
Bob Hopp's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 75 posts (77 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.

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Mel Odom!


This book is a great example of gritty modern superhumans. It deals with what might plausibly happen if superhuman individuals were a part of our world. The FREE Lancers deal with more "down to Earth" problems where the fate of the nation/world/universe is not at stake every time out.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and its sequel. (I believe it's called "F.R.E.E.Fall".)

Our Price: $1.00

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Can't beat the value!


This map pack contains only one map. It depicts a cave with four inter-connected chambers. The walls are constructed, and the floor is paved with 5'-square flagstones. So, it's either a natural cave that was finished or a completely constructed locale. I'm inclined to guess the former, since it has no doors!

That wasn't the only design choice which I questioned. "I wouldn't put my workbench there. My back would be to THAT." However, all of my concerns disappeared when I opened up the folder of VTT (virtual table top) files. First, there's a map that has everything removed, including the pillars, the symbols on the floor, and even the torches and the light they cast. So, you can either use the "stock" dungeon, or you can spend a little extra time and set it up however you like. Plus, all those dungeon dressing objects can be reused on other maps. Seriously, there's a lot of stuff provided for just a dollar.

The image quality is very good. I zoomed in far enough that the squares were 1" across on my screen, and no pixelization is visible. The resolution on the objects does not appear to be quite as high, but it doesn't detract from the look of the map.

The things I didn't like were pretty minor. The stock positioning of the objects didn't really float my boat. If I needed to GM on short notice, I could use it, but I feel like the players would be a bit skeptical. I also would have enjoyed a larger dungeon instead of having about 1/3 of the map devoted to the area outside the entrance.

All in all, this product is a dollar well-spent.