Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I feel like "magboots" should be a bit more ubiquitous in a spacefaring game so, for my games, I've made some minor adjustments to how common they are and the way in which they function. Standard magboots are a standard component of all armor and space suits. I've been watching a lot of The Expanse television series recently so the inspiration and design are primarily thanks to that. Please let me know if you like them or have any suggestions!
Magboots, Standard
These sturdy boots have powerful electromagnets built directly into the soles. These magnets can be activated by clicking your heels together as a swift action. The effects of magboots only apply as long as you are adjacent to a metal surface such as the metal floor of a starship. In areas of zero gravity, while wearing a pair of magboots, you can move across metal surfaces without having to attempt skill checks, and as long as you are adjacent to an appropriate surface, you do not automatically move at the beginning of your turn each round. While activated, your land speed is reduced by 10 feet, your maximum Dexterity bonus to your Armor Class is reduced to +2, and you receive a +4 bonus on checks to avoid or remove the off-kilter condition. Standard magboots also produce a loud clicking sound against metal surfaces and impose a -4 penalty to Stealth checks while moving assuming you are not in a vacuum.
All armor and space suits include standard magboots as part of the environmental protection systems. Most of the magnets' power comes from the kinetic energy of your movement, making the drain on your armor's environmental protection systems negligible.
Relied upon by the brave souls who must venture out into the void of space, these sturdy boots are a stronger, more advanced version of standard magboots. Advanced magboots include computerized sensors and other components that anticipate and complement your movements. These enhancements negate the penalties to speed, maximum Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and Stealth checks imposed by standard magboots. In addition, the stronger magnets of advanced magboots provide a +5 circumstance bonus to Athletic checks made to climb metal surfaces, as well as a +4 circumstance bonus against bull rush and trip combat maneuvers when you are standing on a metal surface.
Advanced magboots require more power than standard magboots and use 1 charge per hour while activated and uses standard, 20 charge batteries. Advanced magboots that run out of power continue to function as standard maboots.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Stumbled across this while Googling recently and figured I'd share it. I have no idea who the artist is or where this came from but I'd love to see more like it!
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I have a player who's playing an Elven bard that was born and raised in Kintargo. Given the long lifespan of Elves and how "recent" the civil war and the Silver Ravens were, relatively speaking, does anyone have any suggestions or guidance on how to control what an Elven character would know about? From the way I'm reading it, the Silver Ravens were hardly a secret in their heyday so, even if an elven character could potentially have been a little young at the time, there's definitely the possibility that those characters could have firsthand memories of things going on in that time period. I'm trying to figure out how best to manage access to this sort of information as they progress through the AP but I'm struggling with it a bit as I try to maintain a lot of the mystery/discovery/conspiracy feel the writing seems to encourage.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I just had to share this small part of our game this week. Our group just found the "silver raven" figurines at the end of In Hell's Bright Shadow, Part 1 and learned how to use them. One of my players immediately decided that, when using these "birds" to send messages to one another, it should be called "tweeting". I can no longer enjoy running this campaign for this group of players. My entire campaign is now ruined. That is all.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hey guys,
I'm playing a Shaman in an Iron Gods campaign at the moment. While we often fight against non-robots, I'm finding my character is not very effective in the frequent all-robot encounters we've run into since immunity to mind-affecting effects negates a huge amount of my character's abilities. Aside from the "Impossible" sorcerer bloodline, are there any character options that helps characters deal with robots and other constructs when a majority of your abilities are mind-affecting or similar abilities?
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
After an incredibly interesting encounter in Iron Gods #2, Lords of Rust, I'm thinking of having my character start delving into some Dark Tapestry lore. I'm trying to find some character options I can incorporate to reflect this new path but I'm really not finding much at all. I've skimmed through the Occult books but those options look like they're mostly focused around psionics, not necessarily Dark Tapestry stuff. If only Strange Aeons wasn't almost a year away!
I'm currently a level 5 Shaman with the Lore spirit but am interested in possibly doing some Ultimate Campaign retraining depending on what options I find. Does anyone have suggestions on good/interesting options for a PC interested in the Dark Tapestry?
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
As a Summoner, can I use the ability granted by the Tattoo Attunement feat to transform my Eidolon into a tattoo on my body? I don't necessarily see a huge benefit to doing so but it adds some potentially interesting flavor.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I've got a PC who is statting out a new NPC who appeared in our Kingmaker game. He wants her to be a piano maker but we aren't really sure where to start on pricing one. The only guidance from the SRD is "larger instruments such as a cello or piano are of course larger and more expensive". I could try researching prices and getting really in depth with it myself, but I thought I'd try to tap the collective wisdom of the Paizo boards first (plus I'm running late for work).
Anyone have any thoughts on how to price something like this? If it matters, I'm assuming he's thinking more of a grand piano than a different style. Thanks, guys!
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hey, guys. I wanted to post for anyone looking for a kingdom tracking spreadsheet that makes use of all the changes made in Ultimate Campaign. I've got a start on updating the sheet and you can download it here. I used Berhagen's wonderful sheet made for Kingmaker (later updated by Zoetrope) as a base for my sheet. I've asked Berhagen if I could update his sheet and this is posted with his permission.
My group is about to start book two of Kingmaker so, in my rush, I've had to ignore anything related to mass combat for now (as such, Defense bonuses may not be 100% accurate everwhere, although Settlements should be okay), settlements do not currently list slots for magic items, I've stripped out some of the special features (like Zoetrope's Event/Weather generators), and many of the "Optional" rules from Ultimate Campaign have yet to be implemented. Now that I have the minimum spreadsheet I'm needing for my personal campaign, I'll start working on finishing what I've started and I'll be sure to post updated versions in this thread.
For anyone interested in a (nearly) complete list of changes I've made, here is a list for you. Anything labeled as "personal preference" is merely a cosmetic change that I've made to suit my own tastes that you may or may not notice or appreciate.
List of all changes:
Ultimate Campaign Changes:
Added the Consort Leadership Role
Added the Heir Leadership Role
Added and adjusted several Buildings
Added and adjusted several Terrain Improvements
Wardens who are Vacant now only reduce Loyalty by 2 instead of by 4
Generals now apply their Vacancy Penalty to Loyalty instead of Stability
A Grand Diplomat vacancy no longer prevents Promotion Edicts
Renamed Royal Assassin to Royal Enforcer
Renamed Festivals to Holidays
Added an Income field to the Kingdom and Overall sheets. This represents the bonus BP earned from things like Mines, Quarries, and Sawmills during the income phase. Currently, this only tracks the normal bonuses from these terrain improvements and bonuses from Foundries and the like will have to be handled manually.
Adjusted the minimum and maximum settlement Base Values
Arenas no longer have an effect on Consumption penalties from Holidays
Updated list of Continuous Events and renamed Ongoing Events to Continuous Events (the latter is personal preference)
Updated the field descriptions for all Leadership Roles
Changed the "Armies" for consumption box to "Other" and made the field editable. This is mostly because I don't have any work done yet on the army sheets and I wanted the box to allow manual adjustments for things like Stockyards.
Redid the way the "Major Buildings" list works on the City Summary worksheet. It now lists the five most expensive buildings in each city
Tweaked the kingdom alignment fields to prevent invalid combinations like "Good Evil"
Tweaked attribute fields for Rulers and Spymasters so you can make them blank without hitting delete. It weirds me out to hit delete on things (personal preference)
Tweaked the way a few formulas work, especially in regards to vacancies and edicts (personal preference)
Renamed "Size" to "Population" on city sheets (personal preference)
Changed colors slightly (personal preference)
Removed the conditional formatting on the Edicts dropdowns on the Overall page so they weren't "hidden" when there was a relevant vacancy. I just didn't really like it (personal preference)
I plan to do the following as I find time to work on updating the sheet further.
To do list:
Add the (updated) magic item slots back to the settlement worksheets
Add (updated) building summaries back to the settlement worksheets
Add (updated) army and mass combat rules back into the spreadsheet
Add Settlement Modifiers to the settlement worksheets
Add the "Optional Rules" from Ultimate Campaign
Add a way to override the district count for settlements to allow for cities to spread out prematurely
Update the settlement maps to the new rules (maybe)
Update/add the Event Generator back in (maybe)
Add the Weather Generator back in (maybe)
I'll likely catch things here and there as I go back over the rules a few times that can be added/tweaked.
I'm open to suggestions for things to add/change about the sheet! Please let me know if you have any thoughts.
I'm also considering adding information from the Book of the River Nations as well as Ultimate Leadership after the bulk of the "core" rules are added/updated. I'm also working on some printable quick reference sheets that can be used as a game aid to give an easy way of sorting through the massive amount of rules for kingdom building. I'll try to post here if I make any progress on those, as well.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I'm currently GMing a Kingmaker game and one of my PCs has written a really great backstory for his character that involves a Hellknight. I was fairly familiar with Hellknights before okaying his character concept but, after reading more in depth about them, specifically in the appendices in Council of Thieves, I'm worried that I may have allowed a slightly "incorrect" portrayal of the Hellknights.
Basically, a Hellknight was repsonsible for the murder of the PC's sister who was apparently the lover of the Hellknight (are even Hellknights capable of love/intimacy?) The murder was somehow blamed on the PC's mother who was hung for the crime. Given the way that Reckonings and losing their powers work, would it even be possible for a Hellknight to get away with all of this somehow? At this point, it's so crucial to the PC's backstory that I'd rather alter the ethos of the Hellknights slightly just for our campaign than make him change it for the sake of Golarion canon.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Here is the majority of his backstory if you're interested in more reference:
Hadak Charthagnion: The Westcrown Dude
Important NPCs:
Father-Kolemat Charthagnion
Kolemat's first wife (mother to first 3 kids)-Sarnelle
Hadak's mother-Tesess
Charthagnion siblings (oldest to youngest)
-Jalmates (male)
-Lakera (female)
-Ilandria (female)
-Hadak (male)
Hadak attended an Asmodeus inspired boarding school in Westcrown. He was never very bright and was picked on because of his stutter. Lived in the shadow of Jalmates's impressive academic achievements from years past. Kolemat eventually had him pulled out of school early because he was "tired of paying for a dullard to stutter the wrong answer again and again." He was assigned to deal with the household slave's most trivial matters.
Lakera's strangled corpse is found behind The Gemmed Goblet, a fine Westcrown Inn. Hellknights arrest Tesess and she is sentenced to hang. To save face, Kolemat divorces her and makes Hadak a legal bastard at 14. She is buried in a pauper's grave.
Hadak wanders the streets of Westcrown until the gunman Athyr takes the boy in and teaches him the ways of Aroden. He takes great interest in the boy and makes him clean the man's treasured musket and learn his letters. The next few years are spent hunting down bounties with Athyr. As he reaches adulthood, Athyr initiates him into the priesthood of Aroden by teaching him the sacred mantras of healing and the names of the high priests of Aroden's church in Cheliax.
Armed with a crossbow, a knife, and a fistful of silver, Hadak eventually goes out to solve the mystery of Lakera's death. Through connection's in the church of Iomedai he learns that Savage Sir Sura Kadvok, a Hellknight, was his sister's spurned lover and killer. Against Athyr's will, Hadak tracks Kadvok down and demands that he turn himself in. Kadvok beats him and arrests him for false witness against a knight. Sir Jalmates Charthagnion, now a Hellknight as well, is commanded to bring his half brother to the Egorian dungeons to rot. His brother does so out of duty but still treats him like any other prisoner and makes the journey.
Inside of the Egorian Dungeon, Hadak lives better than most prisoners with the care packages and money sent by Ilandria. He soon becomes known by the other inmates as the Westcrown Dude. He gains the friendship of several other inmates through his generosity and protection, his gnomish cellmate Tawnteir becoming a best friend. Though resigned to their destiny in prison, Tawntier teaches Hadak to make alchemical creations. The gnome also helps him work out the majority of his stutter. The make a pistol from scrap they find and stash away several rounds in the wall of their cell. After completion, this gathers dust in the wall until Ilandria's letters stop- and Kadvok pays him a visit.
Kadvok reveals that he had purchased Ilandria from the aged Kolemat and was planning on claiming her maidenhead shortly after the meeting. He proceeded to have his men beat Hadak for tarnishing his name and on the way out he whispered a confirmation of his guilt into the bleeding man's ear. Hadak grabbed the rigged pistol and he and his prison posse fought their way through the guards to Kadvok's retreating carriage. Sir Kadvok was gunned down by the escapees and they retreated east with Ilandria towards Andoran. In Piren's Bluff, Jalmates and his men catch up with the fugitives and their families. There is a stand off but Jalmates can't catch his bastard brother. They escape, wounded, to cross the mountains.
Hadak spent many years chasing bounties in the mountains with Athyr and Tawnteir under the W.C.D. Every week he sends a letter and bank notes to Ilandria and her new child to pay her back for the love she showed while he was locked up. The years passed and age brought worries of the Knights attempting to find Ilandria and Hadak's nephew to torture Hadak's location out them. Hadak decided to go into retirement and the Green Belt seemed like the best place. Packing up his trusty, clunky pistol, he left with a group of Erastil's followers, spreading the tale along the way of his death. He asks Osma (another PC) to continue his letters to his sister as a friend of Hadak's, who watched him "die honorably in the eyes of his god", continuing to send gold in Hadak's name.
Questions and Answers:
Q) What happened with Kolemat's first wife?
A) Sarnelle died shortly after giving birth to Ilandria.
Q) Have Ilandria and Jalmates ever been in contact after Piren's Bluff? I assume not in order to keep her location secret and whatnot.
A) No. They were actually pretty close, especially since they mourned the loss of their only other full sibling together, and shared love for each other but they both know Jalmates would turn her over in a heart beat.
Jalmates and Kadvok were likely in the same order. Kadvok was older and from Westcrown, like our family, so Jalmates has had interaction with the man.
Piren's Bluff was bloody. Many Hellknight squires and lesser knights fell to a bullet that day and it became even more heated when some of the Andoran villagers joined in against the Hellknights that weren't technically in Cheliax jurisdiction. More than likely, Athyr, Tawnteir and Hadak were out of bullets and had to rely on primitive weapons to finish the battle. The way I imagined it originally, Jalmates only backed off when he realized the civilian casualties would be too great.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I've been a longtime fan of all of Paizo's products and the Pathfinder products that have been released since this past August have been excellent. However, I feel like I'm missing out on a lot by running my own campaign setting. I'm currently only subscribed to the "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" because I'm afraid that, if I buy other books, the only feats/spells/prestige classes/magic items I'll end up with are all very tied to the world of Golarion.
Do any of the Pathfinder product lines contain a substantial amount of "add-ons" that are not campaign specific?
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Our gaming group has tried several different ways of managing the "party fund" in our games. Lately, our strategies have been aimed at insuring that a reasonable amount stays in the pot at any given time. To do this, we've tried doing percentages and "if you buy this item from the loot, put X amount in", etc. We wanted to avoid people volunteering their cash at random times in arbitrary amounts (ie. Ben puts in 500gp, John puts in 1000gp when they happen to have extra cash one time). This was leading to certain players pitching in more than others and the party fund being too meager a lot of the time.
How does your gaming group handle the party fund? How do you make sure everyone pitches in fair amounts? How do you make sure it has enough in it at any given time?
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
From the way I'm reading it, isn't Extra Channel far better than Extra Lay On Hands for a Paladin (assuming 4th level or higher)? 4 extra Lay On Hands uses as opposed to 2 PLUS the main benefit of extra channeling. Am I simply misreading this? Seems kinda weird if not.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Re-posted from this thread since it was apparently in the wrong place.
If they're not already on a "To Do" list somewhere, the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook PDF file has "Chapter" spelled wrong in the bookmarks for Chapter 14 (spelled "Chaper 14").
Additionally, in the PFRPG in both print and PDF (as well as the PRD), on page 86 under the bold heading "Taking 20", second sentence, there seems to be a word missing or misplaced. Perhaps "In other words, if you make a d20 roll enough times".
Another I found on page 90 of the PFRPG (print, PDF, and PRD again), under the Appraise skill, bold heading "Check:", third sentence. Should read "If you fail the check", not "If your fail the check".
Where do I go if I find more typos like these? Post in this forum?
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I see 4 different people on Paizo's contact page under the heading Pathfinder with the word "Editor" in their title. If I discover a typo in Pathfinder products where do I go or who do I tell about these?
If they're not already on a "To Do" list somewhere, the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook PDF file has "Chapter" spelled wrong in the bookmarks for Chapter 14 (spelled "Chaper 14").
Additionally, in the PFRPG in both print and PDF (as well as the PRD), on page 86 under the bold heading "Taking 20", second sentence, there seems to be a word missing or misplaced. Perhaps "In other words, if you make a d20 roll enough times".
Where do I go if I find more typos like these? I could always let Erik Mona know via Twitter, but that seems a bit too informal ;)
EDIT: Found another already :P This one's on page 90 (all three sources again), under the Appraise skill, bold heading "Check:", third sentence. Should read "If you fail the check", not "If your fail the check".
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I've been working on a homebrew campaign setting, the details of which I won't bother going into right now. In this world, positive and negative energy work a little differently and I would like to rename the cure and inflict spells to something more suitable. I'd like the names to easily be associated with their appropriate energy type, but without making the name too long. Thing's like "Small Positive Energy Pulse" is a bit of a mouthful containing almost 3 times as many syllables as "Cure Light Wounds". I'd also like to avoid making up words in order to keep the transition a bit more intuitive, however, this may be the route I'll need to take.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to rename these spells?
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The new Bestiary lists two different types of Drow usable as characters. If using these for a player character, they seem out of balance with one another. I am likely just missing something as, I'll admit, I didn't look that hard before posting :P
There are regular drow and there are drow nobles. Drow nobles have better ability scores, higher spell resistance, and more spell-like abilities, however I see no indication of a "level adjustment" or equivalent modifier between the two even though the noble is considerably more powerful. For a player character, why would you -not- choose to use the noble character rules if there appears to be no level modifier?
Again, I'm probably just missing something. Could someone simply point me in the right direction?
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The beginning of the skills section says that "Character’s who take levels in their favored class can also chose to gain 1 additional skill point". Does this bonus apply EVERY time a character takes a level in their favored class? Since humans already effectively gain this bonus and their favored class is "any", do these bonuses stack to basically double their normal bonus as long as they don't multiclass?
I assume that all of these are true, but I thought it may deserve some clarification at some point.
Thoughts? Thanks :)
EDIT: Also, there is a typo in the line I quoted, it should be "choose" not "chose".