Swiftbrook wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Next question...if YOU were the Decimverate, would you voluntarily keep a watch dog and his cronies around? Why would a private organization with adventurers who volunteer to be part of it, care about basic morality and a sense of fairness?
Q1: I don't know. I might if I felt it was better to keep them in sight where I have at least a basic idea of what they're up to.
Q2: Many reasons ...
1) If the members are dishonest, untrustworthy, and/or have no sense of basic morality and fairness, the members are out for themselves and the Society will get only token returns on the missions they send the members on. Also, if the members are dishonest, etc. the people that the Society works with will not trust them, will not work with them and will not provide them with the information they need. Without a basic level of morality and sense of fairness, the Society just becomes a bunch of thugs that goes around murdering and pillaging.
2) Isn't a lack of basic morality and a sense of fairness the definition of Chaotic Evil?
3) Is Mike just trolling or is this an honest question?
No, I think Mike's getting prickly over his lore-baby being questioned, and attempting to hide it by trolling.