Painted Servant

BomarrPunk's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Also, there's the music of Abney Park. It's got lyrics, so I don't know if that's a bust.

Pure Steam offers a soundtrack. $5, digital download, an hour of music.

Malwing wrote:
wish the crunch was presented in a more setting neutral manner with a separate fluff book.

PS Creator here. We are actually working on releasing the crunch as a standalone book, for folks with inclinations just like you.

Red Velvet Tiger wrote:
As soon as I get the funds and order this, I will post a review. LOVE steampunk material!

Thanks, Red! Let us know the location of the review and we'll share it out.

Fredrik wrote:
Have you looked at Girl Genius for inspiration yet? Mad Science is my favorite genre, which I didn't even know until I got into webcomics (since most media don't have enough for it to be a genre), and that's the best of the bunch.

We are not pulling inspiration from Girl Genius specifically, but there will be plenty of mad science. For example: we have nonmagical creation rules for golems and undead.

ZDPhoenix wrote:

Even if you're like me and do your own world, choice is a beautiful thing.

Yeah, for sure. Even if you don't use our setting info, we have classes and tech you can use for your world!

sirmattdusty wrote:
I have donated to this project and am very excited for it. I used to game with B'omarr back in the day, he was the DM of our group, and can personally attest to his storytelling prowess. It was actually B'omarr that directed me to the Pathfinder Beta that my group immediately fell in love with. I have full confidence that these guys will deliver some good steampunk content.

Thanks man! Your endorsement is well appreciated. Now let's get together and roll some dice!

Check out Pure Steam! It's PFRPG compatible. ble-rpg-setting