
BoMangles's page

21 posts (158 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


you cant hear what jacks not saying

i was sleeping, after getting home from work almost 3 hours late.

well it is almost 2:30

Hirandhana wrote:
BoMangles wrote:
Hirandhana wrote:
OB42 wrote:
Jackissocool wrote:
What, that's s+!!! I had absolutely no say? I couldn't even try to resist?
sorry she tied you down & blind folded you
I call garbage on that. That's turds, huge smelly turds.
He is the GM, so his word is law.
Yeah, but some angel lady gets to blindfold me, tie me down, and (as I understand it) buttf!&% me all night and she doesn't have to make a CMB check or anything like it? There was literally nothing at all I could have done to prevent that from happening. I have every right to protest that call.

as you said, you were blindfolded and tied down. you were helpless, therefore you are treated as having a dex of 0, also melee attacks against have a +4 to the att roll. furthermore a character can take a full round action to do a coup de grace against a helpless opponent, which automatically hits.

Hirandhana wrote:
OB42 wrote:
Jackissocool wrote:
What, that's s+!!! I had absolutely no say? I couldn't even try to resist?
sorry she tied you down & blind folded you
I call garbage on that. That's turds, huge smelly turds.

He is the GM, so his word is law.

oh god, its starting


idk, im just posting more stuff about fapping :P

hes looking for more stuff to fap at

he needs more mtn dew

again, ob theres an edit button

ob, theres an edit button -.-

its ok bro, i got some mtn dew

Jackissocool wrote:
Also, PbP rocks my socks. Who knew you could play pathfinder and masturbate to r/girlsinyogapants at the same time? Not me, that's who.

got that windows 7 dual window thing going?

whats a urakan?

you should make a normals posting thing instead of using your character

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jackissocool wrote:
Hey, blow me.


nice roll of 1 slater

Idk how any of this works

Im confused

Jackissocool wrote:
I forgot to say that we will have a new person joining our game and I am encouraging him to play as an annelidian. He's probably gonna be a ToB warblade.

Thanks for the shout out Jack