
Brake_fart's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Vigilant Seal

I am currently building a Spirit Barbarian and was wondering on how to build him.

The theme is that he gets possessed by his fallen comrades who fell in battle during the Events of the Whispering Tyrant's destruction of the Land of Lastwall.

I was wondering whether to go with either Sentinel Dedication as h ssentially gets trained by his psirits to use armor effectively even when raging, or if I should dip into something else that could fit the theme of a barbarian who listens to voices in his head, Senua's Sacrfice Style.

Anyone have any ideas?

Vigilant Seal

I am attempting to recreate my group's team that we have beeen attached into pathfinder, but unfortunately hit a snag.

I was able to get my Human Half-Orc Ancestral Guardian Barbarian (Spirit Instinct Dromaar), Human Tiefling Pact of the Devil Warlock (Hellspawn Faith's Flamekeeper Witch), and Aasimar War Cleric (Angelkin devoted to Zon-Kuthon) set up, but missing one; a Dragonborn Oath of Conquest Paladin.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any dragonborn in this game. What would be the best alternative for the last character?

This is my brother's character, and I tried to pitch using a Cleric as a War Priest, but the character in question is an anti-theist, with his powers coming from the Oath that he has sworn to.

Any suggestions?

Vigilant Seal

I am currently making a new Android Gunslinger Character. The concept would be sort of a mix between Gesicht from Naoki Urasawa's "Pluto" and Officer K from Blade Runner 2049.

Is it too farfetched for an Android to be in Alkenstar? How would the population react? And what kind of languages would an Android be able to pick up from this location?