Ella Mornel

Boeler Widsend's page

24 posts. Alias of Lord Hyrax.


Male Halfling Monk/1

Oops, sorry about that.

Male Halfling Monk/1

Boeler slumps down, tired from his now healed wound and watches Guudwyn poke at the ceiling wondering what lies above it.

Male Halfling Monk/1

Boeler stands indignantly "I am no child! I am a halfling! What do you intend to do with that man!?" He runs forward ready to remove the dagger from his grasp if necessary.

Male Halfling Monk/1

Boeler runs forward towards the doors acting to stop whatever is happening to that man. He has no concern for Xanros is doing right now.
Dude how come you keep making up the faces for me?

Male Halfling Monk/1
Xanros Duskwalker wrote:

Xanros takes the scroll from the boy and reads it, a little disturbed that someone in town knows his name and what he looks like. After reading it over again and committing it to memory he roles it up and walks to the fireplace. As Xanros throws the note in the fire he sees Boeler's questioning look, "Later".

After he watches the note burn into ash Xanros wanders out into the street with the halfling right behind and looks up and down the street. As the scream pierces the air and faids Xanros wonders how anyone could compare this country to his former homeland, crazed barbarians here.

Looking down at the halfling he says, "Wells do you want to head out into the storm? The shadows will give us more cover and anyone else out in the storm is probably worth looking into, only us and some one up to no good would be out in the storm."

Boeler looks at Xanros, "Into the storm." then lets his face become completely devoid of emotion.

Male Halfling Monk/1

Boeler nods and as they leave the building looks around for anything or anyone intresting. Spot check 15+6=21

Male Halfling Monk/1

"That's fine with me, I'm not the greatest detective however. So don't rely on me to much.

Male Halfling Monk/1

Boeler steps out of his hiding place and says: "That was handled beautifully! I think you chose the right price though I would have asked for less. Lead on, wise diplomat!

Male Halfling Monk/1

Boeler is going to stay hidden until he feels the need to say something.
Hide check (untrained) 10+3=13

Male Halfling Monk/1

"The only languages I know are my native tongue and common so if necessary I could converse with Guudwyn. but for now, I will remain silent." Boeler fades to the back of the room trusting the encounter to the rest of you.

Male Halfling Monk/1
Gimble wrote:
"Perhaps one of us could pretend to be mute and deaf, allowing us to ask him to write things down without seeming overly odd."

Boeler turns to Gimble and says brightly "I could do that! I don't like speaking much anyway."

Male Halfling Monk/1
Rasmus Fjolfsvang wrote:
Rasmus quickly scrawls "illusion...very large...on ceiling"

Whispering, Boeler says "Hiding what?"

Male Halfling Monk/1
Rasmus Fjolfsvang wrote:
"Your father, he was a monk as well? Interesting. And am I to believe that neither of you studied at a monestary?

Boeler looks slightly shocked that you may have doubted him, but carries on in a cautious tone. "I grew up in Lindendale a town far off of your maps. I follow no god simply because I was never taught to, But shall hold nothing against you if you do the same for me." He looks at you suspiciously for a moment and says:" Why so inquisitive? By the looks of it you have explaining to do yourself! How did you come by this town any way?" He looks at you patiently awaiting your answer.

Male Halfling Monk/1

Boeler stands up proudly, "I was taught by my father. He was a great warrior but alas, his greatness went unnoticed by the big folk." His expression changing rapidly, he looks somewhat downcast and suddenly very bright. "I follow no god, I believe that depending on a deity is a sign of weakness and should never get very far in my adventures if I have to rely on some God."
He look at you contently and says "is there any thing else you would like to know?"

Male Halfling Monk/1

Boeler stands near Rasmus quite confused, not being the best of listeners he only has a dim grasp on what is going on. He turns to Rasmus and tugs at his Whatever he is wearing. Who is this baron fellow? Are we concerned with him? Who are we trying to talk to? Just so you guys know I won't have any access to a computer for two days(I would posted this on the discussion thread but there was an error).

Male Halfling Monk/1

Boeler stands near Rasmus quite confused, not being the best of listeners he only has a dim grasp on what is going on. He turns to Rasmus and tugs at his Whatever he is wearing. Who is this baron fellow? Are we concerned with him? Who are we trying to talk to?

Male Halfling Monk/1

I am here!
Sorry about lack of postage I have been very busy,
but will try to post a much as possible.

Male Halfling Monk/1

Boeler stands ready by Rasmus, trying to think of an escape plan should anything go wrong. 'Which most likely will.' He thinks to himself grimly.

Male Halfling Monk/1

He looks up at Rasmus who is nearly double his height.
"My name is Boeler Widsend I travel with Gimble How did I meet him?to learn the knowledge and wisdom of the monks of old. I would try to help anyone in need and that is why I stand before you." "However,"
He looks around sternly. "I frown upon injustice and thievery and anyone who follows that path will not find me beside them." His face softens.
"but for now I must trust you."

Male Halfling Monk/1

"I have no problem with it, let us continue."

Male Halfling Monk/1

Boeler steps towards the man asking, "do you need help with something?"

Male Halfling Monk/1
Gimble Turen wrote:

"Idiot!" I hiss under my breath as Rasmus puts himself in the path of danger. "There is something off about that child, something not quite right. Boeler, are you prepared for battle? I fear that we may be forced into battle sooner that I had anticipated. Where do you think we should fall back to? We need somewhere that we can hide and heal his wounds. If his idiocy doesn't get him killed of course." I fall back into that shadows a little more, mentally reviewing the spells that I have prepared for the day.

Unfortunatley I don't have many useful spells left and I'm pretty much useless in direct combat.

What do you mean forced into battle, What is there to fight?

Male Halfling Monk/1

Gimble, I doubt that we would be able to trust the innkeeper with something as serious as this.

Male Halfling Monk/1

(out of character) I assume that I saw Gimble cast his spell and I don't have to make a will save. In the mean time I'll just follow Gimble.