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Hello monks!
With the release of the Fist of the Ruby Phoenix, new monk weapons arrived, but some of them (if not all) are advanced.
But monks never get proficiency with advanced monk weapons and to do that, it would be necessary to take the general feat Martial Training 2 times and still just be trained with the weapon.
So, I have been thinking that one of two things happened:
1 - The designers never thought about advanced monk weapons when they created Monastic Weaponry and they might release a note or errata including them on the feat;
2 - They did it intentionally for monks not be able to use the weapon unless they are multiclassing and thus the Monk trait seems useless.
Monastic Weaponry: You have trained with the traditional weaponry of your monastery or school. You gain access to uncommon weapons that have the monk trait and become trained in simple and martial monk weapons. When your proficiency rank for unarmed attacks increases to expert or master, your proficiency rank for these weapons increases to expert or master as well.
Weapon Training: You become trained in all simple weapons. If you were already trained in all simple weapons, you become trained in all martial weapons. If you were already trained in all martial weapons, you become trained in one advanced weapon of your choice.
Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time you do, you become trained in additional weapons as appropriate, following the above progression.
Monk initial proficiences: Trained in simple weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks