 lb) *Wand: Endure Elements (50 charges) (- gp) (0 lb) *Stored in Handy Haversack Bot Me!:
In combat, Brakkik prefers to throw bombs without hitting his allies. If no opportunity presents itself, he glumly pulls out his sling and starts half-heartedly chucking whatever’s on the ground.
Outside of combat, Brakkik will gladly break any lock or trap presented to him. Sometimes he even manages to do so without setting it off! Boons:
Rodent Heritage: You may play a ratfolk character, beginning at level 1 as normal. Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as those outlined in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide.
You Be Goblin Whelp: Once you reach 6th level or higher, check any remaining boxes on the boon below:
Great Goblin Relics: When you use one of the items below, you must check the box that precedes it - afterwards, the object is a mundane keepsake with no further powers.
[ ] Gloomspire Explorer: While adventuring in the Gloomspires, you receive a +2 bonus on all Perception checks made to find hidden objects such as traps, treasure, and secret doors. If you check the box included with this boon, you gain the benefits of this boon for the duration of one scenario set anywhere other than the Gloomspires.
[ ] [ ] [ ] Piercing the Veil: At the start of any adventure, you may check a box next to this boon to gain a +1 bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive checks, as well as all Will saving throws made to resist or disbelieve illusions, for the duration of the adventure. Background:
Nobody has ever stuck around long enough to hear Brakkik’s tragic backstory. Between his indecipherable speech, his penchant for blowing something up in the middle of the conversation, and the fact that he can’t repeat what he just said because he’s already gone down five different tangents, he’s made every person who’s ever asked him about himself immediately regret doing so. Appearance and Personality:
This ratfolk’s fur is splotched with soot and various colors of powders and seems to be permanently pushed to one side, as if by a sudden gust of wind. His eyes are bright with excitement, but his speech is difficult to understand, sounding like he is holding several marbles in his mouth - not that it seems to be stopping him from chattering away. |